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Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers

August 05, 1993

The Briefing Room

1:13 P.M. EDT

MS. MYERS: Good afternoon. I have no announcements. So if you have any questions.

Q: What's the President doing today?

MS. MYERS: He's spending time on the telephone talking to members of Congress, especially the House today, and working on securing final passage of his package sometime today.

Q: Can we have a picture of him on the phone?

MS. MYERS: We'll look into that. I think that's a reasonable request.

Q: That would be nice to get a camera in there to get a picture of him talking on the telephone.

Q: What's the head count?

Q: Has he talked yet to some of the conservative House members who want more entitlement cuts and has he offered them any?

MS. MYERS: He's talked to a number of members. I know that he -- and I don't think we'll release a complete list. I will say that he spoke with Congressman McCurdy and congratulated him -- I don't know if you guys know that McCurdy struck out the first 12 batters he faced in the Democrat-Republican congressional softball match, and got two hits, which the Democrats went on to win 13 to 1.

Q: But did he talk to Congressman McCurdy about entitlement cuts, a separate vote on entitlements, about the Kerrey summit?

MS. MYERS: He talked to him about a number of things. I will say the President has said throughout this process that he supports additional spending cuts, that he sees this package as a first step and does not see this as the end of the process on spending cuts, but more like the first step. So he's certainly willing to consider additional spending cuts, and I think that's something that's important to a number of members.

Q: In this bill.

Q: McCurdy also wants to get rid of retroactivity also.

MS. MYERS: I don't know what the exact -- as far as the plan that they'll vote on it still has retroactivity as of -- I mean, it goes back to January 1st.

Q: What about the payment stretch-out, is that going to be in it?

MS. MYERS: I believe so. It's still in it as of now.

Q: Have there been any changes made that you know of?

Q: Can you tell us what the President thinks about Bob Kerrey's idea to have some kind of a conference in the fall to look for more spending cuts?

MS. MYERS: Again, the President supports additional action to find more spending cuts. It's something that he's said repeatedly throughout this process. It's something that he's certain willing to look at.

MS. MYERS: Has he spoken to Kerrey in the last 24 hours?

MS. MYERS: I don't know.

Q: What changes has he made or --

MS. MYERS: And I don't think we're going to comment on all the calls that he's made.

Q: He's under pressure to make additional changes. What has he made -- what changes has he made since yesterday? Are you aware of any?

MS. MYERS: I think we'll wait and see what gets worked out. We're not going to comment on --

Q: Which is not to say that some have not been made, right?

MS. MYERS: I don't know what changes might have been made. I think that they'll vote on it today and we'll see where the package finally ends up.

Q: And then we'll find out what's in it after they vote on it? Will they know?

MS. MYERS: Well, that's -- I think that this is a living document until it's voted on. I think you all know the process.

Q: A living document.

Q: a rescission bill immediately after the vote?

MS. MYERS: I'm sorry?

Q: Is the administration preparing a rescission proposal to Congress for right after the vote?

MS. MYERS: I'll have to take that question.

Q: Dee Dee, has the President spoken with Senator Hatfield, and does he plan to?

MS. MYERS: Again, I'm not going to go through a list of exactly who he's spoken to and who he's not spoken to. But I don't know that our expectations have changed with reference to Republican support for the package.

Q: Are you surprised at all or concerned or delighted by even rumors that a Republican might come over?

MS. MYERS: We would certainly welcome it. We would love to have Republican support for this package. We think it's the best package that the Congress could have produced at this point. And we certainly welcome any Republicans that want to vote.

Q: Did you know Hatfield said today he won't vote for it?

MS. MYERS: I haven't heard one or another.

Q: Do you have any comment on the resignation of the State Department official on Bosnia?

MS. MYERS: Secretary Christopher commented on that this morning in Jordan and said that he was a young officer, but that the focus was on additional plans by the United States and NATO allies. And beyond that I just refer you to the State Department.

Q: Do you have any comment on the continuing tightening around Sarajevo?

MS. MYERS: Obviously, it's something that we're very concerned about. And I think it's --

Q: What are you concerned about?

MS. MYERS: Tightening around Sarajevo. As you know, the U.S. and the allies have decided to take or are in the process of taking steps to prepare for additional action should that be necessary to stop the strangulation of Sarajevo and to reinforce the negotiations going on in Geneva. And that continues. And you probably have heard that Secretary Christopher will go to Aviano on Monday -- tomorrow -- to sort of check the progress of those discussions.

Q: If this continued action -- if the Serbs continue to strangle the city. Is there any choice other than to take action? What is your sense of that?

MS. MYERS: Well, we're certainly put in place a process to prevent that. Obviously, we'll have to wait and see -- any further action there will depend on action -- developments on the ground. So obviously, we're watching this with great concern and we're moving forward putting the command and control structure into place, and we'll check back with NATO when that is ready.

Q: Is that the trigger then --

Q: Let me follow on that. How long will it take to put the thing in process before you can drop the bombs? And what do you think -- do you put any credence at all in the promise today by the Serbs not to -- to pull back from the mountains?

MS. MYERS: We don't have any time line, in answer to the first part of your question. And the second part of your question, I think we want to see direct action from the Serbs on the ground. That's our criteria there. If they pull back, if they stop the strangulation of the city, if they stop shelling, that will be a sign that they're sticking to their word. We need more than words here.

Q: Well, is the process in place?

Q: Can you elaborate on what you mean by this is a living document until it's voted on?

MS. MYERS: I mean, Congress is in control of that, so you should check with them as to what's in and what's out.

Q: Wait a minute. The President has an important role to play, though, does he not, in influencing what might live and what might die within this living document?

MS. MYERS: He certainly has a lot of -- has opinions about that, but he's not the only one. There are a number of members up there. The leadership, obviously, is making the final decisions on this. And the President is actively involved, he's talking actively to members of Congress --

Q: Do you mean to say the President is not making the planning decisions?

MS. MYERS: I think that the leadership will have ultimate control. The President has had a direct effect on this process, there's no question about it. He continues to talk to members, urge them to support it. But I think it's entirely possible that Congress may make minor changes to it in the next couple hours. You'd have to check with the leadership to see exactly where they are.

Q: Is the President actively advocating or participating in the deliberations on that at this time? Are there any major, or even important minor matters that --

MS. MYERS: I don't expect any major changes, no.

Q: And would those changes be made for the purpose of attracting further support?

MS. MYERS: I think -- again, I don't expect any major changes. I think, obviously, there are members of Congress who have had concerns. I think that this package, like all other big pieces of legislation, has undergone a number of changes as it's worked its way through the legislative process. That could continue up to the last minute, but I don't think anyone expects any major changes at this point.

Q: Do you think you have the votes in the House?

MS. MYERS: I think we will.

Q: Is there a list -- are they the fence-sitters --who is he really talking to? Is there a category?

MS. MYERS: He's talking to a number of people. I don't know that there's a list. I think as events develop throughout the day he'll make phone calls in response to that. I think his general sense right now is that things are going very well. He's not going to take any votes for granted. He's going to continue to work on it right up until the last vote is cast. But when the last vote is cast, we expect the President's plan to pass the House today.

Q: One more thing on the Bosnia subject. Harris, in his letter, is saying that the U.S. -- urging the U.s. to withdraw support from the partition talks in Geneva and also to bring up the issue of lifting the arms embargo once again in the Security Council. Does the White House have any reaction to this?

MS. MYERS: Well, only what are position actually is. In terms of the talks in Geneva, we don't have a preferred option. We've always said we would support a negotiated settlement. We think that is the only way to stop the violence in Bosnia. That is something that has to be worked out by the parties, and if there's an agreement worked out by the parties in good faith we'll support it.

What was the second part?

Q: To bring up the issue of lifting the arms embargo.

MS. MYERS: Oh. I think that the process has moved beyond that. We have a good agreement, I think, that we negotiated on Monday. The allies support it. We're moving forward with plans for additional action including air strikes to prevent the continued strangulation of Sarajevo and to try to get the parties to continue negotiating in good faith in Geneva. And we'll see how that goes.

Q: Do you think that process will be finished before Sarajevo falls?

Q: Can I follow on that question? Has it been determined yet or has it been worked out on whether it's going to be NATO or the U.N. that's going to push the button, pull the trigger?

MS. MYERS: Yes. We said on Monday the communique makes it very clear that we plan to work out the command and control details in close coordination with the U.N., and we expect that to continue. So we'll work it out -- we're in ongoing dialogue with them and with UNPROFOR.

Q: Will it be finished before Sarajevo falls?

Q: Is there a dispute as has been portrayed in some quarters between the U.N. and NATO?

MS. MYERS: I think we've made it very clear that we're going to work out the details of this plan in conjunction, in close coordination with the U.N. and with UNPROFOR.

Q: Do you really think that process will be completed before Sarajevo falls? And if it's not, are you prepared to take action to reclaim Sarajevo from the Serbs?

MS. MYERS: I'm certainly not going to speculate about what might or might not happen. I think we're making good progress on this. We feel this is a very big step forward on Monday and we're working now to work out the command and control and other logistical details. We think we're making good progress.

Q: But the Muslims are about to lose their last high ground.

MS. MYERS: Again, we're working on this and we're making good progress. And I'm not going to speculate about things that may not happen.

Q: Will the President have anything to say either tonight after the House vote, or more importantly, tomorrow after the Senate vote?

MS. MYERS: We don't have a firm schedule on that. It depends on what time the House votes. I think --

Q: Possibly?

MS. MYERS: Sure, if they do it within a reasonable time, I think it's likely the President will have a comment.

Q: Another Bosnia question. In all of these talks the President is having with Hill leaders or whoever, does he bring up Bosnia? A lot of folks have indicated that Monday seems to be the day they're going to finally pull their military contingency plans together and that's the day the bombing could begin at the earliest? Does he feel he needs to talk to them about this or needs any clearance from them before U.S. jets go in?

MS. MYERS: Well, we've had ongoing conversations with members of Congress about the situation in Bosnia. I think, certainly the focus of the phone calls he's making today and made in the last couple of days has been the economic package. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that one or another congressman or congresswoman may have raised Bosnia, but that certainly isn't the focus of his calls. But again I would remind you that discussions about Bosnia have been ongoing with members of Congress for the last several months.

Q: And he thinks he has the green light, doesn't he?

MS. MYERS: I think that the President has made his position clear, and I think we have support in Congress for that.

Q: Will he call the leaders in before conveying to NATO his support for a particular action? Would that be necessary?

MS. MYERS: I don't think we've worked out what the exact steps would be. As you know, he meets regularly with the leadership and Bosnia comes up almost every time that they sit down.

Q: I know, but would there be, as there have been in the past --

MS. MYERS: We'll have to see how things develop. We'd have to wait and see.

Q: Could you take the question of whether the President feels that there are --

MS. MYERS: I think it would depend on circumstances and I don't think we'll have a firm answer to that at this point.

Q: Does the President feel that his conversations at random with different congressmen is equal to going to Congress and asking Congress for permission to go to war?

MS. MYERS: We believe we've taken all actions consistent with the War Powers Act and we expect that to continue.

Q: Well, now, nobody even has ever figured out exactly what the War Powers Act means. It's a very weak act. But the Constitution is written stronger on this, and the Constitution says that only Congress can decide about going to war. Does the President agree with the Constitution? (Laughter.)

MS. MYERS: Of course, the President agrees with the Constitution. And all actions that we take will be consistent with U.S. law, of course.

Q: Do you think the people of Sarajevo would agree with your characterization of -- quote -- "good progress" is being made in the situation?

MS. MYERS: You'd have to ask the people of Sarajevo, but I think that our sense is that the agreement we reached on Monday is a good agreement. It's a good step forward. We're working quickly now to work out the logistical details. And we'll continue to do that.

Q: Is the President's Monday trip going away? And will it, if it isn't going away, is it likely to go away if the military action begins Monday? Will he stick close to the White House?

MS. MYERS: I'm not going to answer the second part of your questions, but the first part of your question is I fully expect that we'll travel on Monday. In fact, somebody was checking on the details now. We should have a destination by today. (Laughter.)

Q: do it later?

MS. MYERS: Oh, it will be later today.

Q: Maybe you just want to go out and fly around a little bit. (Laughter.)

MS. MYERS: It's worked before -- audibles in the air.

Q: Dee Dee, what role does the United States envision for itself in mediating disputes among former Soviet republics?

MS. MYERS: I think that what State Department said is that the Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Collins, will come back at the end of his tour there and continue to work with the State Department to promote democracy and economic reform in the Soviet Union. Certainly we'll do what we can to help resolve disputes and make progress toward greater reforms.

Q: So he'll be some kind of a special envoy for this purpose?

MS. MYERS: He'll come back and work with the State Department on issues relating to the former republics of the Soviet Union. And exactly how that role -- I'm not sure -- I'd refer you to the State Department for the specific details of how that will work. But again, when Jim Collins's tour is up in Moscow, he'll come back and focus on the former republics.

Q: Is there a particular reason that the administration believes it should play this role of mediator among those countries?

MS. MYERS: I'm not sure -- again, I refer you to them for details. But I think it has always been our role to try to resolve disputes where we can and to try to make peace where we can. That's always been within our purview.

Q: When you said earlier the President supports additional spending cuts, if, in fact, this budget cutting session takes place in September and, as a result, a bill is drafted based on the recommendations from that session, would the administration be willing to either support a bill along that line that calls for entitlements cuts and perhaps elimination of certain tax incentives --

MS. MYERS: We're certainly willing to work with members of Congress to identify additional spending cuts. I'm not going to comment at this point on what the President would or would not sign, but he's certainly willing to work with Congress to identify additional places to cut. He thinks that's important.

Q: Any progress in unlocking the hold on Dr. Joycelyn Elders?

MS. MYERS: I don't have an update on that. I'll have to check to see if they're going to vote on it today or tomorrow.

Q: Have you found jobs for the five members of the travel office who have apparently been notified by the Justice Department that there's no further investigation against them?

MS. MYERS: We see no additional obstacles now to fulltime employment. I think it is our expectation -- we're in the process now and they have met, the five former travel office employees have met with representatives of the administration to discuss their background and what they would be interested in. And we are looking for jobs for them in other agencies.

Q: Would they go back in the travel office?

MS. MYERS: I think at this point the search has focused on employment in other agencies.

Q: Why wouldn't they be brought back to the travel office?

MS. MYERS: I think that at this point it our judgment that they would -- that it's best in other agencies, and we're looking there first.

Q: Are you going to expand the travel office?

MS. MYERS: The total travel office reorganization isn't complete.

Q: Would they be allowed to apply for jobs --

MS. MYERS: It won't be expanded, it will be smaller than it used to be.

Q: It's not now.

MS. MYERS: I disagree with that. I think it is now.

Q: You've got a lot of detailees working there every time there's a trip.

MS. MYERS: No, there are a couple people there from the travel agency, from American Express, who are in that office. And there are a couple of detailees -- there's been some changes there recently. I'm not exactly aware of what -- if we walked in there today what the structure is. But when the reorganization is complete, I think there will certainly be fewer employees than there were before.

Q: Why is it better that they go to another federal agency as opposed --

MS. MYERS: I think the travel office has not been completely restructured yet. I think it's our judgment that we're going to start the search in other agencies. We just think that that's best.

Q: Why do you think it's best?

MS. MYERS: I'll just leave it at that.

Q: Would they be allowed to apply for jobs there, Dee Dee?

MS. MYERS: If they choose to bring it up with the administration representatives who are handling this, that's up to them. I think, again, at this point the search is focused on other agencies. And I don't expect that to change.

Q: Who is in charge of the search?

MS. MYERS: Someone in OMB. OMB is overseeing it.

Q: Dee Dee, since the Justice Department is now saying there's no further investigation, many of these five did accumulate considerable legal expenses for what appears to have been a waste. Is there any prospect of their being reimbursed for these costs for their legal expenses?

MS. MYERS: Not that I know of.

Q: Do you think they should have to pay out of their pockets these huge sums of money?

MS. MYERS: My opinion -- I'm not going to make -- I'm not going to comment on that. I don't know. I mean it's --

Q: Why not? Can you find out if they will do it?

MS. MYERS: I think that there's a lot of precedent for this. I think that there is a fund where independent money is being raised to help them defer those costs. But I would refer you to their lawyers as to how they're handling their legal costs.

Q: Has the Justice Department informed the White House that the investigation has been dropped?

MS. MYERS: The Justice Department -- I guess the representatives of the five have forwarded letters from the Justice Department to the Counsel's Office.

Q: That investigation continues, though, does it not?

MS. MYERS: It simply says that the five -- and each of them has an individual letter -- are no longer the subject or target of an investigation.

Q: But it doesn't say the investigation itself is over, does it?

MR. MYERS: No, it doesn't say -- and any other questions about the -- I think you could probably talk to their counsel about that.

Q: Dee Dee, will they receive any written notification or any other acknowledgement from the White House that they, in fact, did nothing wrong, in effect, clearing their records and helping to clear their reputations that were brought into question by this?

MR. MYERS: I think that Mack McLarty issued an apology from this podium on July 2nd. I think he said he regretted the way that this had been handled and any harm or pain he might have caused to the employees with their families and friends, and I think that stands. We rightfully and expectedly apologized.

Q: It's not just a matter of reputations here. The legal expenses were caused by the actions of the White House. They always served at the pleasure of the President. He could have dismissed them, but that's not all you did. From the podium accusations were made, suggestions were made to prompted these people to get legal counsel.

MR. MYERS: I am reluctant to open this up again, but I'm not sure that that's exactly true. I think we've acknowledged that the FBI investigation was improperly disclosed.

Q: That's all you've done.

MR. MYERS: Then I think we apologized, and I think rightfully so, for any pain that we might have caused them.

Q: But we're talking dollars and cents here.

Q: There's a precedent for indemnification of people who have been accused and --

MR. MYERS: But again, I don't want to debate the legal issues of this, but we apologized for improperly acknowledging the investigation.

Q: That's that only thing you apologize for?

MR. MYERS: Well, I think you'd have to talk to the FBI about why there was an investigation. I'm not in a position to comment on that.

Q: Well, it was certainly at the White House --

Q: Dee Dee, do you expect to get the autopsy report on Foster this weekend?

MR. MYERS: I'm sorry?

Q: Do you expect to get the final report on the autopsy of Foster this weekend?

MR. MYERS: I don't know. I think there was comments from Park Service officials in the paper this morning saying they didn't think they would have a completion until Monday. You'd have to double-check with the Park Service.

Q: Let me ask one more question on the travel office. I asked if the White House had been informed by the Justice Department that the investigation had been dropped. And you said that you guys got the letter from the attorney. Has the U.S. Justice Department told the White House and, if so, when did they tell the White House that the investigation --

MR. MYERS: My response to that was that the Justice Department sent letters to the five, which were then forwarded to the White House. And beyond that, I'm not commenting.

Q: But it was by the private attorneys for the parties?

MR. MYERS: Yes, I don't know --

Q: You didn't receive word directly from Justice, is that what you're saying?

MR. MYERS: Right.

Q: Are you saying that you did not receive word directly from Justice?

MR. MYERS: We did not receive word of these letters to the five employees. And beyond that, I'm not commenting.

Q: But you're not commenting about when they might have told you that these people were no longer the subjects?

MR. MYERS: No, I'm saying we found out that people were no longer the subject when the Justice Department sent letters to the individuals and the individuals' counsels then passed those on to us.

Q: When did you receive that notice, Dee Dee?

Q: Isn't it kind of odd that the Justice Department would inform you, that they'd inform the defense attorneys first?

MR. MYERS: You would have to check with the Justice Department about what standard procedure is. I'm not in a position to say.

Q: Dee Dee, when did you receive a notification that the investigation was complete?

MR. MYERS: Now, let me be clear. The letters say that the five are no longer the subject or target of an investigation. And we received those, I think, a couple, perhaps at the end of last week and the rest of them this week.

Q: One other point --

Q: Didn't you just say a minute ago that the letters did not say that the investigations were complete, it just said that as far as those people were concerned that they were out of it?

MR. MYERS: Right, right.

Q: Just one other point. When the report was first issued on the travel investigation on July 2nd, my understanding at that time was McLarty said that these five people are going to be offered jobs back inside the government. It seems like you're saying today you held that up until the Justice Department said the investigation -- they're no longer targets.

MR. MYERS: But that's what Mack said, they were going to remain on administrative leave until the review was complete, and this to us is enough verification and we're ready to go forward and find them jobs.

Q: What job was found -- what, if any, job was found for Catherine Cornelius? Where is she working now?

MS. MYERS: She has not been -- she left the travel office, I believe July 14th, or somewhere in that vicinity. Unfortunately, she's been ill and she had to have some emergency surgery. She's doing fine, but she hasn't been back and has not started her new job.

Q: Has a job been chosen for her?

MS. MYERS: I believe so, but I would prefer to doublecheck that.

Q: Will it be in the White House or --

MS. MYERS: Yes, it's in the White House.

Q: Could you take that and report back?

MS. MYERS: Sure.

Q: Is she getting paid sick leave and stuff?

MS. MYERS: She has accrued some sick leave and some vacation time which she is using.

Q: In five months?

Q: Was she also investigated?

MS. MYERS: Yes. She's in compliance.

Q: Was she investigated for taking files out of the White House, Xeroxing checks in the middle of the night?

MS. MYERS: It was certainly part of the management review. And I would point out again she was reprimanded.

Q: Do you know if she's received a letter saying she's not a target?

MS. MYERS: I don't know.

Q: Dee Dee, on the relationship between the White House and the Justice Department on both of these issues; is the White House asking -- has the White House asked the Department of Justice for its findings on the travel investigation? And on the Vince Foster question, does the White House object to the Department of Justice or the Park Service, whichever, releasing the findings of its report?

MS. MYERS: No, I think that they -- the second half of your question first: The Park Service police have not yet, as far as -- and you can check with them -- decided what form their report was going to take. I think we'll leave that to their judgement.

Q: But it's -- the Justice is conducting its own investigation. And it's the Justice --

MS. MYERS: You need to check with them. I don't know what the status of that is.

Q: But aside from what the status of their investigation is, does the White House have any position on whether these reports should be released? Do you object to it? Do you agree with it?

MS. MYERS: I think we'll wait and see what they come up with and follow their advice on this. I mean, I think they have not yet determined what -- exactly what form this is going to take and how they're going to proceed with the conclusion of this. That's for them to decide.

Q: On a similar case, then, with the travel office, what was the White House instruction -- White House Counsel's Office instructions to the Department of Justice about the disposition of the report?

MS. MYERS: You'd have to check with the Justice Department about the status of any report.

Q: No, she's asking what was the White House's instructions to the Justice Department. Did you tell the Justice Department that you wanted to know when the investigation was concluded?

MS. MYERS: I don't know the answer to that. I don't know if it will be -- I'll have to take that because I'm not sure what the proper procedure is there. Whatever the standard procedure is in terms of informing people about investigations.

Q: Well, one standard in one case should be the standard in one case would be the same standard in the other case, wouldn't it?

MS. MYERS: I don't think that's necessarily true. I don't know because it involves different agencies within the Justice Department, different divisions. I'll take the question.

Q: It's the same Cabinet Department.

MS. MYERS: Yes, but there are certainly a lot of different regulations and standards within one Cabinet agency about whether something is criminal or civil or whatever and how they would handle the release of information relating to it. But I will certainly find out if and what kind of instructions the White House may have given to the Justice Department or what understanding we may have about whether they're going to inform us as to the end of that investigation. I don't know.

Q: Dee Dee, will the President and First Lady, under the blind trust -- is there a investment manager for the securities, and if so, who is that?

MS. MYERS: There is. It's a law firm, and I'll have to take it because I'm not sure.

Q: Is it the same law firm that drafted the document?

MS. MYERS: I think it is. I think it is. I think it's William and Connolly, but let me take the question.

Q: What's the question?

MS. MYERS: The question is: Does the President and First Lady's blind trust list a trust manager. And the answer is yes, and I'm going to take the question because I'm not sure who it is. It's a law firm.

Q: And can you find out who in that firm handles the business?

MS. MYERS: Yes, I think that -- just in reference to the outside counsel, there are two firms that do work for the President and First Lady.

Q: And they are --

MS. MYERS: The Rose firm. And, what is it -- Williams & Connolly is the other one.

Q: Would that be Robert Barnett?

MS. MYERS: That would be Robert Barnett. And you can certainly contact him for more information.

Q: Dee Dee, you mentioned that Mack McLarty had apologized from the podium for the handling of this thing. Has he or has anyone in the White House apologized or will they apologize directly to these people?

MS. MYERS: I think we made a public apology.

Q: On the question of where these travel office staffers might be placed, has a decision been made by the White House not to offer them positions back where they worked, many of them for many years, and perhaps take advantage of their experience?

MS. MYERS: I think after discussions with them, we're looking at other agencies that -- again, the travel office has not been completely reorganized. I think it's unlikely, although I wouldn't rule it out forever.

Q: Is it because of personal animosities that might have developed as a result of this?

MS. MYERS: I just think under the circumstances that we're looking at other places first.

Q: Have you got a name for us at the Rose firm?

MS. MYERS: I don't.

Q: Can you get one, please?

MS. MYERS: I'll check. I don't know if I can.

Q: What's the likelihood that they'll find jobs at salaries similar to what they --

MS. MYERS: I think quite likely. I mean, I think our commitment is to find them comparable employment, something --

Q: In the Washington area?

MS. MYERS: If that's what they choose -- and I think that that's what they would all --

Q: If one of them could find rooms in Wyoming, do you think you might bring him back to the travel office? (Laughter.)

MS. MYERS: That would certainly weigh favorable upon the decision-making process.

Q: This blind trust has already been set up?

MS. MYERS: Yes, it's been set up. The blind trust has been set up.

Q: And it's been operating for how long, do you know?

MS. MYERS: It's the late July -- I mean, it's recent. The date would be on it. It's available -- the document is available through the Office of Government Ethics.

Q: Can you tell us when the Williams & Connolly and/or the Rose firm were engaged?

MS. MYERS: I would have to take that. I don't know if that's something --

Q: I would appreciate it. Thank you.

MS. MYERS: The question is -- and I don't know whether I'll be able to answer it -- when were Williams & Connolly and the Rose firm engaged.

Q: Dee Dee, a while ago I think you said in answer to another question that you would get something from the Justice Department; and you would take that. When you get that information, will you make it public for all of us, please?

MS. MYERS: Sure, we always post the answers to taken questions every day somewhere back there.

Q: Well, most --

MS. MYERS: Most days.

Q: Do you know what the status of the investigation is for the other two travel office employees?

MS. MYERS: I don't, and I would refer you to the investigative agencies.

Thank you.

END 1:42 P.M. EDT

William J. Clinton, Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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