Adela Acosta Educator Hyattsville, MD.
- Principal at Caesar Chavez Elementary, which Mrs. Bush visited yesterday as part of her education initiative
- She was born in Rio Pierdas (near San Juan), Puerto Rico
Reverend Kirbyjon H. Caldwell and Suzette Caldwell Pastor and Religious Leader Houston, TX
- Rev. Caldwell most recently gave the benediction at the Inaugural Ceremonies, and has also authored the bestseller The Gospel of Good Success.
- His average attendance in worship service grew from 12 to 6,450 people and his churches include over 120 ministries.
- Suzette was appointed by Governor Bush to the University of Houston's Board of Regents in 1997. She is a small business owner and a leader in the community and church.
Wendy Kopp Educational Leader New York, NY
- Currently the President and Founder of Teach for America which recruits recent college grads of all majors who will commit to teach two years in rural and urban schools.
- Aims to create a movement among our nation's most promising future leaders to close the achievement gap that exists between low-income and high-income students.
- Wendy chairs the board of the New Teacher Project, a non-profit consulting group which helps recruit and develop new teachers.
Minh Le Newly Naturalized Citizen Northridge, CA.
- Escaped Vietnam in May of 1989, in one of the last waves of boat people from Vietnam
- Became a naturalized US citizen in March 2000
- Voted for the first time in the last election and voted for President Bush
- Enrolled in the California State University of Northridge and received a Bachelors Degree in MIS and Finance
- Currently employed by UPS as a Finance Supervisor
Sister Mary Rose McGeady Religious Leader New York, NY
- She is the President of the Covenant House which has served over 200,000 young people who have come to their doors to escape the agony of loneliness and hunger on the streets.
- She has served over 40 years in human services and childcare.
Alecenia McIntosh-Peters Teacher/Parent Washington, D.C.
- Teacher at Calvin Coolidge Senior High School in the District of Columbia and Youth Minister at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, also in D.C.
- Her three youngest children attend Merritt Elementary School, where they met the President and Mrs. Bush on Jan. 25th.
- Mother of four children, "family is my major priority."
- "My husband and I believe very strongly in the public school system in the District: parents can make a positive difference in the education of their children.
Brigadier General Dee Ann McWilliams Director of Military Personnel Management Alexandria, VA.
- Graduate of: National War College, Command and General Staff College, Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
- Adjutant General
- Awards: Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal
- She has served in Oklahoma, Germany, Washington State, Korea, Texas, and New Jersey
Steven and Josefina Ramos Tax Family West Chester, PA
- Steven and Josefina attended the White House Tax Family Reunion
- Steve is a former US Army serviceman, and he works as a Network Administrator at the Cimmonson Township, NJ School district.
Nancy R. Shannon Educator Accokeek, MD.
- Nancy is the principal of Merritt Elementary School where President Bush visited to promote his Education Initiative.
- She has spent 30 years in education and specializes in: accoutability & student assesment, curriculum development and alignment, and program development.
Mr. David Smith & Mrs. Smith (parents of Windy Smith) Medical Doctor Knoxville, TN
- Mr. Smith is an Optometrist who specializes in contact lenses and laser vision management who has practices for over 24 years.
- He is a 7th grade Sunday School teacher at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church
Windy Smith Spoke at 2000 RNC Convention Knoxville, TN.
- Wrote a letter to Bush when he was Governor and read it at the 2000 RNC Convention.
- Ran with Florence "Flo Jo" Griffith Joyner and has been the poster child for the Mentally Challenged on television spots.
- Works at Goody's corporate office and volunteers at East Tennessee Children's hospital
- She has written and had published two articles about herself in the Down Syndrome National Congressional Magazine.
- Silver Medal for Gymnastics in the International Special Olympics in 1987.
- Citizenship award by Knoxville News Sentinel Newspaper in 1996 for being a role model to other students in and outside of school in various activities.
John F. Street Mayor Philadelphia, PA
- He was sworn in as the 97th Mayor of Philadelphia on January 3, 2000
- He has lead efforts for fair housing opportunities for the poor and has recently challenged the local school board to spend more on students and less on administration.
Anthony A.Williams Mayor Washington, D.C.
- Has committed to working for clean, healthy neighborhoods, affordable housing and healthcare, and better schools
- President Bush and Mayor Williams had lunch at the White House on Jan. 23, 2001
George W. Bush, Press Release - Real Americans Join Mrs. Bush to Watch Speech Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project