Joe Biden

Pool Reports of May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021

Pool Reports by Seung Min Kim, The Washington Post

Sent: Reports:
May 13, 2021

in-town pool report #1 - checking in

Good morning from your pooler at the White House. On tap today: POTUS will deliver remarks on the Colonial Pipeline incident at 11:50 a.m. and meet with Republican senators on infrastructure at 1:30 p.m.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki will brief at 12:30 p.m. Please pass along any Qs for her and I am happy to ask on behalf of the pool.

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #2 — gathering for pipeline remarks

The pool is gathering now for POTUS’s 11:50 a.m. remarks in the Roosevelt Room on the Colonial Pipeline

May 13, 2021

In-town pool report #3 — two min warning

[APP Note: No additional text was included in this report.]

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #4 — POTUS speaks on pipeline

POTUS arrived in the Roosevelt Room and began speaking at 12:27 p.m. The remarks are being carried live on the White House website and other venues.

May 13, 2021

in town pool report #5 - POTUS finishes, takes Qs

The remarks were live-streamed so I won't send a recap, but POTUS noted that the gas situation will return largely to normal by this weekend and urged Americans to remain calm.

"I know seeing lines at the pumps … can be extremely stressful. But this is a temporary situation."

"Panic buying will only slow the process."

He warned gas station owners against taking advantage of consumers: "Nobody should be using this situation for financial gain.

Said: "We do not believe the Russian government was involved in this attack," but had "strong" reason to believe the criminals are in Russia

On Q+A:

POTUS says he expects to discuss this issue in his meeting with Putin. "We are working to try to get to the place where we have sort of an international standard … That we all move on those criminal enterprises."

When asked if he's confident Putin was not involved, POTUS says "I am confident that I have read the report in the FBI accurately," and says Putin was not involved.

When asked if he was ruling out retaliatory cyberattacks, POTUS said "No."

On whether he had been briefed that the company had paid the ransom, POTUS said: "I have no comment on that."

POTUS wrapped at 12:40 p.m. Pls check all quotes against transcript.

May 13, 2021

in-town pool report #6 - briefing begins

[APP Note: No additional text was included in this report.]

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #7 — gather for Oval, updated sked

Flagging new 3:45 p.m. addition to POTUS sked. We are now gathering for his meeting with Republican senators.


3:45 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on the COVID-19 response and the vaccination program
Rose Garden
In-House Pool Coverage (Final Gather 3:25 PM – Brady Press Briefing Room)

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #8 — POTUS + senators in the Oval

Pool ushered into the Oval at 1:42 p.m. POTUS spoke very briefly, said he got together with the senators at their "mutual request." He wants to define what "constitutes infrastructure from both our perspectives" then discuss how much we want to fund above the baseline levels of spending from last year. Says he believes the discussions are in "good faith."

On one shouted Q re: whether he was prepared to make a lower offer, POTUS said: "I'm prepared to compromise."

Seated on the couch to POTUS' left was Sen. Capito and Secretary Raimondo. On the couch across from them (to VP's right) was Sen Crapo and Secretary Buttigieg. Sitting on socially distanced chairs across from POTUS/VP were Sens. Barrasso, Blunt, Toomey and Wicker.

Pool ushered out at 1:44 p.m.

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #8a - more POTUS quotes from Oval meeting

Please, as usual, check against the transcript. Some more quotes ahead of POTUS meeting with Republican senators:

"We'll see if we can work out some, on a compromise on infrastructure. And I know they're sincere about it, so am I. And what we're going to try to do is figure out what we can – what constitutes infrastructure from … our perspectives and then see whether or not we're in a position that -- how, how much we want to fund it above the baseline, the baseline meaning what we spent last year, and then talk about how to proceed from there."

"It's a genuine effort, I think we get there," and just in case, POTUS brought along two secretaries (Buttigieg and Raimondo) "who are smarter than I am."

May 13, 2021

In-town pool report #9 - lunch lid

The WH has called a lunch lid until 3 p.m., with the possible exception that senators will hit up the mics at the conclusion of their meeting with POTUS (unclear when that would be).

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #10 - senators meeting wraps

It’s over, per announcement overhead.

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #11 — brief gaggle with senators

Says the meeting was productive, said POTUS has asked the senators to come back with reworked offer that he can react to, but not much detail beyond that. Otter below.

May 13, 2021

in-town pool report #11a - POTUS/senators took masks off in Oval, per Capito

Per Capito, they "all" took off their masks per updated CDC guidance. She said this as she was approaching the mics so my recording wasn't going yet.

May 13, 2021

in-town pool report #11b - small correx

There shouldn't be quote marks around the "all" in the pool report I just sent – but Capito did say senators did, including POTUS. Original pool report below:

Per Capito, they "all" took off their masks per updated CDC guidance. She said this as she was approaching the mics so my recording wasn't going yet.

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #12 — Waiting for POTUS in Rose Gardn

Pool is in position in the Rose Garden, where POTUS will soon deliver remarks on covid-19. Aides spotted out here: Chief of staff Ron Klain, senior adviser Anita Dunn, press secretary Jen Psaki.

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #13 — two min warning for Rose Garden remarks

[APP Note: No additional text was included in this report.]

May 13, 2021

In town pool report #14 — Rose Garden remarks

POTUS came out into the Rose Garden at 3:57 p.m. The remarks were carried live but some quick notes: POTUS said today's CDC news on mask guidance was a "great milestone." Said as of today, the U.S. has administered 250 million shots in 114 days.
Also noted there are 580,073 lost lives due to covid-19.
At the progress, POTUS said he was "Pleased but not surprised."
"The American people have never ever ever let their country down."
POTUS stressed: "If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask."
He also said if you see someone wearing a mask, "please treat them with kindness and respect."

POTUS was asked how you enforce unvaccinated people from not taking off their masks. "We don't enforce it .... It's not an enforcement thing, we're not gonna go out and arrest people." Says "vast majority" of Americans care about the safety of others.

Says his meeting with GOP senators was "very very good" and said he was "very optimistic" on a deal, but "even if we don't," that it was a "good faith" effort. Says they'll talk again next week.

He left the Rose Garden at 4:11 p.m. Please as usual check quotes against transcript.

Should add from note in earlier pool report that the senior White House aides present in the Rose Garden were not wearing masks.

May 13, 2021

in-town pool report #15 - lid

The White House has now called a lid. Pleasure being your pooler today!

Joseph R. Biden, Pool Reports of May 13, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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