Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On Talk Radio Live
Governor Romney On The Need To End Sanctuary Policies (WTPL's "New Hampshire Wake-Up Show," 11/26/07):
Ken Cail: "We just had a commercial ten or fifteen minutes ago here on the Pulse, a Rudy Giuliani commercial, boasting about his immigration record. Should he be boastful of that in your opinion?"
Governor Mitt Romney: "Well, I'm surprised he's bringing it up, but I'm glad he did. As you know, he said that if you happen to be an undocumented status, and that's of course the euphemism for being illegal, he said we welcome you to New York and we'll protect you here. So he created an environment which is now known as a sanctuary city. That kind of sanctuary policy is in fact what has led to the extraordinary explosion in illegal aliens coming into this country. And I have exactly the opposite view, I think we should cut back on federal funds to cities that won't enforce the federal immigration laws. I like legal immigration, but illegal immigration has got to end and this sanctuary city policy and these amnesty policies. He is absolutely wrong and I will fight those at every turn."
Peter St. James: "I applaud you for that. You came out talking about banning the sanctuary cities, I think that's fabulous."
To listen to Governor Romney discuss the need for immigration reform, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpbJ_Ad-9hA
Governor Romney On The New York State Of Mind (Fox News Radio's "Brian & The Judge," 11/26/07):
Governor Romney: "I think [Mayor Giuliani's] found himself having to stand up and explain why it is we ought to make him the nominee when he's very much like Hillary Clinton. He's pro-choice like Hillary Clinton. He's pro-gay civil-union like Hillary Clinton. He's pro-sanctuary cities like she is, and the record of ethical conduct, particularly with someone like Bernie Kerik in the administration, reminds us of the Hillary Clinton era. So he's got some challenges, and I understand that."
To listen to Governor Romney discuss the New York State of Mind, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0NBotFz2PI
Governor Romney On Fiscal Records (Fox News Radio's "Brian & The Judge," 11/26/07):
Brian Kilmeade: "I want to bring you back to Rudy, if I could, because he was on minutes ago on the news channel, the TV network. Here is Rudy talking about you:"
Giuliani: "I think people in New Hampshire – very, very practical people and all of us can promise things, but you've got to show from your background that you can deliver these things that are very difficult to do and I did lower taxes. Mitt tried, I mean he did try, he tried to lower taxes in Massachusetts. He said he had a Democratic legislature. Well, I had a Democratic legislature too and I succeeded in lowering taxes more than any other mayor in the history of the city."
Kilmeade: "What do you think?"
Governor Romney: "Well, you know, he had a long way to go to catch up to me because my tax rate – if you're working in Boston, the tax rate, the city and state tax rate is 5.3 percent. In New York City today, it's over 10 percent. So he lowered taxes, and by the way, I also lowered taxes several times, so I lowered taxes and he lowered taxes, but mine are a lot lower than his, so if you want to measure results, that's one way. And the other is to look at what we left when we left. When he left office, Mayor Bloomberg said he was left with a financial mess – a $3 billion budget gap. When I left office, I had rebuilt our rainy day fund to over $2 billion."
Kilmeade: "Well, that had a lot to do with 9/11, wouldn't you think?"
Governor Romney: "No, this is excluding 9/11. If you put 9/11 in there, it was even more. So excluding 9/11, he left a $3 billion budget hole, and I instead left a $2 billion rainy day fund, and of course, my last year's budget was a $500 million surplus. So the record is pretty stark. My tax rate: 5.3 percent, his over 10 percent, and I left a rainy day fund and he left a deficit."
To listen to Governor Romney discuss fiscal records, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IrN6zaLP5s
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On Talk Radio Live Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296952