Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of October 18, 2020

October 18, 2020

Pool Reports by Steven Miller, The Washington Times

Sent: Reports:
October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #1

?Greetings from Las Vegas. It's Sunday morning andPresident Trump is going to church.

At 8:59 a.m. PDT mototcade is rolling from Trump Hotel to International Church of Las Vegas.

Pool did not see POTUS exit hotel.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #2

Motorcade arrived at the International Church of Las Vegas at 9:14 a.m. PDT.

Pool did not see POTUS enter the church.

>From the church website:
ICLV is a multicultural, healing, prophetic church all about giving the grace of Jesus to Las Vegas. Where sin abounds, let grace abound much more. We are passionate about bringing the grace and love of Jesus Christ to the hurting in our community and around the world through passionate worship, sacrificial giving, and an impartation of the Spirit of God.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #3

?Motorcade rolling from chruch at about 10:19 a.m. PDT. Headed to the airport and then to a fundraiser in California.

At the service at the International Church of Las Vegas:

Several hundred people were in attendance but the cavernous chruch was not filled to capacity.

The evangelical service included a band on stage and several women twirling colorful flags.

When the president was introduced, two stylized U.S. flags were added to the routine. The flags had Statue of Liberty designs intermingled with the stars and stripes.

When the collections buckets were passed around the congregation, President Trump put a handful of $20 bills into the bucket.

Church leader Paul Goulet said the offering goes to ministries for the poor and unemployed in Las Vegas, including a food bank at the church.

Paul Goulet said POTUS was not a visitor to the church but "a member" since it was his third time attending service.

Mr. Goulet's wife, church leader Denise Goulet, prophesied that the Lord would give President Trump "a second wind" to carry him through the campaign.

She said it had multiple meanings, including "that he will be the president again."

"The Lord said, 'He is ready for the next four years and he will have a second wind,'" she said. "The second wind — with a D — is the Holy Spirit."

Denise Goulet recalled her first meeting with the president at a previous church service. She said he asked her if she loved her job, and when she said she did, he told her, "You're doing a great job." She said he looked her right in the eye and it was an awe-inspiring moment.She repeated the exchange, this time directing it at the president.

"Do you love your job," she asked from the stage. Mr. Trump, seated in the first row, looked up and said, "Yes, I love my job."

She enthusiastically responded, "You're doing a great job!" The line drew rousing applause from the congregation.

Later, the congregation prayed for POTUS as church leader as Paul Goulet gave a blessing to POTUS, who stood in the front row and looked up at the preachers on stage.

Paul Goulet said the election of President Trump in 2016 had answered his prayers for America.

Appreciated assist from NYT's Doug Mills in spotting the president's donation.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #4

?Arrived at AF1 at 10:44 a.m. PDT.

Pool did not see POTUS board AF1.

Wheels up shortly for Santa Ana, California.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #5

?Wheels up Las Vegas at 10:56 a.m. PDT.

Wheels down Santa Ana, California, at 11:36 a.m. PDT.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #6

?President Trump deplaned at 11:44 a.m. PDT.

A crowd of approximately 200 supporters cheered from behind a a barrier beside tarmac.

They changed "Four more years."

The president walked over to them and chatted briefly with several supporters.

He told one fan that he could not sign something they requested him to sign.

A man in the crowd shouted out: "We love you."

Motorcade rolling at 11:49 a.m. for fundraiser at private residence.

A couple hundred people lined the street in Santa Ana. They were mostly supporters. Some had Trump flags. At least one Biden-Harris sign was spotted by pool.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #7

?Motorcade arrived at the fundraiser location at 12:11 a.m. PDT.

The fundraiser is at the home of Palmer Luckey, the 28-year-old tech entrepreneur who designed the Oculus Rift head-mounted virtual reality display.

En route, the motorcade passed a half dozen Biden supporters holding a sign that read: "Honk if you vote Democrat."

As the motorcade drove through Newport Beach, thousands of Trump supporters lined the streets. The throng of supporters included people with hoisting U.S. flags, Trump flags and Trump placards. Many people wore MAGA hats and other Trump apparel.

Some changed "USA" as the motorcade passed.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #8 (hating the press)

?A large crowd lined the street outisde the fundraiser in Newport Beach, apparently waiting to get into the residence. Scores of people shouted at disparaging comments about the news media as the pool exited the press vans and walked passed them.

Several men yelled: "Fake news!"

A man called out: "Where's Hunter!"

Another man yelled: "The computer is real" and "Don't spin this event."

An older woman sitting in a golf cart called out: "The lying press has arrived."

The fundraiser is being held a Palmer Luckey's home (see report #7) in an afluent sea-side neighborhood of Italian-style villas.

The pool is holding at a residence near the fundraiser location.

October 18, 2020

Print Pool Report #9

?Motorcade rolling at 1:46 p.m. PDT for John Wayne Airport.

The pool did not see President Trump exit the fundraiser.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #10

?Thousands of Trump supporters still lined the motorcade route out of Newport Beach for the president's return trip to John Wayne Airport.

Several boats in the inlet also sported Trump flags.

On one block along the route, there was a large contingent of people waving Armenian flags and hoisting pro-Armenian signs.

Hundreds of Trump supporters also still lined the street outside the airport.

The motorcade arrived at AF1 at 2:05 p.m. PDT.

Wheels up soon for Reno.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #11

?Wheels up 2:15 p.m. PDT in Santa Ana, Calif.

Wheels down 3:19 p.m. PDT in Reno.

Travelers also include Stephen Miller, who was spotted on AF1.

Apologies for missing subject line in last report. It was #10.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #12

?President Trump deplaned at 3:32 p.m. PDT. He defended stairs and walked over to press on tarmac to make remarks:

"The poll numbers are looking very very good in many of the states. And once people hear what we've done" they will go higher.

"All of the crowds have been incredible and they've been incredible size."

"Anybody that's covered that properly" would report that.

He said the crowds and energy is historic.

"I don't think it's ever been done before and the enthusiasm that we have I don't think anybody's ever had."

On stimulus talks: We're talking about it. I think Nancy Pelosi maybe is coming along we'll find out. ...I want to do it at a bigger number than she wants. That doesn't mean all the Republicans agree with me but I think they will in the end if she would go along, I think they would too, on stimulus. So we'll see what happens."

Motorcade rolling to Carson City for rally.

Major assisy from Nikki Schwab.

October 18, 2020

Print Pool Report #13

?President Trump ended his remarks at the outdoor rally in Carson City, Nev., at 5:47 p.m. PDT

The rally was televised.

Here are some highlights:
"I'm fighting against forces who want to destroy everything you cherish," the president told a crowd of thousands at Carson City Airport.

President Trump said Joe Biden was not the "nice guy" people make him out to be."He's not a good man. He's a corrupt man."

He said Biden ran a false TV add accusing the president of saying fallen U.S. soldiers were "losers." The president said Biden knows the TV ad is false but ran it anyway.

He said the TV ad was based on a made-up "vicious, vicious horrible magazine" article.
"There is no human being on earth unless they are seriously deranged would say such a thing about soldiers."
"It was made up just like the Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit was made up."
"They are vicious horrible people."

The president spent much of his rally remarks slamming Joe Biden.

"We have a lot of people here. Is there anyone who will vote for Sleepy Joe in this crowd?"
The crowd booed loudly.

"Joe Biden is from a failed and corrupt political class."
"He's a servant of the wealthy donors and the globalists."
The crowd chanted "lock him up" about Biden.
"Joe Biden is and always has been a corrupt politician. As far as I'm concerned, the Biden family is a criminal enterprise."

"In 2016 you elected a president who is finally putting America first," he said.

On Hunter Biden:

"This guy is a vacuum cleaner."
He said Hunter Biden "follows his father around" and takes millions and billions of dollars out countries.
"I call him the human vacuum."
"Joe is far more corrupt than Hunter."
"Can you imagine if that were Don Trump Jr.'s laptop?"
He said Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump and "even Barron" would be treated harshly by the news media if they did the same things as Hunter Biden.

On the economy:

He said the economy is already coming back but would be even stronger if a handful of Democratic governors would open their states.
He said Democratic governors were doing it "because they are trying to hurt us on Nov. 3."
"Get the places open. Let's go," he said.
"This election is a choice between a Trump super recover and a Biden depression."
"You will have one of the great depressions of all time" if Biden wins.

He said Biden posed a threat to the economic recover:
"The pandemic is rounding the curve. Normal life, it's all we want, normal life, we want to be where we were seven months ago," he said.

He said Nevada tourism will come "roaring back."
"Unless someone like sleepy joe wants to substantially increase your taxes and regulation."
"Biden wants to launch a socialist takeover of healthcare and cut our military, cut it to the bone."
"He will surrender your jobs to China. He will surrender your country to the virus."

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #14

?Motorcade rolling for Reno airport at 5:52 p.m. PDT

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #15

?Motorcade arrived at AF1 at Reno airport at 6:26 p.m. PDT.

President Trump boarded AF1 a minute later, stopping at top of stairs to wave at press and others on tarmac.

Wheels up soon for Las Vegas.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #16

?Wheels up 6:36 p.m. PDT at Reno.

Wheels down 7:34 p.m. PDT.

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #17

?President Trump deplaned at 7:45 p.m. PDT

He waved at pool and entered Beast.

Motorcade rolling for RON at 7:46 p.m. PDT

October 18, 2020

Print Travel Pool #18

?Motorcade arrived at Trump Hotel at 8:05 p.m. PDT.

Pool did not see the president enter the hotel.

A travel/photo lid was called at 8:07 p.m. PDT.

Good night.

Donald J. Trump, Pool Reports of October 18, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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