President Obama. It's wonderful to be back together with my good friend Angela Merkel. I think that the last time we were in Washington, DC, together, we presented her with the Medal of Freedom, and that indicated the high esteem that not only I, but the United States, hold her and her leadership.
This is going to be a very busy 2 days. Central to our discussions at the G-20 is how do we achieve greater global growth and put people back to work. That means we're going to have to resolve the situation here in Europe. And without Angela's leadership, we would not have already made the progress that we've seen at the EU meeting on October 27.
We are now, having seen some progress, looking forward to working together to figure out how we can implement this in an effective way to make sure that not only is the euro zone stable, but the world financial system is stable as well. And hopefully, during our bilateral meeting, we'll also have the ability to discuss a wide range of other issues, including security issues that are so important to both our countries.
But I just want to say once again how much I enjoy working with Angela. She exhibits the kind of practical common sense that I think has made her a leader not only in Germany, but around the world.
So thank you very much.
Hold on, hold on, hold on--translation. [Laughter] All the Americans reporters speak German, but just in case. [Laughter]
[At this point, an interpreter translated President Obama's remarks into German.]
Chancellor Merkel. Thank you very much, and let me say that I'm delighted that we have the opportunity for this meeting here. And mainly, the G-20 will afford us an opportunity, during these 2 days of meeting, not only to talk about European matters, but also about global matters that matter to both of us and that are of common interest.
And let me say again that I very fondly remember the evening in the White House and the award.
Thank you.
President Obama. Thank you, everybody.
Note: The President spoke at 11:05 a.m. at the InterContinental Carlton Cannes Hotel. Chancellor Merkel spoke in German, and her remarks were translated by an interpreter. A portion of these remarks could not be verified because the audio was incomplete.
Barack Obama, Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in Cannes Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project