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Romney Campaign Press Release - What If @Bill_Clinton12 Were Tweeting?

June 05, 2012

@Bill_Clinton12 Recently Had Some Nice Things To Say About How Qualified @MittRomney Is To Be President:

@Bill_Clinton12: There's no question that @MittRomney had a sterling business career.

  • Former President Clinton, On Governor Romney: "Sterling Business Career." "'There's no question that in terms of getting up and going to the office and basically performing the essential functions of the office, a man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold,' he said." (Amie Parnes, "Bill Clinton Says Mitt Romney Qualified To Run, Defends Bain Work," The Hill, 6/1/12)

@Bill_Clinton12: The Obama campaign shouldn't be attacking @MittRomney's private sector work.

  • Former President Clinton, On Governor Romney's Business Experience: "I Don't Think That We Ought To Get Into The Position Where We Say 'This Is Bad Work. This Is Good Work.'" "'I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work,' Clinton said. 'The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold.'" (Byron Tau, "Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's Business Record 'Sterling'," Politico, 5/31/12)

@Bill_Clinton12: In my humble opinion, the time @MittRomney spent at Bain Capital was a good business career.

  • "Clinton Also Went On To Say That Romney's Time At Bain Capital Represented A 'Good Business Career.'" (Byron Tau, "Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's Business Record 'Sterling'," Politico, 5/31/12)

@Bill_Clinton12 Had Some Not-So-Nice Nice Things To Say About the Lack Of Qualifications Of @BarackObama In 2007:

@Bill_Clinton12: A vote for @BarackObama is a crap shoot – a roll of the dice.

  • Bill Clinton On Voting For Obama: "Roll The Dice." CLINTON: "And we're prepared to roll the dice. We're prepared to..." PBS's CHARLIE ROSE: "You want to say to the voters, if they have prepared to choose someone with less experience, but perhaps other qualities, as you've said, gifted in politics, gifted in intellect, then they're rolling the dice, is what you're saying." CLINTON: "Well..." ROSE: "Rolling the dice about America if they don't choose the person who's had the kind of experience you're talking about." Clinton: "It's less predictable, isn't it?" (PBS's "Charlie Rose Show," 12/15/07)

@Bill_Clinton12: Why would you vote 4 @BarackObama with only 1 year in the Senate? Really?

  • Bill Clinton On Obama: "When Is The Last Time We Elected A President Based On One Year Of Service In The Senate Before He Started Running?" CLINTON: "I mean when is the last time we elected a president based on one year of service in the Senate before he started running? He would have been a senator longer by the time he's inaugurated, but essentially once you start running for president full-time you don't have time to do much else." (PBS's "Charlie Rose Show," 12/15/07)

@Bill_Clinton12: If you're voting for @BarackObama you might as well vote for Chris Matthews!

  • VIDEO: Bill Clinton Says Obama's Candidacy Is Akin To A Gifted TV Commentator Running. CLINTON: "In theory, we could find someone who is a gifted television commentators and let them run. They'd have only one year less experience in national politics." (PBS's "Charlie Rose Show," 12/15/07)

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - What If @Bill_Clinton12 Were Tweeting? Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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