Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. Holt, Your Excellency the Governor of New South Wales and Lady Cutler, Mr. Premier and Mrs. Askin, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls:
There is an old song in the United States which says "there's no place like home." Well, I want to change that. There's no place like home unless it is Australia.
You have treated us as if we belong here. And I think we really do.
We will have to leave tomorrow, but our hearts will remain here--here with the people of Australia.
I want to tell you what a beautiful sight the Sydney airport is from my plane: your nice welcome sign, your large group of enthusiastic friends who have come here to extend their hospitality, the beautiful signs and flags.
I just want to say this: If Ambassador Clark ever resigns as our Ambassador to Australia--and he is so happy here I don't think he ever will--I believe now that the first applicant for the job is going to be Lyndon Baines Johnson!
On behalf of Mrs. Johnson and myself, and my fellow countrymen, we thank you for your graciousness and for your generous attitude that brought you here to make us feel at home this morning.
Thank you very much.
Note: The President spoke at 11:14 a.m. at Mascot Airport, Sydney, Australia. In his opening words he referred to the following officials and their wives: Harold E. Holt, Prime Minister of Australia, Sir Arthur R. Cutler, Governor of New South Wales, and Robin W. Askin, Premier and Treasurer of New South Wales. Later he referred to Edward Clark, U.S. Ambassador to Australia.
Lyndon B. Johnson, Remarks Upon Arrival at Mascot Airport, Sydney, Australia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project