Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney For President Launches New Television Ad, "It's Personal To Me"
CONTACT: Romney Press Shop (857) 288-6390
Boston, MA – Today, Romney for President launched its newest television ad, "It's Personal To Me." In the ad, Governor Romney talks about his agenda to strengthen Michigan. Born and raised in Michigan, Governor Romney is proud of his roots in the state and believes it is "inexcusable that Michigan is undergoing a one-state recession." To strengthen the economy, Governor Romney believes we must, in part, invest in technology, open markets and keep taxes down. After a successful private sector career, Governor Romney is the only candidate who understands the business world and how the economy works.
The ad will begin airing today as part of the campaign's rotation in Michigan. Script and viewing links are below.
Script For "It's Personal To Me" (TV:30):
GOVEROR MITT ROMNEY: "And for me, Michigan is personal.
"It's inexcusable that Michigan is undergoing a one-state recession.
"High levels of unemployment, industry is shrinking here, jobs are going away.
"We're going to invest in technology and research to make sure that American goods are pushing into other markets.
"We're also going to have to do a better job keeping our taxes down.
"I think I'm probably the only guy on this stage who spent most of his career in the business world.
"I understand how the economy works.
"There's a lot we can do to strengthen Michigan.
"I'm Mitt Romney and I approved this message."
To watch "It's Personal To Me," please click here .
AD FACTS: Script For "It's Personal To Me" (TV:30):
GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "And for me, Michigan is personal. It's inexcusable that Michigan is undergoing a one-state recession. High levels of unemployment, industry is shrinking here, jobs are going away."
- Detroit News's Brian J. O'Connor: "Four years into what local economists call 'a one-state recession,' Michigan's damaged economy should be bottoming out in the next year or so, economists say. Already the state boasts some of the highest unemployment and foreclosure rates in the nation and is seeing its population dwindle as residents quit the state to find work elsewhere." (Brian J. O'Connor, "Economic Pain Will Get Even Worse," The Detroit News, 11/2/07)
- Michigan's Unemployment Rate Is Currently The Highest In The Country At 7.7%. (U.S. Department Of Labor, "Unemployment Rates, Seasonally Adjusted," Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Link, Accessed 12/20/07)
ANNOUNCER: "We're going to invest in technology and research to make sure that American goods are pushing into other markets."
- Governor Romney Wants To Ensure Government Invests In Research Wisely. "I'd like to make sure that we review how government invests our research dollars, because I want to see more research dollars going into power generation, fuel technology, materials science. I think it's critical that America continue to invest in our future in technology. It is what will allow us to lead the nations of the world for generations to come." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Detroit Economic Club, Detroit, MI, 2/7/07)
- Governor Romney: We Need To Do "A Better Job Investing In Basic Science And Research." "Investing in science and research is one of the ways the U.S. can remain competitive and slow the loss of manufacturing jobs, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney told Michigan audiences Saturday. — 'There is something we can do as a country to show we care very deeply about manufacturing and maintaining America's manufacturing base,' Romney told media after addressing an audience in Flint, a Michigan city hard hit by the problems of General Motors Corp. and the domestic auto industry. 'One of the things we can do is a better job investing in basic science and research.'" (Tim Martin, "Romney Wrapping Up Two-Day Tour Through Michigan," The Associated Press, 4/29/07)
ANNOUNCER: "We're also going to have to do a better job keeping our taxes down."
- Governor Romney Will Make The Bush Tax Cuts Permanent. Governor Romney believes making the Bush Tax Cuts permanent is the first step to ensuring that Americans are able to keep more of their hard-earned money.
- Governor Romney Will Roll Back Tax Rates Across The Board For All Americans. As President, Governor Romney will cut marginal tax rates across the board, allowing all Americans to save more money.
- Governor Romney Will Make Middle Class Savings Tax Free. Governor Romney's plan will allow middle class Americans to save tax free by changing the tax rate on interest, capital gains and dividends to absolutely 0%.
- Governor Romney Will Kill The Death Tax. It is unfair to tax the American people three times: once when they earn their money; second when they invest it and receive income from those investments; and third when they die.
- Governor Romney Believes Our Corporate Tax Rate Must Be Competitive With The Rest Of The World. The United States has the second highest corporate tax rate in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. We simply cannot afford for future economic growth to have a tax rate out of alignment with the other major economies of the world.
- Governor Romney Opposes Any Increase In Social Security Taxes. We can strengthen Social Security without resorting to higher Social Security taxes that will impact all Americans. Governor Romney will oppose any proposed increase in Social Security taxes.
- Governor Romney Will Make Qualified Medical Expenses Tax Deductible. Governor Romney supports the full deductibility of qualified medical expenses, which will allow Americans to deduct the cost of their health insurance and out-of-pocket medical expenses, where accompanied by at least catastrophic insurance.
- Governor Romney Will Prevent The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) From Hurting More American Families. At the very least, Congress must pass a patch to the AMT that will prevent this tax from affecting more and more families in America.
- Cato Institute Tax Policy Studies Director Chris Edwards: "Romney's Plan Is Entirely A Supply-Side Tax Policy. ... Every Point Is Good For The Economy." (Donald Lambro, Op-Ed, "Party Divide Wide On The Economy," The Washington Times, 10/7/07)
- The Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "His sweeping tax cut agenda is the best in the entire Republican field, earning praise from the Cato Institute, the libertarian policy institute." (Donald Lambro, "In Search Of The Right Candidate," The Washington Times, 10/18/07)
ANNOUNCER: "I think I'm probably the only guy on this stage who spent most of his career in the business world. I understand how the economy works. There's a lot we can do to strengthen Michigan. I'm Mitt Romney and I approved this message."
- Bloomberg's Heidi Pryzbyla: "Romney's business record is unmatched by the current crop of leading candidates." (Heidi Pryzbyla, "Romney Finds Classmate Bush's Management Lapses Unlikely Hurdle," Bloomberg, 7/1/07)
- Fortune: "He is, after all, the most serious major-party presidential candidate to come out of the business world since ... well, since his father, George Romney, onetime CEO of American Motors, who ran in 1968." (Marcia Vickers, "The Republicans' Mr. Fix-It," Fortune Magazine, 6/27/07)
- Governor Romney Has "A Solid Reputation In The Business Community For Turning Companies Around." CNN's RHONDA SCHAFFLER: "Romney had a solid reputation in the business community for turning companies around, like Staples, Domino's Pizza and the Sports Authority." (CNN's "Business Unusual," 1/27/02)
To watch "It's Personal To Me," please click here .
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney For President Launches New Television Ad, "It's Personal To Me" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project