The President. Menudo, thank you. Yes, we're glad you're here. Opening day 2008, tee-ball on the South Lawn. I'm proud to be joined by the commissioner for the day, Roberto Clemente, Jr. Bienvenido
Roberto Clemente, Jr. Gracias, gracias.
The President. Si. Roberto, I don't know if you know this or not, but we've got a special right field porch this year. This is an addition—we might just call that Clemente porch. After all, we did retire your dad's number this year.
Mr. Clemente. Thank you.
The President. I'm so proud to welcome, from Manati, Puerto Rico, the Little Angels. We're glad you're here; and from Camden, New Jersey, the mighty Red Sox; first base coach, Jose Rijo—he could deliver that fast ball in the best of times— now with the Washington Nationals. Third base coach, Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce; Carlos, glad you're here. Congressman Rob Andrews—Congressman, thanks for coming. We're sure proud you're here.
Today we're very lucky to have our game called by Natalie Morales.
Natalie Morales. Thank you.
The President. Natalie, bienvenidos.
Thank you for coming.
Ms. Morales. Gracias.
The President. Natalie happens to work for NBC's "Today" show. We really appreciate you coming.
Ms. Morales. That's right. Thank you, sir, for having me.
The President. No problem.
Boy Scout Troop 457 from Rockville, Maryland, is with us today. Thanks for coming. Steve Keener, president of Little League America, we're glad you're here, Steve. Thanks for coming back. Appreciate you supporting baseball throughout America.
Laura and I are thrilled also to be joined today by our first pitch kind of semi-thrower-outers. [Laughter] Angel Macias is with us. For those of you who follow Little League baseball, you might remember, in 1957, es verdad?
Angel Macias. Right.
The President. Si. He threw a perfect game for Monterrey, Mexico, in the Little League World Series, and Mexico went on to win the world series. And we're so glad you're here. Welcome to the White House.
And standing with you is Jake T. Austin, who happens—who's going to be playing Angel in the movie——
Jake T. Austin. Yes, I play Angel Macias in the movie.
The President. And what's the movie?
Mr. Austin. The movie is called "The Perfect Game," and it's coming out in 2008, this year.
The President. ——2008, yes. You probably recommend we all go see it.
Mr. Austin. We'd greatly appreciate it. [Laughter]
The President. Yes. Well, Laura was suggesting, Jake T., that we actually have a showing here at the White House.
Mr. Austin. Great.
The President. Yes, see, he's for that.
Before we get started, I do want the players to join me in the Little League Pledge. Are you ready?
[At this point, the pledge was recited.]
Play ball!
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:23 p.m. on the South Lawn at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to entertainers Menudo, who sang the national anthem; sports broadcaster Roberto Clemente, Jr.; and Jose Rijo, special assistant to the general manager, Washington Nationals. The Office of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish language transcript of these remarks.
George W. Bush, Remarks at Opening Day of 2008 White House Tee-Ball Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project