A Look At Why Sen. McCain Voted Against The Bush Tax Cuts
"In 2001, Sen. McCain argued, 'I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief.' That statement is virtually indistinguishable from the class-warfare demagoguery used by Democrats like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry." – Pat Toomey, The Club For Growth (Pat Toomey, Op-Ed, "The McCain Record," The Wall Street Journal, 3/13/07)
Sen. McCain Joined Democrats In Voting Against The 2001 And 2003 Bush Tax Cuts:
In 2001, Sen. McCain Was One Of Only Two Republicans To Vote Against The $1.35 Trillion Bush Tax Cuts. The bill lowered marginal rates, eliminated the marriage penalty, and doubled the child tax credit. (H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #170: Adopted 58-33: R 46-2; D 12-31; I 0-0, 5/26/01, McCain Voted Nay)
In 2003, Sen. McCain Was One Of Only Three Republicans To Twice Vote Against The $350 Billion Bush Tax Cuts. The comprehensive bill lowered taxes by $350 billion over 11 years – including increasing the child tax credit and eliminated the marriage penalty. (H.R. 2, CQ Vote #179: Passed 51-49: R 48-3; D 3-45; I 0-1, 5/15/03, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #196: Adopted 50-50: R 48-3; D 2-46; I 0-1, 5/23/03, McCain Voted Nay)
Sen. McCain Attacked The Bush Tax Cuts Using Democrat Class Warfare Talking Points:
In 2001, Sen. McCain Said The Bush Tax Cuts Were "At The Expense Of Middle-Class Americans." "...Mr. McCain echoed the Democrats' message that it favors the wealthy, saying, 'I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief.'" (Ralph Z. Hallow, "Republicans See McCain As Liability," The Washington Times, 6/9/01)
- Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Said The Bush Tax Cuts Were "At The Expense Of Middle-Class American Families." REP. WATERS: "I voted against the Republican tax cut plan, which is an irresponsible tax cut that will further undermine the nation's struggling economy at the expense of middle-class American families." (Rep. Maxine Waters, Op-Ed, "Bush's Tax Cut Is Bad For America," The Los Angeles Sentinel, 5/29/03)
In 2003, Sen. McCain Said The Bush Tax Cut Went "To The Wealthiest Americans." SEN. MCCAIN: "[W]hen you look at the percentage of the tax cuts that, as the previous tax cuts, that go to the wealthiest Americans, you will find that the bulk of it, again, goes to wealthiest Americans. I would like to see some of that redistributed more heavily to middle-income and low-income Americans." (NBC's "Today," 1/7/03)
- Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) Said The Bush Tax Cuts Went "To The Wealthiest Americans." SEN. KERRY: "I'm going to roll back the high end of the Bush tax cut. The tax cut that goes to the wealthiest Americans we can't afford, Paula." (CNN's "Paula Zahn Now," 9/25/03)
In 2004, Sen. McCain Said "I'm Not Giving Tax Cuts For The Rich." SEN. MCCAIN: "Sixty percent of the benefits from Bush's tax cuts go to the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans ... I'm not giving tax cuts for the rich." (Glenn Kessler, "Outcome Uncertain In Bush Tax Cut's First Test," The Washington Post, 4/3/01)
- 2004 Democrat Presidential Contender Wesley Clark Said The GOP Gave "Tax Cuts For The Rich." "'Today's budget proposal makes it clear what President Bush's priorities are: tax cuts for the rich and tough luck for everyone else,' said retired Gen. Wesley Clark, running for the Democratic nomination." (David Espo, "Budget Politics: Plenty For All Sides To Campaign About,"The Associated Press, 2/2/04)
In 2006, Sen. McCain Said The Death Tax Cut Goes "Only To The Wealthiest." SEN. MCCAIN: "I am concerned that repeal of the estate tax would provide massive benefits solely to the wealthiest- and highest-income taxpayers in the country." (Sen. John McCain, "Statement Of Senator John McCain On H.R. 8, The Death Tax Elimination Act," Press Release, 6/11/02)
- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA): Death Tax Cut Goes To "Only The Wealthiest." SEN. KENNEDY: "Now, they are proposing more of the same, more tax breaks benefiting only the wealthiest among us." (Sen. Ted Kennedy, "Statement By Senator Edward M. Kennedy On Defeat Of Estate Tax Repeal," Press Release, 6/8/06)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Class Warfare Demagoguery Used by the Democrats Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295899