Rubio Campaign Press Release - BusTED: Cruz Super PAC Forced to Pull Anti-Rubio Attack Ad
It's highly uncommon in politics for television stations to pull ads over legal concerns — it takes an extremely dishonest advertisement for them to refuse to air it.
And yet that's exactly what just happened with an anti-Marco attack ad run by Ted Cruz's super PAC.
After a legal review of the ad's contents, South Carolina TV stations have decided to pull it.
The ad's claim? That Marco supported sanctuary cities. In reality, he plans to cut off their federal funding as President.
The extreme dishonesty is of a part with the Cruz campaign's tactics recently: They've lied about Marco's pro-life record, drawing condemnation from top pro-life conservatives, lied about his record on marriage, misrepresented Cruz's own record on judicial nominations, and resorted to dirty campaigning tricks like false robo-calls and push polls.
Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - BusTED: Cruz Super PAC Forced to Pull Anti-Rubio Attack Ad Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/326156