Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of June 25, 2020

June 25, 2020

Pool Reports by Chris Johnson, Washington Blade

Sent: Reports:
June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #1

Good morning from the White House!

I'll be your in-town print pooler today. It's a beautiful partly cloudy day in D.C. and 82 degrees.

As is the custom, pool was tested in lower press this morning for COVID-19. No news is good news on that front.

On POTUS' public schedule is a visit to the Korean War Veterans Memorial in D.C. for a wreath laying ceremony, then his trip to Wisconsin. I'll let you know if anything changes.

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #2

Motorcade started rolling at 11:16 en route to the Korean War memorial.

Spotted entering the motorcade prior to departure was National Security Adviser to VPOTUS Gen. Keith Kellogg. No sighting of POTUS.

The Supreme Court ruling this morning for the Trump administration was big news. Pool has made an inquiry with the WH press office on whether POTUS was briefed on the decision.

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #3

After an uneventful trip, motorcade arrived at its destination outside Lincoln Park at 11:19, then pool hastened to the Korean War memorial.

A wreath is already positioned as are service members carrying military flags and veterans. Spotted at the ceremony is VA Secretary Wilkie. No masks on anyone.

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #4

POTUS, wearing a dark suit and red tie, and FLOTUS, wearing a black spotted outfit, entered the Korean War memorial at 11:23, then paid respects before the wreath.

Here's a photo to give you an idea:

The two backed off and formed a line with a military official, then POTUS saluted and FLOTUS stood motionless as a trumpeter played the song “Taps.”

POTUS then with FLOTUS beside him interacted inaudibly with observers, including what appear to be administration officials, then Korean War veterans.

Here's good background on the Korean War memorial at a D.C. tourism website:

Pool is holding as POTUS interacts with event participants.

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #5 - WH details on Memorial ceremony

As POTUS continued to interact with veterans and in one case exchanged a salute, pool at 11:34 was escorted back to the motorcade. Pool currently holding there.

>From the White House:

Today, President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attended a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, to commemorate the 70^th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War and remember the brave American soldiers who selflessly sacrificed their lives in the fight for peace.

The following individuals are expected to attend:
The White House
President Donald J. Trump
First Lady Melania Trump

Trump Administration
Secretary David Bernhardt, Department of the Interior
Secretary Robert Wilkie, Department of Veteran Affairs
Ambassador Lee Soo Hyuck, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States

External Participants
MG Omar Jones, Commanding General, Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region
Hwang Hye Kyung, Spouse of Ambassador Lee Soo Hyuck Gerald Merna, United States Marine Corps: 1st Marine Division – Chosin ReservoirArmy: 2nd Division, 38 Infantry Regiment
Joseph Ade, United States Marine Corps: 1st Marines, 1st Battalion Hill 812 Bravo Company
Arthur Cooke, United States Marine Corps: 1st Marine, 2nd Battalion – Chosin Reservoir
Thaddeus Gembczynski, United States Marine Corps: 1st Battalion, 5th Marines – Chosin Reservoir
William Tapley, United States Army: Counterintelligence, First Cavalry Division – Chosin Reservoir
George Patton, Jr., United States Army: 25th Infantry Division
John Coleman, United States Army: 25th Field ArtilleryBattalion, 40th Infantry Division
Carlyle Agrelius, United States Marine Corps: 1st Marines, 2nd Battalion – Chosin Reservoir Campaign
huck Wiley, United States Marine Corps: 1st Marines, 2nd Battalion Weapons Company
Ronnie Fukuoka, United States Marine Corps: 1st Marines, Radioman
Ben Chism, United States Army: 92nd Field Artillery Division, 9th Army

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #6

POTUS and FLOTUS were seen exiting the memorial grounds at 11:45 as they entered a security tent before the motorcade.

Motorcade starting rolling at X:XX. We're en route to Joint Base Andrews.

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #7

Motorcade arrived at Joint Base Andrews at 12:07 just as POTUS tweeted about coronavirus testing.

Moments later motorcade rolled up to Air Force One. Pool was able to exit the van momentarily to see POTUS enter the aircraft at 12:11. No Q&A.

Air Force One lifted off the ground at 12:20. Handing things off to out of town pooler.

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #8

Reporters gaggled on Pebble Beach as Ja'Ron Smith, assistant to the president for domestic policy, did a TV spot on Fox News.

Smith, however, declined to take questions as he walked back to the West Wing.

June 25, 2020

In-town pool report #9 - lid

Marine One touched down on the White House South Lawn at 8:21.

POTUS, still wearing his dark suit and red tie, emerged moments later.

Waving to reporters, POTUS ignored shouted questions on jump-starting the economy, the record 36,358 single-day new coronavirus cases and 1.5 million workers who last week filed for unemployment.

POTUS entered the South Portico at 8:25.

The White House called a travel-photo kid at 8:28.

Note: POTUS tweeted he'll be on Fox News' Sean Hannity at 9 pm.


Pool Reports below by Dave Boyer, The Washington Times

Sent: Reports:
June 25, 2020

Travel pool #1 — leaving Andrews

The president arrived at Joint Base Andrews by motorcade at 12:10 pm. He didn't speak to the pool before boarding Air Force One.

Among those traveling with the president are Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross, Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino.

takeoff momentarily for Wisconsin.

Tail # is 28000

June 25, 2020

Travel pool #2 - arrival in Green Bay

Air Force One landed at Austin Straubel International Airport in Green Bay, Wisconsin, at 12:50 pm local time after an uneventful flight with no visitors to the press cabin.
Fox News was on TV in the press cabin.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool #3 -- holding for taping of Hannity town hall

The president disembarked from Air Force One in Green Bay on a breezy, sunny afternoon with a wave to the pool. He immediately entered a dark SUV, and the motorcade drove a short distance along the tarmac to a row of hangars, where Mr. Trump is taking part in a town-hall event with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

The show will air at 9 p.m. Eastern, and is expected to include topics such as policing and the election.

The pool, which does not have access to the town hall, is holding in an adjacent hangar/lounge.

After the town hall, we'll be taking helicopters to Marinette, Wisconsin, for a tour of a shipyard and remarks by the president.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool #4 -- more from Green Bay airport

Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin showed video on Twitter of a group of protesters just outside the airport, chanting "Hands up, don't shoot," and "I can't breathe."

An event page created by Fox News said attendees of the president's town-hall event were required to wear a face covering to participate.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 5 — lift from Green Bay

The president boarded Marine One at 2: 36 pm local time for the flight to Marinette. Pool to follow in press Osprey.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 6 — arrival in Marinette

The president landed in Marine One at Marinette LZ after a 13-minute flight from Green Bay. Greeters, per White House:

State Representative John Nygren
State Representative from Wisconsin's 89th Assembly District
State Representative Mary Felzkowski
State Representative from Wisconsin's 35th Assembly District
Mayor Steve Genisot
Mayor of Marinette, Wisconsin

We are moving to Fincantieri Marinette Marine, for a tour of the shipyard and a speech.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 7 -- event at ship building plant

>From the White House:

Today, President Donald J. Trump will tour Fincantieri Marinette Marine shipyard and deliver remarks about the historic $5 billion dollar contract the Administration recently granted Fincantieri Marinette Marine. This is the first visit by a sitting President to the city of Marinette, Wisconsin.

Fincantieri Marinette Marine is a United States subsidiary of Italian enterprise Fincantieri, one of the world's largest shipbuilders, the shipyard was established in 1942 to meet America's growing demand for naval construction.

The Trump Administration's contract to build up to ten new guided missile frigates worth nearly $5.5 billion, will secure the future of the shipyard. Fincantieri plans to invest $130 million in upgrades to the facility, add approximately 1,000 jobs and projects that the investment will create 15,000 additional jobs in the Wisconsin and Michigan supply chains.

This incredible and decisive action is just another example of President Trump's commitment to bolstering the United States' defense industrial base and securing jobs for hardworking Americans. It also illustrates a key principle of his Administration: economic security is national security.

The following individuals are expected to attend:

The White House
President Donald J. Trump
Dr. Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy

Trump Administration
Secretary Wilbur Ross, Department of Commerce

External Participants
Dario Deste, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fincantieri Marine Group
Jan Allman, Chief Executive Officer of Fincantieri Marinette Marine
Vice Admiral Rick Hunt, President of Fincantieri Marinette Marine
Steve Genisot, Mayor of Marinette, Wisconsin
John Nygren, State Representative from Wisconsin's 89th Assembly District
Mary Felzkowski, State Representative from Wisconsin's 35th Assembly District

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 8 -- crowds on the motorcade route

People lined the streets of Marinette on the motorcade route, mostly supporters with Trump/Pence signs, American flags, and some signs of dissent also. Hard to estimate size, but there were easily more than 1,000 people along the route.

from co-pooler Anne Gearan:
Lots of Trump 2020 and other campaign signs

One hand-lettered “Women for Trump”

“Trump 2020 No More Bullshit”

One hand-drawn “Q” in red white and blue

“Gun Owners For Trump'

One boat decked with Trump flags parked in a driveway

One possible protest sign: “Go Back to your Bunker”

Another possible: “Trump 45 Agent Orange”

One Biden campaign sign

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 9 -- plant tour

The president toured the Fincantieri plant for about 30 minutes, viewing a model of the Navy ship being built here and speaking with four company executives, all of whom wore masks.

The president was with Peter Navarro and Wilbur Ross, none of whom wore masks.

Behind the group, a welder was working on the hull of a ship, showering sparks onto the concrete floor.

At one point, the president briefly addressed the pool. He said the plant wasn't in good shape previously but now has a contract with the Navy "that goes about 10 years in Wisconsin."

"And they're magnificent, fast, with tremendous firepower, all built in Wisconsin, so we're very happy with [that]," he said of the ships.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool #10 -- speech on White House web site

The president's speech will be aired live on the White House web site.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 11 -- some speech highlights/color

Behind the outdoor stage where the president is speaking is docked the Cooperstown, a Littoral ship, with workers in orange vest standing on the deck.

The audience was a few hundred people.

The president said the Navy "will be bigger and stronger than ever before" under his leadership.

"The world is watching you," he told workers. "Our nation is very proud of Wisconsin."

He said the shipbuilding contract will lead to 15,000 jobs in related supply chains.

"Under this administration, American workers like you are national treasures."

He said the ships will convey the message around the world that "American might is second to none."

The president the Obama administration's defense budget was a "disaster" before he embarked on his military buildup.

Pool is being moved out near end of speech.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 12 — lift from Marinette LZ

At 4:48 local time headed back to Green Bay.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool 13 — leaving Green Bay

Marine One returned to Green Bay airport at 5:15 local time.

The president boarded Air Force One with a wave to the pool, and we're taking off momentarily for Joint Base Andrews.

June 25, 2020

Travel pool #14 — return to Andrews

Air Force One landed at JBA at 7:56 pm after an uneventful flight with no visitors to the press cabin.

The president emerged from the plane with a wave to the pool and boarded Marine One, which lifted off at 8:13 pm.

Handing off to in-town pool.

Donald J. Trump, Pool Reports of June 25, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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