Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Really Saying About Governor Mitt Romney At The St. Petersburg, FL GOP Debate - Vol. II
CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6390
National Review's Kate O'Beirne: "Romney's performance is his strongest in the series." (National Review's The Corner, corner.nationalreview.com, Accessed 11/28/07)
Michelle Malkin: "So, who won? Quick and dirty reaction: Romney looked strong and energetic ..." (Michelle Malkin, "Liveblogging The CNN/Youtube," http://michellemalkin.com/, Posted 11/28/07)
Townhall's Mary Katherine Ham: "[Romney] came across serious and conservative." (Mary Katharine Ham, "Who Won?," http://www.townhall.com/blog, 11/28/07)
The American Spectator's Philip Klein: "... I thought Romney got the better of that [immigration] exchange. It's one thing to use Romney's illegal immigrant lawn care workers in a joke, but it's another thing to try and base a serious criticism on that." (Philip Klein, "Sanctuary Mansion," The American Spectator, 11/28/07)
CBS' Vaughn Ververs: "In the opening minutes, Romney and Rudy Giuliani sparred over illegal immigration... Romney appeared to get the upper hand in the exchange, challenging Giuliani on his charge and the sometimes vocal audience sounded a note of apparent disapproval at the mayor's line of attack." (Vaughn Ververs, "Romney Battles, Huckabee Shines In GOP Debate," CBS' Horserace '08 Blog, http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs, Posted 11/28/07)
Captain's Quarters' Ed Morrissey: "Romney gets the edge here, especially for beating Rudy Giuliani like a bongo drum on immigration." (Ed Morrissey, "CNN/YouTube Debate – CNN Wins," Captain's Quarters, www.captainsquartersblog.com, Posted 11/28/07)
- Morrissey: "Romney has this issue [of interrogations] exactly correct. We should not start defining these techniques on national debates for the reasons Romney said." (Heading Right, www.headingright.com, Accessed 11/28/07)
Power Line's Scott Johnson: "Best performance: Mitt Romney." (Scott Johnson, "Best And Worst Of The Debate," Power Line, http://www.powerlineblog.com/, Posted 11/28/07)
- Johnson: "Best line of the night: Mitt Romney, on abortion ('I was wrong')." (Scott Johnson, "Best And Worst Of The Debate," Power Line, http://www.powerlineblog.com/, Posted 11/28/07)
National Review's Kathryn Jean Lopez: "Romney played it straight and didn't over explain the abortion change. Seemed a wise and effective approach, especially in this format." (National Review's The Corner, http://corner.nationalreview.com, Accessed 11/28/07)
Heading Right's Macranger: "Good answer [on life]. People do change." (Heading Right, www.headingright.com, Accessed 11/28/07)
The American Spectator's Philip Klein: "[Gov. Romney] showed more humility by saying several times he was wrong, that he isn't perfect, that he hasn't always made the right decisions. It worked a lot better for him." (Philip Klein, "Romney's Abortion Flip-Flop Answer," The American Spectator, 11/28/07)
Townhall's Hugh Hewitt: "I agree with most of the posters at The Corner that Mitt is doing very, very well." (Townhall.com, www.townhall.com Accessed 11/28/07)
Former Secretary Of Education Bill Bennett: "Mitt Romney talked about education as the next civil right...Liberals have failed inner city blacks overwhelmingly in the last 30 years. That's why the question from the father and son was so pertinent and I thought Romney did a good job on it." (CNN's "Post Debate Coverage," 11/28/07)
Townhall's Mary Katharine Ham: "... I grew up in the inner city, in public schools. The plight of those who live there is real, sad, and cannot often be solved by the Nanny State. Romney focuses on families, empowerment, police protection in solving black-on-black crime, and invokes Bill Cosby. Well done. It addressed the question directly and treated the questioners' concerns with respect. It was a serious answer with real application, not a flippant appeal to the family values crowd that would have made him look disconnected, which it easily could have been." (Mary Katharine Ham, "Romney's Winner Answer on Black-on-Black Crime," Townhall.com, www.townhall.com, 11/28/07)
The American Spectator's John Tabin: "Romney's answer is pretty good; family's important, of course it is" (James G. Poulos, "Black On Black Crime," The American Spectator, 11/28/07)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Really Saying About Governor Mitt Romney At The St. Petersburg, FL GOP Debate - Vol. II Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296819