Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott on FOX News: "I Believe That I'm Not An Exception. I Am Simply Today's Rule."

June 20, 2023

MYRTLE BEACH, SC – This evening, Tim Scott wrapped up a FOX News' Town Hall with Sean Hannity in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina by sharing how Americans are "starving for an optimistic, positive message with a backbone and conservative principles underneath."

Watch the clip here

Tim Scott
FOX News
June 20, 2023

Chelsea: Hi! Senator Tim Scott, How do you plan to differentiate yourself from the other candidates in order to bring unity back to our country?

Tim Scott: Thank you, Chelsea. I will simply say that I believe America can do for anyone what she has done for me. If we focus on restoring hope, creating opportunities, and protecting the greatest land on God's green earth, that is a good start. I've also found throughout South Carolina, now in Iowa and New Hampshire, the three states where I'm campaigning, people are starving for an optimistic, positive message with a backbone and conservative principles underneath. I believe it is our responsibility to take our message to places we are not invited. I speak at every place. I've had a town hall at a Black church. I'm gonna have one in the Brazilian church. I'm doing one in the white church. I'll do one in any church, any place in the nation, because I want all of America to appreciate our conservative values. But we also have to be willing to take our messages and our beliefs and our convictions to the highest mountains, also to the deepest valleys. We've gotta do it in a gymnasium like this filled with friends, or in an inner city church surrounded by skeptics. You see, I believe that I'm not an exception. I am simply today's rule.

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott on FOX News: "I Believe That I'm Not An Exception. I Am Simply Today's Rule." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364129

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