Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott Slams Bidenomics

August 23, 2023

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Martha MacCallum: So, what have you done to rein in the increasing size of government?

Tim Scott: Thank you for the question. Over the last several years, I've had an opportunity to vote against spending package after spending package after spending package. What we also need to understand is that Joe Biden's Bidenomics has led to the loss of $10,000 of spending power for the average family. When you see 16% inflation, your gas is up 40% Your food is up 20%, your electricity is up 20%, We can stop that by turning the spigot off at Washington, sending the money back to the states, and allowing the decisions to be made at their own houses. I helped write the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017. We cut taxes for single moms like the one that raised me, by 70% for dual households by 60%, Returning to the average family $4,000. If you don't send it to Washington, we can't spend it. That's good news for the American people.

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott Slams Bidenomics Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364729

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