Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott On The September GOP Debate: "I'll Provide The American People With An Adult In The Room... A Contrast Between The Candidates"

September 06, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Tim Scott appeared on Fox News to discuss his campaign and how he plans to deliver for American families.

Tim will return to New Hampshire tomorrow and Friday to share his optimistic message with Granite State voters.


Trace Gallagher: What's the strategy going forward, Senator, for you to get more speaking time for you to get your name out there more often?

Sen Scott: Substance will drive my debate performance. I'll provide the American people with an adult in the room. What we cannot abide by is a food fight where the two biggest winners are Joe Biden's campaign and national media that loves to see Republicans fighting with Republicans. The road to socialism runs right through a divided Republican party. I'll increase my time by allowing the contrast between the candidates on the stage to manifest and then keep talking about why I know America can do for anyone what she's done for me. We have to restore hope, create opportunities, and protect America. That starts with backing the blue and closing our southern border.

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott On The September GOP Debate: "I'll Provide The American People With An Adult In The Room... A Contrast Between The Candidates" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364736

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