Click Below To Watch Candidate Obama In 2008 Promising Immigration Reform "By The End Of My First Term As President Of The United States Of America"
In 2008, Candidate Obama Repeatedly Promised That He Would Pursue Immigration Reform In His First Term In Office:
In 2008, Candidate Obama Promised Univision's Jorge Ramos He Would Pursue Comprehensive Immigration Reform In His First Year In Office. RAMOS: "Senator Clinton promised to send a comprehensive immigration reform bill to Congress within her first 100 days. Can you match this promise? She did. She told us that." OBAMA: "Well initially it was her first term. And then I think when I said I would do it in the first year she upped the ante and said 100 days." ... RAMOS: "In the first year?" OBAMA: "In my first year in office." (Univision, 5/28/08)
- "I Can Guarantee Is That We Will Have In The First Year An Immigration Bill That I Strongly Support And That I'm Promoting." RAMOS: "Can you do it in 100 days?" OBAMA: "I cannot guarantee that it is going to be in the first 100 days. But what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And I want to move that forward as quickly as possible." (Univision, 5/28/08)
Candidate Obama In July 2008, On Immigration Reform: "We Can't Wait Twenty Years From Now To Do It. We Can't Wait Ten Years From Now To Do It. We Need To Do It By The End Of My First Term As President Of The United States Of America." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks in Washington, D.C., 7/8/08)
But President Obama Hasn't Delivered The Change He Promised:
Univision's Jorge Ramos: "President Barack Obama, He Broke His Promise. It's That Simple." ABC's JAKE TAPPER: "So that's known in the Hispanic community as Obama's promise. Did he keep it?" RAMOS: "La promesa de Obama, no. President Barack Obama, he broke his promise. It's that simple. We've been waiting for 18 months for change. We haven't seen change." (ABC's "This Week," 7/4/10)
"Obama Broke His Promise To Tackle Immigration Reform In His First Year In Office, Partly Because It Was Sidelined During His Long Push For Healthcare Reform." "Obama's 2008 election victory can be partly attributed to a huge turnout of reliably Democratic Hispanic voters drawn by his promise to deliver immigration reform that would allow millions of illegal immigrants a path to U.S. citizenship. Obama broke his promise to tackle immigration reform in his first year in office, partly because it was sidelined during his long push for healthcare reform. Obama has acknowledged that he is still committed to this pledge for federal immigration reform, but said it will have to wait." (Reuters, 10/28/11)
Now President Obama Is Busy Rewriting History — Claiming He Never Promised What He Promised:
President Obama: "In 2008 I Didn't Promise That I Would Have Everything Completed By The End Of The First Term. I Said That We Would Begin Work On All These Things." QUESTION: "You've accomplished a lot but then critics, Republicans, and even people from your base, criticize you for making promises that you weren't able to fulfill, like immigration reform. Do you regret having made that promise and not being able to deliver it in your first term?" OBAMA: "No ... If you look at the promises that I made back in 2008, we have achieved many of them ... There are some things like comprehensive immigration reform that we have not got done yet. But in 2008 I didn't promise that I would have everything completed by the end of the first term. I said that we would begin work on all these things." (Latin American Herald Tribune, 9/17/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - President Obama's Broken Promise On Immigration Reform Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project