Joe Biden

Pool Reports of June 28, 2023

June 28, 2023

Pool Reports by Steven Nelson, New York Post

Sent: Reports:
June 28, 2023
09:06 EDT

Pool Report 1/Gathered

Good morning from the White House, where the press is gathered for President Biden's South Lawn departure.

June 28, 2023
09:35 EDT

Pool Report 2/Questions

President Biden exited the White House residence at 9:28 and took an unusually large number of questions. Most of them were out of earshot of your pooler.

Q&A ended at 9:32. I'll type up quotes when I piece together a transcript.

June 28, 2023
09:37 EDT

Pool Report 3/Marine One wheels up

Marine One was in the air at 9:36.

June 28, 2023
09:58 EDT

Pool Report 4/Travelers

The White House shares the following:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Lael Brainard, Assistant to the President & Director of the National Economic Council

June 28, 2023
10:23 EDT

Pool Report 5/Q&A transcript

Apologies for the delay and the missing words. Let's hope the official transcript is more complete.

Q: [inaudible] paying for abortion services. Your response?

Biden: I don't know what he's talking about.

Q: [inaudible] with Russia in meaningful talks to try to de-escalate the whole situation in Ukraine?

Biden: Inaudible

Q: Has Putin been weakened by what's happened?

Biden: Absolutely.

Q: To what extent has Vladimir Putin been weakened by recent events?

Biden: It's hard to tell really. He's clearly losing the war in Iraq [sic]. He's losing the war at home and he has become a bit of a pariah around the world. And it's not just NATO, it's not just the European Union. It's Japan, it's, you know —

Q: President Biden, how involved were you in your son's Chinese shakedown text message? Were you sitting there — were you involved?

Biden: No, I wasn't and I [pause]

Q: Were you?

Biden: No.

Q: Mr. President, do you think Vladimir Putin is weaker today than he was before [inaudible]?

Biden: I know he was — is.

Q: Is the worst of the inflation over?

Biden: Let me put it this way. I've been hearing every month there's going to be a recession next month. The consensus is two-thirds of the economists and the major leaders of the banks think we're not gonna have a recession. I don't think we will either. But I'll tell you one thing, in addition to the prices that [inaudible] we're bringing down prices across the board [inaudible].

Q: You said you didn't know what the hell Bidenomics is. Sir, can you tell us today what it is?

Biden: [inaudible] the first time I heard it used was by you guys in the press

Q: [inaudible] Sweden's ascension to NATO?

Biden: I'd rather not talk speak [inaudible] right now

Q: Why no new policy announcements with the branding? With the Bidenomics brandings?

Biden: Well, look, you guys branded it. I didn't. I never called it Bidenomics, and so I was asked a question.

Reporter: Your economic team is calling it Bidenomics.

Biden: Now wait, let's get it straight. The first time it was used was in the Wall Street Journal. Okay? And I don't go around beating my chest 'Bidenomics' so the press started calling it Bidenomics.

Q: Do you not like it sir?

Biden: No, I like it, it's fine [inaudible] my policies.

June 28, 2023
19:14 EDT

Pool Report 6/Biden return

Marine One was wheels down at 7:07.

President Biden emerged from the helicopter at 7:09 and walked across the lawn toward the White House residence.

He mouthed something toward reporters before entering the White House at 7:10. He didn't stop to take questions.

June 28, 2023
19:18 EDT

Pool Report 7/Lid

We have a travel/photo lid.

Pool Reports below by S.V. Dáte, HuffPost

Sent: Reports:
June 28, 2023
09:05 EDT

WH travel pool report 1 — Andrews

Good morning from Joint Base Andrews, where the sun is attempting to break through the cloud deck on this pleasant summer morning and where the travel pool has assembled to accompany the president to Chicago for an economics speech and a fundraiser.

Deputy press sec Olivia Dalton will conduct a question and answer session during the outbound flight, which you can listen to through the WH web site. A reminder that your pooler has no cell access on the flight, so if you wait for my recap, it will be considerably later than if you listen yourself.

We are flying aboard the larger Air Force 1, the modified 747, tail number 29000.

June 28, 2023
09:50 EDT

WH travel pool report 2 — departure from Andrews

The president's helicopter set down on a runway at Andrews at 0944 and taxied over and stopped about 200 feet ahead of Air Force 1´s nose.

President Biden emerged wearing his Aviators from the forward door and walked to the built-in staircase at the front of the plane and, with salutes to the Air Force sergeants on either side, climbed aboard at 0949.

He did not stop to chat with the pool gathered beside the port, inboard engine.

From the WH press office:

Greeting the President upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews:

Colonel Paul Pawluk

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to Chicago, Illinois:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Emmy Ruiz, Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Political Strategy & Outreach
Lael Brainard, Assistant to the President & Director of the National Economic Council
Bharat Ramamurti, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of the National Economic Council
Olivia Dalton, Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Press Secretary
Travis Dredd, Special Assistant to the President & Trip Director
Sheila Grant, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter
Ryan Harper, Special Assistant to the President & NSC Deputy Chief of Staff
Radha Adhar, Special Assistant to the President & Senate Legislative Affairs Liaison

Pool is climbing aboard and we should be in the air shortly.

June 28, 2023
10:28 CDT

WH travel pool report 3 -- Chicago arrival

Air Force 1 touched down at O'Hare International at 1023 CDT through a thick layer of smoke and haze from the Canadian wildfires to the north following a mildly bumpy but otherwise uneventful 84-minute flight.

Deputy press secretary Oliva Dalton took 18 questions from the pool over 17 minutes on topics ranging from Russia to Biden's coming speech to inflation to the former president's attacks on the family of the special counsel prosecuting him.

No major news from this gaggle, which began with a 2-minute preview of the president's economic speech in Chicago: "His plan is working."

Some highlights:

Q On Russia and the Eastern European allies:

"You've heard us reaffirm our commitment to the collective NATO countries."

"This is an internal matter for Russia, as the president has said."

"Our continued focus remains on supporting Ukraine."

Pointed out the latest drawdown of equipment announced yesterday to help Ukraine defend itself.

She said WH would not speculate on stories about the weekend mutiny and the involvement of senior military officials in Russia.

Q Smoke conditions in Chicago:

Said US is monitoring air quality conditions, that WH had not considered canceling the event, and is assisting Canada spot and extinguish wildfires.

"This is part of a growing pattern of extreme weather events that we're seeing as a result of climate change, and why the president has taken such ambitious, aggressive action to tackle that threat."

Q Potential of recession in the coming year, and whether it would hurt Biden:

Said that Biden had taken measures to end pandemic and get economy moving again through his stimulus plan, his infrastructure plan, the CHIPS and Science Act, and that economic indicators are "clearly showing signs that they're working"

"We've been hearing people forecast the possibility of a recession for 24 months, and it hasn't happened."

"We have a strong track record."

June 28, 2023
10:42 CDT

WH travel pool report 4 — helos to Soldier Field

The president came down the built-in steps at the forward part of the plane — as opposed to the roll-up stairs normally used — at 1036.

With a wave toward local media on a flatbed, he walked toward his helicopter as the pool was escorted to our Marine Corps Osprey VTOL.

We should be airborne momentarily.

June 28, 2023
10:45 CDT

WH travel report 4a — travelers

Per the WH press office:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to Soldier Field Landing Zone, Chicago, Illinois:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Lael Brainard, Assistant to the President & Director of the National Economic Council

June 28, 2023
11:07 CDT

WH travel pool report 5 — through the haze to downtown

Marine 1 emerged from the dense haze and arrived at Soldier Field at 1058.

The pool Osprey, with the tilt rotors, has passed the president's helicopter early on during the 11-minute, low-altitude flight to the football stadium's parking lot at about 170 kts, swooping in from over Lake Michigan for the final portion.

The president was greeted by Gov. Ptritzker, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Sens Duckworth and Durbin as he stepped out of the helicopter.

At 1105 the motorcade is rolling toward the speech event site.

June 28, 2023
11:19 CDT

WH travel pool report 6 — arrival at old post office

The president's motorcade arrived at the Old Post Office building, in the shadow of Sears Tower, at 1115 following a short drive through the closed-streets, passing occasional clumps of onlookers filming our passage on their phones.

Per the WH press office:

Traveling with the President via motorcade en route to the Old Post Office, Chicago, Illinois:

Governor J.B. Pritzker (IL)
Senator Dick Durbin (IL)
Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL)
Mayor Brandon Johnson, Chicago, IL
Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Emmy Ruiz, Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Political Strategy & Outreach
Lael Brainard, Assistant to the President & Director of the National Economic Council
Bharat Ramamurti, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of the National Economic Council
Olivia Dalton, Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Press Secretary
Travis Dredd, Special Assistant to the President & Trip Director
Ryan Harper, Special Assistant to the President & NSC Deputy Chief of Staff
Radha Adhar, Special Assistant to the President & Senate Legislative Affairs Liaison

June 28, 2023
11:38 CDT

WH travel pool report 7 -- color from room

The president will be delivering his speech in the lobby of the restored Old Post Office Building in downtown Chicago.

The space has soaring ceilings, 30 feet high, it appears, with polished marble walls and bright yellow tile work. The stage is set ahead of two massive paned windows on either side of a marble panel bearing the presidential seal and a vertical US flag, flanked with nine US flags on poles, right and left.

Large blue "BIDENOMICS" signs decorate the stage.

About 200 seats are arranged for invited guests directly ahead of the stage, with the press riser behind that.

Biden is set to start his speech at noon Central time, 1300 EDT. It will be livestreamed on the White House web site.

Per the WH press office:

Participating in a photoline with the President at the Old Post Office, Chicago, Illinois:

Governor J.B. Pritzker (IL)
Senator Dick Durbin (IL)
Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL)
Rep. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
Rep. Bill Foster (IL-11)
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-08)
Rep. Chuy Garcia (IL-04)
Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL-14)
Rep. Delia Ramirez (IL-03)
Rep. Jonathan Jackson (IL-01)
Mayor Brandon Johnson, Chicago, IL
State Senator Patricia Van Pelt
County President Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County, IL

Attending the President's major address on Bidenomics:

Business leaders, economists, members of the Administration, members of Congress, and local elected officials

Governor J.B. Pritzker (IL)
Mayor Brandon Johnson, Chicago, IL
Rep. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL)
Senator Dick Durbin (IL)

Speaking Program
Bob Clark, Executive Chairman and Founder, Clayco
The President

June 28, 2023
12:02 CDT

WH travel pool report 8 -- Biden begins speech

The president took the stage at 1158 with a "Hello, hello, hello" and started his remarks.

Biden is using large TV screens off to the right and left behind the audience, rather than transparent teleprompter screens by the lectern.

The speech is being livestreamed on the WH web site.

June 28, 2023
12:42 CDT

WH travel report 9 -- speech done

The president spoke for 37 minutes, hitting familiar themes about the failure of supply side economics and his rationale for instead pushing policies to increase the wealth of middle class and poorer people.

"Not much trickle down at my dad's kitchen table."

"The trickle-down approach failed the middle class. It failed America."

Biden also adopted as his own a term originally designed to attack him, "Bidenomics," for which he credited the Wall Street Journal.

"I didn't come up with the name. I really didn't. I'm not offended by it."

"I'm happy to call it Bidenomics."

He cited statistics showing that the US economy had recovered faster and delivered higher growth and lower inflation than the other major industrialized economies.

"Guess what? Bidenomics is working."

Biden took a jab at his predecessor, who repeatedly promised to pass a major infrastructure bill but failed to pass anything.

"Remember infrastructure week?"

"We got infrastructure decade done."

He also took credit for lower costs over the past year:

"Inflation is less than half of what it was a year ago."

And credited the "Inflation Reduction Act" for lowering prices for prescription drugs.

"This time we finally beat Big Pharma, for the first time."

Biden then moved to the tax code, and said he want to increase rates on the highest earners to help reduce the deficit as well as increase fairness.

"That's the next phase of this fight. Making the tax code fair."

Closing, he recounts his discussion with Xi Jinping years before he rose to the top position in China, and took another jab at Trump.

"By the way I turned in all my notes."

Pool is being hustled out.

At 1241 the motorcade is rolling.

June 28, 2023
12:53 CDT

WH travel report 10 — arrival at fundraiser

The president arrived at the JW Marriott at 1245 for a fundraiser hosted by Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker.

As pool entered, we could hear chants and see signs of protesters demanding that Biden declare a climate emergency.

June 28, 2023
13:14 CDT

WH travel pool report 11 — fundraiser

Pool was brought into the hotel's grand ballroom at 1307, where donors were seated 12 to a table, with 18 tables and about 10 seats on either side not at tables.

The event is for Biden Victory, which is a joint committee for the Biden campaign and the DNC.

The president was introduced by Gov Pritzker and took the stage at 1309.

June 28, 2023
13:43 CDT

WH travel pool report 12 -- remarks over

The president finished his remarks at 1333, and pool was led out.

The speech, read off of two teleprompters, was a 23-minute version of his standard speech about his accomplishments and what he would like to accomplish in a second term.

Please see local pool report from Tina Sfondeles sent about 5 minutes ago, as well.

June 28, 2023
14:16 CDT

WH travel pool report 13 -- summary, quotes from Biden remarks

The president spoke to about 220 donors crowded into the ballroom, running through what he considers his accomplishments: bringing the country out of the COVID pandemic, passing the American Rescue Plan, an infrastructure bill, and one encouraging the domestic manufacture of computer chips.

"We inherited a mess."

He received two standing ovations during his remarks, the first for pushing for a federal codifying Roe V Wade, and the other for a call to bring back the assault weapons ban.

He said the writer of the Dobbs opinion suggested that abortion was a matter for states, and challenged abortion-rights supporters to push their agenda, saying that he was paraphrasing: "'Now let's see what women can actually do.'"

He added in a stage whisper to cheers: "You ain't seen nothing yet."

Biden took credit for building an alliance to help Ukraine against Russia's invasion, adding that he had to restore NATO after his predecessor had weakened it, worrying our allies with his "America First" rhetoric.

"For the first time since World War II, our friends began to wonder if we could be relied on or not.

On the issue of taxes, he urged higher rates for the top earners and minimum tax rates for profitable corporations, but added that he was a capitalist and had no problem with people getting rich.

"You want to make millions and billions of dollars? Have at it."

He criticized Republicans who vocally opposed his bills, but are now taking credit for the projects and improvements in their states, again citing Sen. Tuberville's statement praising broadband in in Alabama.

"I told him, I'll see you at the groundbreaking."

Biden asked for his audience's support, each of whom had paid at least $3,300 for a ticket, with those wanting a photo with him donating at least $25,000 to him and the Democratic Party.

"I'm here today to ask you to help me finish the job."

"We need you. It's not hyperbole. We need you. And our democracy needs you."

"This is about our freedom."

As we were being led out, co-pooler Ken Thomas heard Biden announce: "I think dessert's coming."

Pool holding at the Marriott as the president attends a closed-door, high-dollar event in a different room at the hotel.

June 28, 2023
15:33 CDT

WH travel pool report 14 — motorcade to helicopters

President Biden's motorcade left the JW Marriott at 1532, en route back to the Soldier Field parking lot for the lift to O'Hare, and from there back to Andrews.

The president spent approximately two hours at the second part of the fundraiser, which pool did not have access to.

June 28, 2023
15:43 CDT

WH travel pool report 15 — back at Soldier Field

The motorcade arrived back at Soldier Field at 1540 after the short drive along the closed off streets with the phone-camera wielding pedestrians. The president stepped out of the limo and onto his helicopter a minute later.

Pool was led to our designated V-22 and we strapped ourselves back in for the short flight to O'Hare.

Departure expected momentarily.

June 28, 2023
15:46 CDT

WH travel pool report 15a — traveler list

From the WH press office:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Emmy Ruiz, Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Political Strategy & Outreach

June 28, 2023
16:05 CDT

WH travel pool report 16 — back at O'Hare

Marine 1 set down at 1559 a short distance from the waiting plane and taxied to a stop near the nose at 1602. The president climbed out of the helicopter and up Air Force 1's built-in forward staircase at 1604.

He did not speak to the pool, and we are now boarding the aft staircase.

We should be airborne soon for the flight back to suburban Maryland.

June 28, 2023
16:08 CDT

WH travel pool report 16a — more travelers

Per the WH press office:

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Emmy Ruiz, Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Political Strategy & Outreach
Lael Brainard, Assistant to the President & Director of the National Economic Council
Olivia Dalton, Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Press Secretary
Travis Dredd, Special Assistant to the President & Trip Director
Sheila Grant, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Presidential Speechwriter
Ryan Harper, Special Assistant to the President & NSC Deputy Chief of Staff

June 28, 2023
18:41 EDT

WH travel pool report 17 — return to Andrews

Air Force 1 touched down at 1940, from runway 09C at O'Hare to runway 01L at Joint Base Andrews in 81 minutes.

Smooth, uneventful flight. CNN on the TVs. Deep dish Chicago pizza for dinner.

Lael Brainard and Anita Dunn came to the press cabin toward the end of the flight and spoke to the pool off the record for about 20 minutes.

Your pooler is sad to inform that the terry cloth hand towels in the head have been replaced with paper towels at some point in the past two months.

June 28, 2023
18:59 EDT

WH travel pool report 18 — POTUS en route to WH

The president came back down the staircase that leads into the lower deck of AF1 at 1851, was greeted on the tarmac by Air Force Col. Paul Pawluk, and walked to his waiting helicopter.

Marine 1 was in the the air at 1858.

Per the WH press office:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to the White House:

Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President & Deputy Chief of Staff
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Anita Dunn, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President
Lael Brainard, Assistant to the President & Director of the National Economic Council

Handing off to in-town pool for the remainder of the presidential day.

It's been a pleasure serving as your travel pooler today, as always. Well, mostly always.

A la prochaine.

Joseph R. Biden, Pool Reports of June 28, 2023 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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