Romney Campaign Press Release - Sen. Kelly Ayotte: Mitt Romney Will Speak Up For Freedom
"[W]hen the people of Tehran stood in the streets in 2009 and asked for freedom, the President did not speak up for them. I can tell you that when Mitt Romney is president he will speak up for freedom." — Sen. Kelly Ayotte
State of the Union
July 29, 2012
Watch Senator Kelly Ayotte Discuss President Obama's Failed Leadership On Foreign Policy
Senator Kelly Ayotte: "Well, I certainly give him credit for getting Osama bin Laden and the drone attacks, but Candy, let's be clear of where we are. Let's look at the situation right now In Syria, where essentially he has outsourced leadership to the United Nations, and is it a surprise that China and Russia don't want to support freedom in Syria? I mean, look at his reset policy. Here we have Russia basically thumbing their nose at the United States of America and continuing to provide arms to the Assad regime, and in addition to that, this week there was a report at the end of the week that the Russian naval chief, that Russia was actually looking at opening additional bases including one in Cuba. We are not stronger. The relationship with Israel, when the people of Tehran stood in the streets in 2009 and asked for freedom, the President did not speak up for them. I can tell you that when Mitt Romney is president he will speak up for freedom."
CNN's Candy Crowley: "They certainly imposed sanctions."
Ayotte: "He was drug to the table, to the economic sanctions. The congressional leaders of both sides of the aisle are the ones who pushed stronger economic sanctions. It took years into the presidency to get those tougher economic sanctions in place."
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Sen. Kelly Ayotte: Mitt Romney Will Speak Up For Freedom Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/302217