Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Releases New Pro-life Ad Featuring Some of His Former Patients
Women patients attest to Dr. Paul's character, professionalism and commitment to life
LAKE JACKSON, Texas — The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign unveiled its new prolife ad "Always on the Right Path" featuring four former patients of Dr. Paul's medical practice in Brazoria County, Texas.
Dr. Paul, an Air Force flight surgeon and 12-term Congressman from Texas, is by trade an accomplished OB-GYN who personally delivered more than 4,000 babies.
The 60-second online ad will be shared via email and on websites with conservative, prolife, and values voter audiences beginning today. It begins with a narrator describing Dr. Paul as a prolific doctor, a man of faith, and a man committed to protecting life. However, the moving testimonials of his patients are what the ad features most prominently — and most effectively.
"Some people need to have a good word said about them. Ron is the sort of person that his life is his good word," former patient Laura Mays offers in the ad. "Ron did not let Washington change him," Ms. Mays later adds.
"He not only protects unborn life, but he also walks through journeys with women and he has for years," Kara Gore proclaims in the ad.
"It's not hard for someone who is a Christian and who truly believes to stay on the right path, and I think that's what kind of person Ron Paul is," Diane Wilson declares in the ad.
"This ad is unequaled in its authenticity, and in its capacity to convey the message that not only is Ron Paul the Champion of the Constitution, he is also a champion of life with particular emphasis on the unborn," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "This is a clear case of credible subject matter serving as its own convincing message."
To view the online ad click here.
Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Releases New Pro-life Ad Featuring Some of His Former Patients Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/299134