By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Whereas by proclamation of April 25, 1932 (47 Stat. 2509), there were set apart as the Green Mountain National Forest, in the State of Vermont, certain forest lands which had been, or might thereafter be, acquired by the United States of America under authority of the act of Congress approved March 1, 1911, ch. 186, 36 Stat. 961 (U.S.C., title 16, sec. 516), as amended by the act of June 7, 1924, ch. 348, 43 Stat. 653 (U.S.C., title 16, sec. 515); and
Whereas it appears that it would be in the public interest to modify the boundaries of the said National Forest by including therein certain other forest lands which have been, or may be, acquired under authority of the said acts of March 1, 1911, and June 7, 1924:
Now, Therefore, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the power in me vested by section 24 of the act of March 3, 1891, ch. 561, 26 Stat. 1095, 1103, as amended (U.S.C., title 16, sec. 471), the act of June 4, 1897, ch. 2, 30 Stat. 34, 36 (U.S.C., title 16, sec. 473), and section 11 of the said act of March 1, 1911, do proclaim that all lands of the United States in the State of Vermont within the areas hereinafter described, are hereby included in and reserved as a part of the Green Mountain National Forest, and that all lands within such areas which may hereafter be acquired by the United States under the said acts of March 1, 1911, and June 7, 1924, shall upon acquisition of title thereto be reserved and administered as a part of the said National Forest:
Beginning in the Village of Mention at the point where the East Pittsford Road intersects U.S. Highway 4; thence with the East Pittsford Road to the intersection with the Chittenden Road; thence with the Chittenden Road to the intersection with the Old Dugway Road; thence with the Old Dugway Road to the intersection with the River Road; thence with the River Road to the North Chittenden Road in Chittenden Village; thence with the North Chittenden Road to its intersection with the River Road in North Chittenden Village; thence northerly with the River Road about 2 miles to the crossing of Furnace Brook; thence up Furnace Brook to a point where a small drain enters from the west; thence westerly up said small drain to its intersection with the Middle Road; thence with the Middle Road to the intersection with State Highway 115 and the North Road at Goshen Four Corners; thence leaving State Highway 115 with the North Road in northerly and southwesterly directions to its reintersection with State Highway 115 approximately 1½ miles west of Goshen Four Corners; thence with State Highway 115 to the intersection with the School House Hill Road in Forestdale Village; thence with the School House Hill Road to the intersection with State Highway 53; thence with State Highway 53 to the intersection with the Fern Lake Road; thence with the Pern Lake Road to the south end of Fern Lake; thence with the easterly shore of Fern Lake to a northeasterly cove in Fern Lake; thence N 26° E, true meridian, approximately 20 chains to a southeasterly cove of Lake Dunmore; thence with the easterly shore of Lake Dunmore to a cove south of Keewaydin Camps where State Highway 53 borders the east shore of Lake Dunmore; thence with State Highway 53 to the Intersection with the East Middlebury Road; thence with the East Middlebury Road to the intersection with the Ripton Road; thence with the Ripton Road to intersection with the old Pratt Hill Road; thence with the old Pratt Hill Road to the intersection with the East Middlebury Road; thence with the East Middlebury Road to the intersection with Middlebury River; thence up Middlebury River to the East Middlebury-Hancock Road; thence westerly with the East Middlebury-Hancock Road to the intersection with School Street in East Middlebury Village; thence northerly with School Street and School Street extended to Fay's Comer; thence westerly with an east and west road from Fay's Corner to the Intersection with State Highway 116; thence with State Highway 116 to the intersection with the Little Notch Road; thence with the Little Notch Road to the intersection with a north and south road, also known as the Little Notch Road, and which is the most easterly road at the foot of the mountains; thence with this most easterly road to the Intersection with River Street in Bristol Village; thence with River Street to River Street Bridge over the New Haven River; thence with the New Haven River to the Gove Hill Road Bridge in West Lincoln; thence with the Gove Hill Road to the intersection with the West Hill Road; thence with the West Hill Road to the intersection with the Ripton-Lincoln Road; thence with the Ripton-Lincoln Road to the Intersection with the most southerly road to South Lincoln; thence with the most southerly South Lincoln Road to the intersection with the Lincoln-South Lincoln Road; thence with the Lincoln-South Lincoln Road to the intersection with a north and south cross road from South Lincoln Village to Lincoln-Warren Road; thence with said cross road to its intersection with the Lincoln-Warren Road; thence with the Lincoln-Warren Road to its intersection with the Old Downingville Road; thence with the old Downingville Road to its intersection at Downingville with the Jerusalem Road; thence with the Jerusalem Road to its intersection with the north line of the Town of Lincoln; thence easterly with the north line of the Town of Lincoln and the north line of the Town of Warren to the intersection with the German Flats Road; thence with German Flats Road and the Grand Hollow Road to the intersection of the Grand Hollow Road with State Highway 100; thence with State Highway 100 to the crossing of Mad River in Warren Village; thence up Mad River to its intersection with the Warren-Granville Town Line, which is also the Washington-Addison County Line and the north boundary of the Granville Gulf State Forest; thence with the north, west and south boundaries of said State Forest to the intersection with State Highway 100; thence with State Highway 100 to the intersection with Alder Meadow Brook in Granville Village; thence down Alder Meadow Brook to its Junction with White River; thence with White River and State Highway 100, whichever is the most westerly, to the intersection of White River with State Highway 115; thence with State Highway 115 to the intersection with Calkin's Road; thence with Calkin's Road to the intersection with White River; thence with White River to the intersection with State Highway 100; thence with State Highway 100 to the intersection in Pittsfield Village with the Upper Michigan Road; thence with the Upper Michigan Road to the intersection with a short cross road; thence with said cross road to the intersection with the Lower Michigan Road; thence with the Lower Michigan Road to the intersection with State Highway 100; thence with State Highway 100 to the intersection with U.S. Highway 4; thence with U.S. Highway 4 to place of BEGINNING.
Beginning at the point where U.S. Highway 7 crosses the Vermont-Massachusetts State Line; thence with U.S. Highway 7 to the intersection with the Old County Road in Pownal; thence with the Old County Road to the intersection with U.S. Highway 7 in Pownal Center; thence with U.S. Highway 7 to the intersection with the Barber Pond Road in Pownal Center; thence with the Barber Pond Road to the intersection with the Stamford and East Roads; thence with the East Road, which is the most easterly through road along the base of the mountain, to the intersection with the Gore Road at the Blair Farm; thence with the Gore Road to the intersection with the Burgess Fair Ground Road; thence with the Burgess Fair Ground Road to the intersection with the Barney Road; thence with the Barney Road to the intersection with State Route 9; thence with State Route 9 to Furnace Bridge over Walloomsac Brook; thence with the Walloomsac Brook to the intersection with Branch Street in the Village of Bennington; thence with Branch Street extended in the Brooklyn Section of Bennington, and with East Road beyond the village limits of Bennington to the intersection near the Wait Farm, with a more westerly road also known as East Road; thence with the East Road to the intersection with the Straight Road; thence with the Straight Road to the intersection with East Road at Snow School; thence with the East Road to the intersection with the East Arlington Road; thence with the East Arlington Road to the intersection with Church Street in East Arlington; thence with Church Street to the intersection with Kelly Stand Road; thence with Kelly Stand Road to the intersection with North Road near Roaring Branch Bridge at East Kansas; thence with North Road to the intersection with River Street and the Old Stage Road in Sunderland; thence with the Old Stage Road to the intersection with the Sunderland-Richfield Road in Sunderland; thence with the Sunderland-Richfield Road to intersection with the Rutland Railway; thence with the Rutland Railway to the intersection with the Richfield Road; thence with the Richfield Road to the intersection with an unnamed street in Richfield which borders on Bushee Farm; thence in part with the unnamed street and in part with an abandoned road to the intersection with C.F. Bartlett Road; thence with C.F. Bartlett Road to the intersection with State Route 30; thence with State Route 30 to the intersection with the Rutland Railway near Manchester Depot; thence with the Rutland Railway and U.S. Highway 7, whichever is more easterly, to the intersection with the Hartsboro Road; thence with the Hartsboro Road to the intersection with the Ice-bed Road; thence with the Ice-bed Road to the intersection with State Highway 103A; thence with State Highway 103A to the intersection with State Highway 103; thence with State Highway 103 to the intersection with State Highway 8; thence with State Highway 8 to the intersection with the Back Road; thence with the Back Road, west of and parallel to State Highway 8, to the forks of the road near Benson's Mill; thence with an old road on the west side of West River to the intersection with the Weston-Peru Road; thence with the Weston-Peru Road to the intersection with the Landgrove Road; thence with the Landgrove Road to the first fork of the road south of North Landgrove (locally known as Clarksville); thence with the more easterly road to its fork; thence with the more westerly road to the intersection with State Highway 11; thence south 4 degrees west approximately 1.9 miles to the Winhall Hollow Road at its junction approximately 1.6 miles northwest of South Londonderry Village, with an old settlement road leading to State Highway 11; thence with the Winhall Hollow Road to the intersection with the Bondvllle Road; thence with the Bondvllle Road to the intersection with State Route 30 in Bondvllle; thence with State Route 30 to the intersection with the Winhall Station Road in Rawsonville; thence with the Winhall Station Road to the intersection with the abandoned Central Vermont Railway at Winhall Station; thence with the Central Vermont Railway to the intersection with Station Street in Jamaica Village; thence with Station Street to the intersection with Brook Street; thence with Brook Street to the intersection with State Route 30; thence with State Route 30 to the intersection with River Road at French Bridge over West River; thence with the River Road to intersection with State Route 8 at Hast Jamaica; thence with State Route 8 to the intersection with the South Wardsboro Road in Wardsboro; thence with the South Wardsboro Road to the intersection with the South Wardsboro School Road in South Wardsboro; thence with the South Wardsboro School Road about 0.6 miles to the intersection with an old road at a barway; thence with the old road which is in part abandoned but rock walled and in part a farm road to the intersection with the Rock River and West Dover Roads; thence with the West Dover Road about one-half mile to the intersection with a back road; thence with the back road to the intersection with the West Dover Road; thence with the West Dover Road to the intersection with State Route 8 in West Dover; thence with State Route 8 to the intersection with the Handle Road near the headwaters of Blue Brook; thence with the Handle Road to intersection with the Perley Symester Farm Road; thence with the Perley Symester Farm Road to the intersection with the Ray Hill Road; thence with the Ray Hill Road to the Intersection with State Route 9; thence with State Route 9 to a point on said route north of the intersection of Deerfield River with the flow line of Whitingham Lake; thence south to the Intersection of Deerfield River with the flow line of Whltingham Lake; thence with the flow line around the west side of Whitlngham Lake to the Intersection with State Route 8 near the village of Whitlngham; thence with State Route 8 to the intersection with the most westerly road to Rowe, Massachusetts; thence with the most westerly road to Rowe to the intersection with a logging road about three tenths of a mile beyond the first farmhouse on the left; thence with the logging road to the Vermont-Massachusetts State line; thence with the Vermont-Massachusetts State Line to the BEGINNING.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington this eighth day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-first.
By the President:
Secretary of State.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Proclamation 2225—Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project