Rubio Campaign Press Release - Thank You Marco Rubio: Trump 'the Most Vulgar Person Ever to Aspire to the Presidency
March 04, 2016
March 4, 2016
How did last night's Fox News debate end up having so little focus on policy or the issues?
One reason, Marco says:
The Republican frontrunner is "the most vulgar person ever to aspire to the presidency."
That's what he told CNN Friday morning:
Republicans shouldn't have a nominee that they have to hold their nose to vote for.
"Voters deserve better than what they're getting from these debates and out of this campaign," Marco said.
Trump might have nothing to offer but personal attacks, "but that's not what my campaign is about," Marco said.
I'm out there every day talking about the future of America, outlining real plans and, by the way, an optimistic vision of the future. My campaign is not doom and gloom — it's about how things can be better, if we do a certain set of things.
Marco continued: "That's what I want the Republican party to be about, the conservative movement to be about, and ultimately what our next president should be about."
Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - Thank You Marco Rubio: Trump 'the Most Vulgar Person Ever to Aspire to the Presidency Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/326057