WELL, GENERAL, I want to second what you have said. The National Association of Broadcasters since 1955, in response to the request from the President and from the Committee, has given untiring support to a great national effort to hire handicapped people.
I think that in the last decade over $50 million worth of time has been given by the television and radio industry. I think it is running at the rate of about $5 million a year, with emphasis in every possible part of the country on the opportunity and the obligation on all of us to hire people who may because of accident or because of nature be suffering from a handicap.
I want to emphasize today that we are changing the name of this Committee from "Physically Handicapped" to "Handicapped," because we do want to emphasize the great importance of hiring people who ,nay have suffered some degree of difficulty mentally. And these people deserve our wholehearted support and cooperation in making it possible for them to live useful and fruitful lives.
So now, on behalf of the Committee, and with the General, I want to present to Governor Collins--and I will read the citation:
"The President of the United States cites with pleasure the National Association of Broadcasters for distinguished service in encouraging and promoting the employment of the physically handicapped."
I want to congratulate you, Governor, and express our appreciation to you for your efforts.
Note: The President spoke at noon in the Fish Room at the White House following the remarks of Maj. Gen. Melvin J. Maas, Chairman of the President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped. LeRoy Collins, President of the National Association of Broadcasters and former Governor of Florida, accepted the Committee's Distinguished Award on behalf of the Association.
John F. Kennedy, Remarks at the Presentation of an Award to the National Association of Broadcasters Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/236420