By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Small-scale family farms are a vital part of U.S. agricultural and rural life, and their activities add significantly to the economic and social strength of communities everywhere.
The majority of America's farms are small—out of more than two million farms, seven out of ten gross less than $50,000 annually. Small-scale farms, with their varied range of needs and interests, provide an array of agricultural products to the consumers of our Nation and our world.
Since the time of Thomas Jefferson, Americans have realized that family farmers are essential to making our rich land one of the most agriculturally productive in the world. Today, these diverse entrepreneurs represent the historical foundation of America's prosperity.
Small-scale family farms have survived the winds of change that have blown across our country's landscape in recent years. Farmers are ever more entrepreneurial, responding to unique niches and specialty-market opportunities. Many small-scale family farms are responsible for the innovations that are advancing new and enhanced technologies in agriculture and farming systems.
Family farmers are also stewards of the land and have a vested interest in energy conservation and protection of the environment. Many occupy land that their families have farmed for generations, and they seek to pass on the proud legacy of farming to their children.
More and more farmers are providing their products directly to consumers. Through such direct sales, the family farmer is creating market opportunities that benefit and strengthen rural economies and communities throughout America.
With each season, America's farmers demonstrate anew our ability to persevere and thrive. The great traditions of hard work and determination that have consistently characterized American agriculture will help our Nation envision a rich harvest of plenty for the twenty-first century.
The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 171, has designated the week of March 20 through 26, 1994, as "Small Family Farm Week" and has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of that week.
Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the week beginning March 20, 1994, as Small Family Farm Week.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighteenth.
William J. Clinton, Proclamation 6660—Small Family Farm Week, 1994 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project