Gerald R. Ford photo

Remarks on Arrival at Brussels, Belgium

May 28, 1975

Your Majesties, Prime Minister Tindemans, Secretary General Luns, ladies and gentlemen:

Thank you so very much for your warm and very gracious welcome to Brussels. It is always a great privilege and pleasure to return to the city that many know as the capital of Europe.

Thirty years ago, Western Europe was the victim of wartime devastation, facing hostile forces seeking to dominate the entire continent. The courageous leaders on both sides of the Atlantic responded by creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Our Alliance has withstood the changes and the tests of the past 26 years. It has helped to secure freedom and prosperity for the Western World. It is fitting that the purpose of my first trip, Your Majesty, to Europe as President of the United States is to participate in a NATO summit.

I want my NATO colleagues and the people of Europe to know that our great Alliance remains very strong--to guarantee that vitality, we must vigorously address the problems confronting us; that the United States is convinced that detente with the East can only proceed on a foundation of strong and secure Alliance defenses; that NATO is the cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy and has the unwavering support of the American public and of our Congress; and finally, that our commitment to this Alliance will not falter.

It is in this spirit that I meet with my colleagues in NATO to discuss issues of direct concern to the peace, the security, and the prosperity of our Atlantic community.

It is also in this spirit that I respond, Your Majesty, to your very warm welcome. Belgium's hospitality as a host to NATO and to the European communities has made it the heart of both the European and the Atlantic worlds.

Relations between the United States and Belgium remain confident and mature. I know that we will continue as close friends and warm allies.

Thank you very much.

Note: The President spoke at 8:13 p.m. at Zavantem Airport in response to remarks of welcome by King Baudouin I. Also present were Queen Fabiola, Belgian Prime Minister Leo Tindemans, and NATO Secretary General Joseph M.A.H. Luns.

Later, the President met at the Royal Palace, first, with the King and Queen, and then, with Prime Minister Tindemans and Foreign Minister Renaat Van Elslande.

Gerald R. Ford, Remarks on Arrival at Brussels, Belgium Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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