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Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 4479 - Increase in Authorization for Federal Payment to District of Columbia

May 08, 1986


(Fauntroy (D) D.C. and Dellums (D) California)

The Administration opposes the enactment of H.R. 4479, because the proposed increase in the authorization for the annual Federal payment to the District of Columbia (D.C.) — from $425 million to $444.5 million — is unnecessary. An increase in the current $425 million authorization for the Federal payment is not needed to cover the $20 million that has already been appropriated for the design and construction of a new D.C. prison facility.

Ronald Reagan, Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 4479 - Increase in Authorization for Federal Payment to District of Columbia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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