Executive Orders (Beginning with J.Q. Adams )

Special note: On our summary page, we explain that our collection of executive order texts is complete beginning with the administration of Harry S. Truman through the present. For the period of time prior to 1945, the APP collection is not complete--although it includes all documents published in official presidential compilations. The archives of the American Presidency Project continues to grow as we obtain and digitize original texts. See Executive Order counts per term.

Displaying 8051 - 8100 of 10448 Items

President Date Title
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 27, 1933
Executive Order 6227—Employees of Certain Executive Agencies Continued in the Service of the United States Temporarily
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 27, 1933
Executive Order 6227-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Cordage and Twine Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1933
Executive Order 6215—Amendment of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1933
Executive Order 6217—Authorizing the Appointments of James J. Maloney, John E. Murphy, Roy G. Perry, and Albert R. Vaughan as Operatives in the Secret Service Division of the Treasury Department
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1933
Executive Order 6218—Authorizing the Appointment of David A. Gates
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1933
Executive Order 6220—Authorizing Appointment of Louis R. Glavis to Any Position in the Classified Civil Service
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1933
Executive Order 6221—Organization of Executive Agencies
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1933
Executive Order 6221-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Wool Textile Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1933
Executive Order 6221-D—Code of Fair Competition for the National Council of Pajama Manufacturers
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 25, 1933
Executive Order 6213—Rental and Subsistence Allowances of Officers
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 25, 1933
Executive Order 6214—Exemption of Curtis F. Marbut from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 25, 1933
Executive Order 6214-A—Amendment of Schedule B of the Civil-Service Rules
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 25, 1933
Executive Order 6214-B—Executive Council
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 24, 1933
Executive Order 6211—Administration of Public Work
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 22, 1933
Executive Order 6210—Consolidating the Natural Bridge National Forest with the George Washington National Forest, Virginia and West Virginia
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 22, 1933
Executive Order 6210-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Silk and Rayon Dyeing and Printing Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 21, 1933
Executive Order 6209—Redistribution of the Overbalance of Population in Industrial Centers by Means of Making Loans for and Otherwise Aiding in the Purchase of Subsistence Homesteads
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 21, 1933
Executive Order 6207—Continuing in Effect the Authority Delegated to the Secretary of Agriculture by Executive Order No. 6182
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 21, 1933
Executive Order 6208—Purchase of Forest Lands for Emergency Conservation Work
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 21, 1933
Executive Order 6209-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Textile Finishing Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 21, 1933
Executive Order 6209-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Underwear and Allied Products Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 19, 1933
Executive Order 6206-C—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Bertha Wetherton
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 16, 1933
Executive Order 6206-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Textile Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 16, 1933
Executive Order 6206-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Thread Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 15, 1933
Executive Order 6205-A—Administration for Industrial Recovery
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 15, 1933
Executive Order 6205-B—Codes of Fair Competition
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 15, 1933
Executive Order 6205-C—Code of Fair Competition for the Silk Association of America
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 14, 1933
Executive Order 6204—Prohibition of Transportation in Interstate and Foreign Commerce of Petroleum and the Products Thereof Unlawfully Produced or Withdrawn from Storage
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 14, 1933
Executive Order 6204-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Throwing Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 12, 1933
Executive Order 6203—Appointment of Postmasters
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 11, 1933
Executive Order 6202-A—Executive Council
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 11, 1933
Executive Order 6199—Prohibition of Transportation in Interstate and Foreign Commerce of Petroleum and the Products Thereof Unlawfully Produced or Withdrawn from Storage
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 11, 1933
Executive Order 6200—Administration of the Emergency Conservation Work
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 11, 1933
Executive Order 6201—Puerto Rico Attached to Internal Revenue Collection District of Maryland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 11, 1933
Executive Order 6201-A—Designation of Miss Louise Polk Wilson to Sign Land Patents
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 11, 1933
Executive Order 6202—Phosphate Restoration No. 54, Wyoming
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 08, 1933
Executive Order 6198—Administration of Public Work
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 06, 1933
Executive Order 6196—Administration Under the Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 1933
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 06, 1933
Executive Order 6197—Revocation of Administrative-Site Withdrawal, Montana
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1933
Executive Order 6188—Announcing the Index Figures for the Cost of Living for the Six Months Periods Ending June 30, 1928, and June 30, 1933
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1933
Executive Order 6189—Withdrawal of Lands for Dock Site, Alaska
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1933
Executive Order 6190—Partial Revocation of Withdrawal of Certain Lands for Transmission-Line Right-of-Way, California
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1933
Executive Order 6192—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, California
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1933
Executive Order 6193—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, New Mexico
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1933
Executive Order 6194—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Oregon
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1933
Executive Order 6195—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Wyoming
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jun 26, 1933
Executive Order 6182—Delegation of Certain Functions and Powers Under the National Industrial Recovery Act to the Secretary of Agriculture
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jun 26, 1933
Executive Order 6183—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, New Mexico
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jun 26, 1933
Executive Order 6184—Helium Reserve No. 2, Utah
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jun 26, 1933
Executive Order 6185—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Wyoming