George W. Bush photo

Remarks During a Visit to the East Capitol Center for Change and an Exchange With Reporters

February 26, 2002

[The President's remarks are joined in progress. ]

The President. ——with healers, people of great and deep faith, who have come from some of the toughest circumstances known, to be leaders in their communities; people—one-time crack addicts, a heroin user, both of whom now are a good mom and dad; people who are helping others to learn that there's a better way.

And I just want to thank you all for sharing with me your experiences and your thoughts. You know, my dream for the country is that the welfare system work side by side with the faith-based programs, which can do a heck of a good job about changing people's hearts and their souls and, therefore, their minds and, therefore, their behavior. And you're living proof of what I'm talking about.

So I want to thank you for sharing your testimony with us. It only strengthens my resolve to make a good law that will propel the healers of America forward. And it only strengthens my knowledge about where the true strength of the country is, and it's in the hearts and souls of our citizens.

Thank you for your time, Curtis. Thank you for your leadership. I appreciate you inviting us to your program. I look forward to sharing some thoughts about some legislation.

Welfare Reform

Q. Are there enough jobs——

The President. I'm going to make sure the economy grows. And yes, there are.

Q. You stiffened the requirements. Do you think there's enough jobs in this economy?

The President. Yes, I do.

NOTE: The President spoke at 1:47 p.m. in the gymnasium at St. Luke's Catholic Church. In his remarks, he referred to Curtis Watkins, executive director, East Capitol Center for Change. The press release issued by the Office of the Press Secretary did not include the complete opening remarks of the President. The Office of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish language transcript of these remarks. A tape was not available for verification of the content of these remarks.

George W. Bush, Remarks During a Visit to the East Capitol Center for Change and an Exchange With Reporters Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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