"President Obama's report on sequestration confirmed what we've known for months — his defense cuts will devastate our national security and jeopardize jobs across the country. Americans deserve real leadership from their president and an honest plan to spare the country from these catastrophic cuts. As president, Mitt Romney will never play politics with our defense budget." — Ryan Williams, Romney Campaign Spokesman
Today, The Obama White House Released A New Report Detailing Their Devastating Defense Cuts:
The Obama White House Released A Detailed Report On The Defense Cuts Set To Take Place In 2013. "President Barack Obama on Friday detailed how roughly $120 billion in cuts to the Pentagon and domestic programs will be applied if Congress doesn't shut off a planned "sequester" before the end of the year, casting blame on Congress for failing to bring spending and taxes into line and address the nation's $16 trillion debt." (Austin Wright and Jonathan Allen, "White House Releases Sequester Details," Politico, 9/14/12)
The Report — Which Tried To Blame Republicans For The Cuts — Noted That Most Defense Programs Will Receive An Approximately 10% Cut. "The overview: There would be a 9.4 percent cut to most defense programs — except those exempted in the sequestration law — and a 10 percent cut to a handful of other Pentagon accounts that are not subject to annual congressional appropriations. ... The president and his Democratic allies say that Republicans have put at risk the nation's defenses..." (Austin Wright and Jonathan Allen, "White House Releases Sequester Details," Politico, 9/14/12)
But President Obama's Effort To Distance Himself From These Cuts Won't Work — His Administration Proposed The Cuts Last Year:
President Obama's Administration Was Behind The Idea Of "Massive Defense Cuts." "The book 'The Price of Politics,' by Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward, makes it clear the idea for the draconian spending cuts originated in the White House — and not in Congress. According to the book, excerpts of which were obtained by POLITICO ahead of the Sept. 11 release, President Barack Obama's top deputies believed the prospect of massive defense cuts would compel Republicans to agree to a deficit-cutting grand bargain. Then-OMB Director Jack Lew, now the White House chief of staff, and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors pitched the idea to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Woodward writes." (Austin Wright, "Bob Woodward Book Could Bolster Republican Attack On W.H.," Politico, 9/7/12)
"The Idea For The Draconian Spending Cuts Originated In The White House — And Not In Congress." "A forthcoming book could give new ammunition to Republican hawks eager to blame the Obama administration for looming, across-the-board cuts to the defense budget. The book 'The Price of Politics,' by Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward, makes it clear the idea for the draconian spending cuts originated in the White House — and not in Congress." (Austin Wright, "Bob Woodward Book Could Bolster Republican Attack On W.H.," Politico, 9/7/12)
"Simply Put, The White House And The Democrats Were Going To Be Able To Sell A Deal To Their Rank And File Because Of Defense Cuts." (Bob Woodward, The Price Of Politics, 2012, p. 204)
President Obama's Top Deputies, Including Jack Lew, Pitched The Idea Of Defense Cuts To Senator Harry Reid. "According to the book, excerpts of which were obtained by POLITICO ahead of the Sept. 11 release, President Barack Obama's top deputies believed the prospect of massive defense cuts would compel Republicans to agree to a deficit-cutting grand bargain. Then-OMB Director Jack Lew, now the White House chief of staff, and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors pitched the idea to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Woodward writes." (Austin Wright, "Bob Woodward Book Could Bolster Republican Attack On W.H.," Politico, 9/7/12)
Vice President Biden, On The Defense Cuts: "This Is A Dangerous Area, But We Should Look At It." "On the national side, including Defense, the State Department, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs, Lew said, 'We are beginning a strategic review — a fast strategic review is being initiated. But it's possible to talk about the numbers without Defense being on the table.' 'Veterans Affairs,' Biden interrupted in some wonderment. The military was sacred, and it could be political suicide for Democrats to consider cuts for vets. 'This is a dangerous area,' he acknowledged, 'but we should look at it.'" (Bob Woodward, The Price Of Politics, 2012, p. 115)
Republicans In Congress Have Made Efforts To Avoid The Implementation Of President Obama's Defense Cuts. "The House of Representatives voted Thursday afternoon to pass the GOP's plan to replace the sequestration or automatic cuts that would have slashed the defense budget with another set of budget reductions that curtail domestic programs." (John Parkinson, "House Passes Bill Stemming Defense Cuts," ABC News, 5/10/12)
But Now That The Cuts Are Threatening To Devastate Jobs And National Security, President Obama Is Quick To Blame Others:
President Obama's Defense Cuts Could Put As Many As 1.5 Million Jobs At Risk. "'Sequestration ($1 trillion in cuts) assumes across the board spending cuts with losses peaking in the 2013-2014 time period, with 1 million to 1.5 million jobs lost and that could increase the U.S. unemployment rate by nearly 1 percentage point in the near term,' said Lt. Col. Elizabeth Robbins, a spokeswoman of the Department of Defense." (Sean Gorman, "Rep. Randy Forbes Says 1.53 Million Defense Jobs Are 'At Risk,'" Politifact, 10/12/11)
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Says Defense Cuts Will Result In The "Smallest Ground Force Since 1940, The Smallest Number Of Ships Since 1915 And The Smallest Air Force In Its History." "Defense Secretary Leon Panetta spelled out a doomsday scenario Monday that he said could occur if Congress fails to take action to avoid a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over the next decade. Panetta, responding to a letter from Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, said cuts of nearly $100 billion a year would leave the United States with its smallest ground force since 1940, the smallest number of ships since 1915 and the smallest air force in its history." (David Alexander, "Panetta Spells Out Budget Cut Doomsday Fears," Reuters, 11/14/11)
Secretary Panetta: "Guarantees That We Are Going To Hollow The Force And Devastate Our National Security." PANETTA: "And let me tell you something if sequester goes into effect, you can throw all of this out the window. Sequester doubles the numbers of cuts, does it through that crazy formula, and guarantees that we are going to hollow the force and devastate our national security." (Secretary Leon Panetta, Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee On Defense, U.S. House Of Representatives, Testimony, 2/16/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Obama's Devastating Defense Cuts Detailed Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/302930