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Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 1900 - Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Adoption Opportunities, and Family Violence Prevention

June 04, 1987


(Owens (D) NY and 6 others)

The administration supports extension of child abuse prevention and treatment programs and adoption opportunities programs. While improvements were made by the committee, several objectional provisions remain. Accordingly, the Administration could support H.R. 1900 if it were amended to:

— reduce the authorization level for fiscal year 1988 from $75 million to the 1987 appropriated level of $39.4 million;

— eliminate the mandated priorities for two new adoption opportunities demonstrations, which can be accomplished under existing authority;

— eliminate the remaining new administrative provisions which would be unique to these programs and would impede their efficient operation;

— eliminate the unnecessary reauthorization of the family violence prevention program, because the services under that program can be barried out under other authorities, such as the Social. Services Block Grant; and

— repeal the authority for child abuse prevention challenge grants, which are no longer necessary, because most States have established trust funds for these activities.

Ronald Reagan, Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 1900 - Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Adoption Opportunities, and Family Violence Prevention Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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