Remarks at the Swearing in of John Foster Dulles as Special Consultant to the President With Cabinet Rank.
YOUR willingness to continue to contribute your abundant talents and unique experience to the service of the United States and the free world is but one more example of your magnificent spirit and devotion to the Nation's welfare.
It is highly gratifying not only to myself and the Secretary of State-but indeed to the people of the Nation--to know that we both shall continue to have the benefit of your advice and counsel.
Note: The President spoke immediately after Mr. Dulles had taken the oath of office at Walter Reed Hospital.
Mr. Dulles replied as follows:
"Mr. President:
"For six years and more I have served as your Secretary of State. The relationship has been one of intimate understanding and effective cooperation which has afforded me deep satisfaction. Unhappily, my health no longer permits me to continue with the manifold responsibilities of that great office. Yesterday, my trusted friend and second in command, Mr. Herter, took over. I am proud that he and his associates in the Department of State and Foreign Service constitute a team that is highly qualified to carry on your basic policies. You, I know, share the same pride and confidence.
"I now assume, at your request, the position of Special Consultant to the President. I am grateful to you for wanting me to serve in this capacity. I accept in the hope that I shall thus be able to assist you and the Secretary of State in the solution of problems which will continue to confront our nation in its quest of a just and honorable peace."
Others attending the ceremony included the Vice President, the Secretary of State, Mrs. Dulles, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Remarks at the Swearing in of John Foster Dulles as Special Consultant to the President With Cabinet Rank. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/235490