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Governor Mitt Romney: "I don't think that the Democrats are right when they say that they're planning on raising taxes, that'll somehow make us stronger. I think that'll hurt our economy. Raising taxes slows the economy down. I want to keep taxes down. That was the first lesson of Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan 101: bring taxes down, that will grow the economy and allow us to have better jobs and a better future. And so I want to keep our taxes down." (Gov. Mitt Romney, Remarks, Conway, NH, 12/22/07)
Governor Romney Has A Record Of Fighting For Lower Taxes In Massachusetts:
The Club For Growth: Governor Romney's Record Includes "Solid Efforts To Promote Pro-Growth Tax Policy." "That said, Governor Romney's single term contained some solid efforts to promote pro-growth tax policy." (The Club For Growth, "Mitt Romney's Record On Economic Issues," Press Release, 8/21/07)
- Massachusetts Citizens For Limited Taxation Executive Director Barbara Anderson: "There was no one else out on the horizon and with the legislature almost entirely Democratic, we felt it was necessary to have a grown-up in the corner office. ... And we were right to back him. He's been a really good friend to the taxpayers." (Shawn Macomber, "Mighty Mitt Romney," The American Spectator, 3/06)
- Beacon Hill Institute Executive Director David Terck: Governor Romney Did "Hold The Line On Taxes In Every Significant Sense." (Fox News' "Journal Editorial Report," 3/31/07)
CAPITAL GAINS TAXES: Governor Romney Turned The Legislature's $250 Million Retroactive Capital Gains Tax Increase Into A $250 Million Tax Refund. (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington, D.C., 3/2/07)
INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT: Governor Romney Signed An Economic Stimulus Package Making The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Permanent. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs Economic Stimulus, Supplemental Budget Bills," Press Release, 11/26/03)
PROPERTY TAX RELIEF: Governor Romney Proposed And Signed Legislation Providing Property Tax Relief To Senior Citizens, Enabling Them To Keep Their Homes. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs Bill To Give Seniors Tax Relief," Press Release, 11/20/05)
2004 SALES TAX HOLIDAY: Governor Romney Enacted The State's First-Ever Sales Tax Holiday In 2004. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Promotes Tax-Free Shopping Day On Saturday," Press Release, 8/14/04)
2005 SALES TAX HOLIDAY: Governor Romney Enacted A Second Sales Tax Holiday. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney, Dimasi, Hart Promote Tax-Free Shopping Weekend," Press Release, 8/14/0)
BIOTECH MANUFACTURING JOBS TAX REBATE: Governor Romney Proposed And Enacted A Tax Rebate For Manufacturing Jobs Created In The Biotechnology, Life Sciences And Medical Device Fields. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs Economic Stimulus, Supplemental Budget Bills," Press Release, 11/26/03)
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TAX CREDIT: Governor Romney Proposed And Enacted An Expansion Of The Research And Development Tax Credit. (Jay Fitzgerald, "Gov Nearly Halves Package; Rebellious Legislators Vow To Override Stimulus Vetoes," The Boston Herald, 11/27/03)
LOW-INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT: Governor Romney Extended The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. (Jessica Fargen, "Romney Pegs Courthouses For Repair Money," The Patriot Ledger, 8/11/04)
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS TAX RELIEF: Governor Romney Ended The Prescription Drug Tax Which Fell Disproportionately On Seniors. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs No New Tax Budget In Time For New Fiscal Year," Press Release, 6/30/03)
COMMUTER TAX RELIEF: Governor Romney Signed Legislation Allowing Commuters To Deduct Transportation Costs From Their Income Taxes. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Governor Romney Signs $25.2 Billion FY 2007 State Budget," Press Release, 7/8/06)
VETERANS TAX RELIEF: Governor Romney Signed Legislation Providing Disabled Massachusetts Veterans With Extensive Tax Exemptions. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Expands Tax Benefits For Disabled Veterans," Press Release, 8/14/06)
HOME HEATING OIL DEDUCTION/ENERGY EFFICIENT CREDIT: Governor Romney Signed Legislation Giving Homeowners A Deduction Of Up To $800 For Home Heating Costs And Providing A One-Time Credit For Homeowners Who Purchase Energy Efficient Heating Products. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs Legislation To Provide Energy Price Relief And Increase Conservation," Press Release, 11/22/05)
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Governor Romney Proposed And Enacted A Refundable Tax Credit To Promote Development At The Former Fort Devens U.S. Army Base. (Stephen Heuser, "$660M Drug Plant, 550 Jobs For Mass.," The Boston Globe, 6/2/06)
FIRE SAFETY TAX DEDUCTION: Governor Romney Proposed And Enacted A Tax Deduction For Businesses Installing Automatic Sprinkler Systems To Enhance Fire Safety. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs Into Law Landmark Fire Safety Legislation," Press Release, 8/17/04)
CONFORMITY TO FEDERAL INCOME TAX CODE: Under Governor Romney, Massachusetts Was Brought Into Conformity With The Federal Code, Providing Massachusetts Taxpayers With A Range Of Credits, Exemptions and Deductions Previously Unavailable To Them. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Urges Taxpayers To File For New Tax Breaks," Press Release, 1/24/06)
MEDICAL DEVICE TAX CREDIT: Governor Romney Enacted Legislation Providing A Tax Credit For User Fees Paid By Medical Device Manufacturers to The U.S. Food And Drug Administration. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Expands Tax Benefits For Disabled Veterans," Press Release, 8/14/06)
MOTION PICTURE TAX CREDIT: Governor Romney Signed Legislation Providing Tax Incentives For Movie And Television Production In Massachusetts. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "'Lights, Camera, Action!' In Massachusetts," Press Release, 11/23/05)
BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT TAX CREDIT EXTENTION: Governor Romney Signed Legislation Extending The Tax Credit For Brownfield Site Redevelopment. ("Campaign Notes," The Berkshire Eagle, 7/8/06)
HISTORIC REHABILITATION TAX CREDIT: Under Governor Romney, The Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Was Created Which Provides A Tax Credit For The Renovation Of Historic Buildings. (The General Court Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts, Chapter 141 Of The Acts Of 2003, "An Act Relative To Investments In Emerging Technologies To Promote Job Creation, Economic Stability And Competitiveness In The Massachusetts Economy")
Governor Romney Has Proposed A Pro-Growth Tax Agenda That Includes:
Making The Bush Tax Cuts Permanent. Governor Romney believes making the Bush Tax Cuts permanent is the first step to ensuring that Americans are able to keep more of their hard-earned money. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: A Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes," Press Release, 10/4/07)
Rolling Back Tax Rates Across The Board For All Americans. As President, Governor Romney will cut marginal tax rates across the board, allowing all Americans to save more money. This approach is fair, simple and extends the pro-growth benefits of tax rate cuts to all Americans. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: A Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes," Press Release, 10/4/07)
Making Middle Class Savings Tax Free. Governor Romney's plan will allow middle class Americans to save tax free by changing the tax rate on interest, capital gains and dividends to absolutely 0%. By helping more Americans save and invest, we can meet the challenges of an aging population and ensure the financial security of America. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: A Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes," Press Release, 10/4/07)
Killing The Death Tax. It is unfair to tax the American people three times: once when they earn their money; second when they invest it and receive income from those investments; and third when they die. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: A Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes," Press Release, 10/4/07)
Making Our Corporate Tax Rate Must Be Competitive With The Rest Of The World. The United States has the second highest corporate tax rate in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. We simply cannot afford for future economic growth to have a tax rate that is out of alignment with the other major economies of the world. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: A Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes," Press Release, 10/4/07)
Opposing Any Increase In Social Security Taxes. We can strengthen Social Security without resorting to higher Social Security taxes that will impact all Americans. Governor Romney will oppose any proposed increase in Social Security taxes. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: A Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes," Press Release, 10/4/07)
Making Qualified Medical Expenses Tax Deductible. Governor Romney supports the full deductibility of qualified medical expenses, which will allow Americans to deduct the cost of their health insurance and out-of-pocket medical expenses, where accompanied by at least catastrophic insurance. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: A Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes," Press Release, 10/4/07)
Preventing The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) From Hurting More American Families. At the very least, Congress must pass a patch to the AMT that will prevent this tax from affecting more and more families in America. (Romney For President, "Strategy For A Stronger America: Real Conservative Solutions," Press Release, 12/13/07)
Governor Romney Has Always Supported The Bush Tax Cuts:
Governor Romney Called The President's Tax Relief A "Powerful" Economic Tool. "Like Rhode Island, Massachusetts is heavily Democratic; John Kerry of the Bay State will sweep both places in November. I asked Romney how it helps Massachusetts that Bush is president. 'It helps America to have George Bush as president, and Massachusetts is part of America – still,' he chuckled. He said Bush, using the 'powerful' tool of a tax cut, has worked hard to stimulate the economy." (Charles Bakst, "Mitt Romney To Have His Moment In The GOP Spotlight," The Providence Journal, 8/31/04)
At The Republican National Convention, Governor Romney Praised Fiscally Conservative Government That "Leaves More Money In The Hands Of The Taxpayers." "We step forward by insisting on Ronald Reagan's vision of a compassionate and fiscally conservative government that promotes the opportunity of ownership and leaves more money in the hands of the taxpayers." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Republican National Convention, New York City, NY, 9/1/04)
At A 2002 Fundraiser, President Bush Advocated Making The Tax Cuts Permanent Saying "I Know Romney Feels The Same Way." PRESIDENT BUSH: "They also need to make sure the tax cuts are permanent. Let me tell you my thoughts about tax relief. When your economy is kind of ooching along, it's important to let people have more of their own money. Here's the page out of the textbook that I believe is important. I know Romney feels the same way. If you let somebody keep more of their own money, they're likely to demand a good or a service. And when they demand a good or a service in this system, somebody is likely to produce that good or a service. And when somebody produces that good or a service, somebody is more likely to be able to find work." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At A Massachusetts Victory 2002 Reception, Boston, MA, 10/4/02)
- Mitt Romney: President Bush Knows How To Stop Those Who Want To Raise Taxes. MITT ROMNEY: "We have to make sure that we have that battle cry here today as well because there are some people who would get the bus going back to 'Taxachusetts' and this man [President Bush] knows how to stop that kind of stuff." (Mitt Romney, Remarks At A Massachusetts Victory 2002 Reception, Boston, MA, 10/4/02)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Record: Supporting Pro-Growth Tax Policies Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project