Bernie Sanders

Sanders Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Sanders Lands Endorsement from Unions, Progressive Group, Elected Officials and Young Democrats

November 17, 2019

WASHINGTON – Sen. Bernie Sanders this week landed the endorsements of several unions and influential groups across the country.

On Tuesday, it was announced that Sanders received the coveted endorsement from National Nurses United, the largest organization of nurses in America. The Nurses cited Sanders deep commitment to rebuilding the labor movement and his long time leadership in the fight to win Medicare for All as a major reason for their endorsement.

On Thursday evening, the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), the second-largest teachers' local in the country, overwhelmingly voted to back Sanders. Sanders received over 80% of the vote, capping the most comprehensive member engagement process that UTLA has ever conducted for a political candidate.

Moments before Sanders arrived in California for his swing through the state on Friday, 36 California elected officials announced their support for his candidacy for President of the United States. The endorsements are in addition to nearly 50 California endorsements that were announced last month.

The endorsements continued to roll in on Saturday when it was announced that the progressive group, Rights & Democracy voted to endorse Sanders at their annual Membership Assembly and People Power Summit.

Late on Saturday night at the California Democratic Party Fall Convention, the California Young Democrats voted to endorse Sanders. He received over 66% of the vote.

The endorsements represent the vibrant and growing grassroots support that Sanders' campaign is receiving from coast to coast.

Bernie Sanders, Sanders Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Sanders Lands Endorsement from Unions, Progressive Group, Elected Officials and Young Democrats Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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