Proclamation 4509—Modification of Temporary Quantitative Limitations on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Articles of Alloy Tool Steel
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
1. Proclamation No. 4445, of June 11, 1976, as modified by Proclamation No. 4477 of November 16, 1976, imposed quantitative restrictions on the importation of certain articles of specialty steels. Section 203(h)(4) of the Trade Act of 1974 (the Trade Act) (19 U.S.C. 2253 (h) (4)) permits the President to reduce or terminate any such restrictions if, after taking into account advice received from the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) and after seeking advice from the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor, the President determines that the reduction or termination is in the national interest.
2. I have sought and received advice from the USITC and from the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor concerning the effects of excluding alloy tool steel provided for in item 923.25 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States (TSUS) from the quantitative restrictions imposed by Proclamation No. 4445, as modified by Proclamation No. 4477. I have determined, after considering that advice, that the exclusion of alloy tool steel provided for in item 923.25, TSUS, from such quantitative restrictions is in the national interest.
3. Accordingly, the purpose of this proclamation is to terminate in part Proclamation No. 4445 of June 11, 1976, as modified by Proclamation No. 4477 of November 16, 1976, so as to exclude alloy tool steel provided for in item 923.25, TSUS, from the present quantitative restrictions. The authority for this action is set forth in section 203(h) (4) (19 U.S.C. 2253(h) (4)), and section 125(b) (19 U.S.C. 2135(b)) of the Trade Act.
Now, Therefore, I, Jimmy Carter, President of the United States of America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes of the United States, including sections 125 and 203 of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2135 and 2253, respectively), do proclaim that---
A. Subpart A, part 2, of the Appendix to the TSUS (19 U.S.C. 1202) is modified as follows:
(1) by modifying headnote 2(a)(iii) to read as follows:
"(iii) The term "alloy tool steel" in item 923.26 refers to alloy steel which contains the following combinations of elements in the quantity, by weight, respectively indicated: not less than 1.0% carbon and over 11.0% chromium; or not less than 0.3% carbon and 1.25% to 11.0% inclusive chromium; or not less than 0.85% carbon and 1% to 1.8% inclusive manganese; or 0.9% to 1.2% inclusive chromium and 0.9% to 1.4% inclusive molybdenum; or not less than 0.5% carbon and not less than 3.5% molybdenum; or not less than 0.5% carbon and not less than 5.5% tungsten; but does not includes any of such alloy tool steel which contains, in addition to iron, each of the following elements by weight in the amounts specified: carbon: not less than 0.95 nor more than 1.13 percent; manganese: not less than 0.22 nor more than 0.48 percent; sulfur: none, or not more than 0.03 percent; phosphorus: none, or not more than 0.03 percent; silicon: not less than 0.18 nor more than 0.37 percent; chromium: not less than 1.25 nor more than 1.65 percent; nickel: none, or not more than 0.28 percent; copper: none, or not more than 0.38 percent; molybdenum: none, or not more than 0.09 percent;"
(2) by deleting headnote 2(a)(iv) and redesignating headnote 2 (a) (v) as 2(a) (iv).
(3) (a) by deleting the last sentence from headnote 2 (f); and
(b) by deleting item 923.25 from the tabulation in headnote 2 (f).
(4) (a) by deleting "923.24" from the superior heading to items 923.20 through 923.26 and substituting therefor "923.26"; and
(b) by deleting items 923.25 and 923.26 and their immediately superior heading and substituting therefor the following:
Quota Quantity (in short tons) Item Articles Effective on or after-- June 14, June 14, June 14, 1976 1977 1978 923. 6 Alloy tool steel of the types provided for in items 608.52, 608.76, 608.78, 608.85, 608.88, 609.06, 609.07, and 609.08 within the specifications of headnote 2(a)(iii): Japan 3,500 3,700 3,800 European Economic Community 3,400 3,500 3,600 Canada 1,900 2,000 2,000 Sweden 8,500 8,600 8,700 Austria 6 2,322 2,385 Other: Countries entitled to the rate of duty in rates of duty column numbered 1 (total) 3,600 1,378 1,415 Other (total) None 6 6
B. The modifications of subpart A of part 2 of the Appendix to the TSUS, made by this proclamation, shall be effective as to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on and after the date of publication of this proclamation in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of June in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and first.
Note: The proclamation was not issued in the form of a White House press release.
Jimmy Carter, Proclamation 4509—Modification of Temporary Quantitative Limitations on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Articles of Alloy Tool Steel Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243765