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Press Release - President Obama to Visit Savannah, Georgia for Next Stop of the White House to Main Street Tour

February 15, 2010

Obama to discuss jobs and the economy with Georgia families and businesses on March 2

WASHINGTON, DC - The White House announced today that President Obama will travel to Savannah, Georgia on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 for the next stop on the White House to Main Street Tour.

During the visit, President Obama will meet with Georgia workers, small business owners, and local leaders to share ideas for continuing to grow the economy and to put Americans back to work. President Obama will spend the day in the Savannah area speaking to Georgians about the challenges they face and listening to their ideas for working together to turn the economy around.

Additional details about the visit, including locations and press coverage details, will be announced in the coming days.

In December, President Obama kicked off the White House to Main Street Tour in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. In January, the President went to Lorain County, Ohio. In an effort to spend some time outside of Washington and talk to American families about what they are experiencing during these tough economic times, the President will regularly visit communities across the country over the next several months where he will spend a day with members of the community and share ideas for rebuilding our economy for the long term.

Barack Obama, Press Release - President Obama to Visit Savannah, Georgia for Next Stop of the White House to Main Street Tour Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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