Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of May 5, 2020

May 05, 2020

Pool Reports by Geoff Earle, Daily Mail

Sent: Reports:
May 5, 2020

In-town pool #1

Good morning from the White House, where President Trump is scheduled to depart soon via Marine One en route to Arizona, where he will tour a mask factory and hold a roundtable on Native American issues. Rain is no longer in the forecast for later this morning.

Kellyanne Conway gaggled this AM. Here is a link:

Will send some notes if he talks at departure.

May 5, 2020

In town Pool report 2

POTUS spoke for about 9 mins and boarded M1 at 10:29 am.

No major news. He called the House "Trump haters" when asked why Fauci couldn't testify.

Indicated he may wear a mask because it's a "mask facility."

O'Brien, Meadows, Scavino, Kushner traveling with him.

More quotes TK.

May 5, 2020

In town pool 3

Marine One took off at 10:34 am.

A group of about 20 mask-less and youngish staff aides wearing ID badges were There for departure.

May 5, 2020

In-town pool No. 4 -- more quotes

Why won't you let Fauci testify in the House?

"Because the House is a set up. The House is a bunch of Trump-haters."

"They frankly want our situation to be unsuccessful, which means death ... They should be ashamed of themselves."

"They want us to fail so they can win an election, which they're not going to win."

On NYT report on modeling prediction –

"That's a report with no mitigation. So based on no mitigation, but we're doing a lot of mitigation."

Concerns about traveling and people getting exposed?

"Everybody traveling has been tested."

"Literally they've been tested over the last hour."

"It's a very strong group of people that want to make sure they are tested, including Secret Service."

Will he wear a mask?
"I think it's a mask facility, right? If it's a mask facility I will, yeah. I don't know if it's a mask facility. We're going to see Honeywell.
I'm going to pay my respects to a great company and a great state, the state of Arizona."

"They don't make the masks that don't work that we got sent from other countries. No, that other people got sent."

He said if he sees something he doesn't like, "we will stop it."

Concerned about models showing 134,000 deaths by August?
"That assumes no mitigation and we're going to have mitigation."

On the economy he said he "did it once" and "I'm going to do it again."

Asked if he believes the death toll figures, Trump said: "Well that's with no mitigation. We're doing mitigation. ... But we have to get our country open. We have to open our country."

"Models have been very inaccurate. I've seen models that are very inaccurate."

And the kicker:

"We did everything right, but now it's time to go back to work."

May 5, 2020
McEnany on COVID modeling, VZ quote

The White House sends along this quote from Kayleigh McEnany about reporting on modeling of coronavirus death rates

"The Johns Hopkins' study being pushed around by the media as factual is based on faulty assumptions and is in no way representative of any federal government projections and, as Johns Hopkins stated, should not be taken as a forecast. This "study" considered zero mitigation, meaning it was conducted as though no federal guidelines were in place, no contract tracing, no expansion of testing, while removing all shelter in place protocols laid out in the phased approach of the Opening Up America Again guidelines for individuals with co-morbidities. The media should be more responsible in its reporting and give the full set of information to the American public."

Also, here's one more POTUS departure quote, on Venezuela's claims of a failed plot.

"I just got information. Nothing to do with our government but I just got information on that. Well we'll find out, we just heard about it. Whatever it is we'll let you know, but it has nothing to do with our government."

May 5, 2020

In-town pool report 6

As many of you may have noticed, VP Mike Pence and coronavirus task force members conducted a briefing for reporters this afternoon.

The pen and pad was not on his public schedule and pooler was not among those invited to attend. It was held at OEOB and included wires, some conservative-leaning outlets, and other media. Public reporting indicates Pence confirmed discussions of disbanding the task force. A transcript is expected to be forthcoming, according to Pence's office. Pooler will seek to share when it is out.

Also, Brian Kerem sends along a link to a brief gaggle that Kevin Hassett gave on the north lawn that was simultaneous with the POTUS departure.

(McEnany quote should have been numbered pool report 5)

May 5, 2020

In-town pool report 7 -- Pence transcript on the task force

VP's office upon request has provided your pooler with a transcript of the portion of the pen-and-pad dealing with the winding down of the coronavirus task force.

Q The New York Times is reporting that White House officials had told members of the task force that the task force will be wound down and that there's won't necessarily be another group to replace it. Is that accurate, that you've been told that it's being -- that it's winding down?

Q In the next few weeks?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: I think we're having conversations about that and about what the proper time is for the task force to complete its work and for the ongoing efforts to take place on an agency-by-agency level. And we've already begun to talk about a transition plan with FEMA.

But it's -- it really is all a reflection of the tremendous progress we've made as a country. The President stood up the White House Coronavirus Task Force to marshal -- in January -- to marshal a national response.

And as I've said before, as we continue to practice social distancing and states engage in safe and responsible reopening plans, I truly believe -- and the trend lines support it -- that we could be in a very different place. And by late May and early June -- and that probably represents the timetable for our agencies --

Q Will Dr. Birx -- is Dr. Birx going to stick around --

THE VICE PRESIDENT: -- to begin the --

Q -- even though it's wound down?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: We're going to keep Dr. Deborah Birx around every bit as long as we need to.

Q Did you say early June?


Q Did you say early June?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: I think we're starting to look at the Memorial Day window, early June window as a time when we could begin to transition back to having our agencies begin to manage -- begin to manage our national response in a more traditional manner.

DR. BIRX: We'll still keep a close eye on the data because we have very good data now. It took us a while to build that capacity. And we'll make sure that, you know, we're watching that at a federal level.

May 5, 2020

In-town pool report 8 - arrival and lid

Marine One landed at 10:06 pm and POTUS walked into the WH in the rain following a heavy downpour after the decision was made not to make a bad weather call.

The mask-less president gave a few quick waves to the pool. He used an umbrella, although the rain diminished about when he landed.

The eastern sky was orange due to the low cloud ceiling as the front goes through. Also seen exiting were Hope Hicks, Jared Kushner, and Dan Scavino, all mask-less. Aide Nick Luna carried a large cardboard box.

Thanks to your out of town pooler for the handoff and color on the mask tour.

WH sked for tomorrow includes Kayleigh McEnany's second briefing. We have a travel photo lid.

Gnite all.

Pool Reports by Morgan Chalfant, The Hill

Sent: Reports:
May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #1: JBA departure

Good morning from JBA. I'll be your print pooler for President Trump's trip to Arizona today during which he will visit a Honeywell facility producing respiratory masks.

Marine One landed here at 10:45 a.m. The president stopped to talk to the press briefly, highlighting his trip to Honeywell before taking a few questions.

The president said the coronavirus projections reported by the New York Times yesterday were based on no mitigation. "Our country wants to open," the president said.

He said he was going to Arizona because he loved Arizona and also wants to "pay his respects" to Honeywell.

He said he hadn't decided on wearing a mask at Honeywell but said he would wear one if it's a "mask environment."

The president boarded Air Force One at 10:54 a.m. followed by Dan Scavino, Jared Kushner, COS Mark Meadows, and NSA Robert O'Brien.

Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) is also traveling with the president. We preparing for takeoff at 11:00 a.m.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #2 — Phoenix arrival

Air Force One touched down at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport at 12:04 p.m local time. The flight was relatively uneventful. Chief of Staff Mark Meadows popped back into the press cabin to say a brief hello during the flight.

POTUS deplaned at 12:20 p.m. He was greeted by Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.

It is hot and sunny in Phoenix. We are rolling to Honeywell International Inc. in Phoenix.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #3 — arrival at Honeywell

After a very short drive, we arrived at the Honeywell facility at 12:26 p.m. The president is first scheduled to participate in a roundtable discussion on supporting Native Americans. Then he will tour the facility and later he will deliver remarks.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report # 4 — roundtable

Pool was called into the roundtable at the factory at 1:25 p.m. The president was joined by Vice President of Navajo Nation Myron Lizer and Second Lady Lizer, Gila River Indian Community Governor Stephen Roe Lewis, Governor Ducey, Secretary of Labor Scalia and Senator McSally.

"Together we are fighting for everybody but we are fighting this terrible coronavirus. It is a tough opponent but we are winning," the president said, noting the country was starting to come back.

He noted the administration is deploying the "full resources" of the federal government to help protect the Native American population from the virus, and reflected on the toll the virus has taken on the Native American community.

Lizer said that the number of cases among the Navajo Nation is still rising but hopefully will fall. He said the Navajo Nation has seen 2,400 cases of coronavirus and 73 deaths due to the virus. He said the peak was expected to be later this month.

Trump touted funding in the CARES act allocated for tribal governments.

Roundtable still ongoing.

Before the roundtable, pool was holding in a large room of the factory where an assembly line of employees could be seen making masks. Upbeat music similar to that which you might hear at one of the president's rallies played in the factory.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #5 — more roundtable, questions on task force

Governor Ducey thanked Trump and McSally for their focus on tribal communities particularly during the coronavirus outbreak.

Trump also touted the building of the wall at the southern border, saying the U.S. had seen the lowest numbers of border crossings.

"We'll have it completed early next year," Trump said.The president then signed a proclamation against Native American violence.

The president was asked about winding down the coronavirus task force and whether that was a good idea during a pandemic.

"I think we are looking at phase two and we're looking at other phases." Trump said the country is starting to open up and noted that the task force has done "a phenomenal job."

Trump went on to tout the country's testing capabilities.

"I just want to say we have done an incredible job on testing."

Pressed further on the task force issue, Trump said he wouldn't need to consult certain people, such as those who worked on ventilators.

"We will have something in a different form," the president said, describing the need to focus on both safety and reopening. He said Mike Pence and the task force have done a great job.

Why is now the time to wind down the task force if there could be a recurrence?

"Because we can't close our country down for the next five years," the president said. "We've learned a lot." The president noted that health experts believe there could be a recurrence but they would need to "put it out."

Please check quotes against transcript. Roundtable still ongoing.

Passing the following along from the White House on the participants. They were distanced at long tables and no one was wearing a mask.

Today, President Donald J. Trump will participate in a roundtable discussion on supporting Native Americans.

The following individuals are expected to attend:

The White House
President Donald J. Trump

Trump Administration
Secretary Eugene Scalia, Department of Labor

Elected Officials
Governor Doug Ducey, Arizona
Senator Martha McSally, Arizona

Native America Leaders
Myron Lizer, Vice President, Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah
Dottie Lizer, Second Lady, Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah
Stephen Roe Lewis, Gila River Indian Community, Arizona

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #6 — more questions on task force

POTUS was asked whether Drs. Birx and Fauci would still be involved in efforts to address the coronavirus.

"They will be and so will other doctors and so will other experts in the field," the president answered. "We are bringing our country back."

Trump was asked if he would take a vaccine if one were available. He was noncommittal, saying he would do "whatever is best for the country."

Round table is over, now onto the tour.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #7 — tour

The tour of the facility took place in a large room where pool was holding earlier on in the factory. The president wore goggles but did not wear a mask and toured an assembly line, observing how the masks are made. He was led through the facility by a leader at Honeywell — your pooler has checked on who that is. No one on the tour was wearing a mask. I have included some photos below. One depicts a sign instructing employees to wear masks. A White House official said that the facility said officials were not required to wear masks but to take all precautions.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #8 -- tour details

Passing the following along from the White House:

THE PRESIDENT participates in a tour of Honeywell International Inc. Mask Production Assembly Line with the following participants:

Darius Adamczyk
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell International Inc.

Tony Stallings
Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain, Honeywell International Inc.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #9 -- remarks ongoing

Your pooler forgot to send a note when the president began his remarks. They are being live streamed now on the White House website and you can watch them here:

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #10 — remarks conclude

The president concluded his remarks at 2:53 p.m. local time. We are loading into the vans to head back to the airport. Passing along another photo of safety guidelines posted at the entrance to the factory.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #11 — leaving Phoenix

We have boarded Air Force One and are taxiing as of 3:06 p.m. Your pooler did not catch a glimpse of the president before we boarded. Next stop, JBA.

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #11 — JBA arrival

Air Force One touched down at JBA around 9:35 p.m. President Trump came back for an off the record chat during the flight. COS Mark Meadows also came back to chat briefly before him, much of which was off the record.

The president deplaned at 9:45 p.m. and boarded Marine One, which was wheels up at 9:52 p.m. It is raining here.

Handing off to in-town pool. Have a splendid evening!

May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #12

One more update from the plane ride. COS Meadows noted during his conversation with the pool that was on the record that the president would not be traveling to Ohio this week. POTUS said last week that he might travel to Ohio but nothing had been formally put on the schedule.

May 5, 2020 [APP Note: Report #13 does not exist or was not received by the APP.]
May 5, 2020

Out of town pool report #14 -- report number correction

Subject: Out of town pool report #11 — JBA arrival

Air Force One touched down at JBA around 9:35 p.m. President Trump came back for an off the record chat during the flight. COS Mark Meadows also came back to chat briefly before him, much of which was off the record.

The president deplaned at 9:45 p.m. and boarded Marine One, which was wheels up at 9:52 p.m. It is raining here.

Handing off to in-town pool. Have a splendid evening!

Donald J. Trump, Pool Reports of May 5, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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