Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of January 12, 2021

January 12, 2021

Pool Reports by Noah Robertson, The Christian Science Monitor

Sent: Reports:
January 12, 2021
08:36 EST

In Town WH Pool Report #1 | Good Morning

Good Morning All,

I'll be your pooler today on this cold, sunny day in Washington. The crew and I were just tested for covid, and await the president's departure to Alamo, Texas later in the morning. Daily guidance from the WH copied below:

"President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings. The President will be leaving the White House for Alamo, Texas tomorrow at 10:00AM."

January 12, 2021
10:12 EST

In Town White House Pool Report #2 | Chopper Talk

POTUS stopped for chopper talk before boarding for Alamo. Summary and some quotes below with a fuller transcript to come.

"There does seem to be a surge now" of illegal immigration.

"The wall has made a tremendous difference on the southern border"

"We want no violence"

Impeachment is a "Continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics"

"I think it's causing tremendous anger."

The president departed onto Marine 1 on the South Lawn at 10:12.

January 12, 2021 [APP Note: Report #3 does not exist or was not received by the APP.]
January 12, 2021
10:44 EST

In Town White House Pool Report #4 | Transcript and link

A full transcript of the president's remarks below:

"We're going to Texas. We're going to the Southern Border. As you know we've completed the wall. They may want to expand it. We have the expansion underway. It's been tremendously successful, far beyond what anyone thought. We're stopping in large numbers the drugs coming into the country for many, many years and decades. We're stopping a lot of illegal immigration. Our numbers have been very good. There does seem to be a surge now because people are coming up. Some caravans are starting to form because they think there's going to be a lot in it for them if they're able to get through, but we're able to stop it. The wall has made a tremendous difference. I think some of you are coming with me, but the wall has made a tremendous difference on the Southern Border."

As far as this is concerned we want no violence, never violence. We want absolutely no violence. And on the impeachment it's really a continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics. It's ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. This impeachment is causing tremendous anger, and you're doing it and it's really a terrible thing that they're doing."

For Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer to continue on this path, I think it's causing tremendous danger to our country and it's causing tremendous anger."

I want no violence. Thank you very much."

Link to the C-SPAN recording here.

January 12, 2021
19:37 EST

In town White House pool report #5 | Arrival

POTUS arrived on the South Lawn at 7:35 pm. He did not take questions from the pool. A crowd of staffers cheered him, as earlier in the day, from the South Lawn. He clapped back to them and greeted them nearby, before entering the WH.

January 12, 2021
19:46 EST

In Town White House Pool Report #6 | Lid

And we have a lid. Have a nice night everyone!


Pool Reports by Gordon Lubold, The Wall Street Journal

Sent: Reports:
January 12, 2021
10:35 EST

travel pool report 1 JBA arrival, departure

President Trump arrived at Joint Base Andrews, Md. on Marine One at 10:24 am for this morning's trip to the border wall at Alamo, Texas. We will fly to Valley International Airport, Texas and then lift to Alamo.

Trump spoke briefly to reporters, railing against social media companies and saying what he said on Jan. 6 was "totally appropriate."

Pls check quotes against tape, but:

On social media: "they are making a catastrophic mistake... They're dividing and divisive, and they're showing something that I've been predicting for a long time."

On Jan. 6: "And if you look at what other people have said politicians at a high level, about the riots during the summer the horrible riots in Portland and Seattle and various other other places. That was a real problem, what they said. But they've analyzed by speech in my words and my final paragraph, my final sentence and everybody just a thought it was totally appropriate."

He then climbed the stairs into Air Force One and waved. He will make a speech at the wall at about 3pm EST, we are told. Alamo is where the White House claims is the 450th mile of the wall.

The president was joined on Air Force One by notables Mark Morgan, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Tom Homan, Dan Scavino and Brooke Rollins.

We are wheels up now.

January 12, 2021
12:56 CST

travel pool report 2, Texas arrival

Air Force One was wheels down at 12:54 pm local at Valley International Airport President Trump's visit to Alamo, Texas today and a speech at the wall at about 3pm EST.

Neither the president nor anyone else visited the press cabin during the flight here.

The president and entourage and press will soon be loaded up on helicopters for Alamo for a short flight to Alamo. No other details yet about the big event.

January 12, 2021
13:10 CST

travel pool report 3, departure for the wall

Trump exited Air Force One a little after 1pm at the airport here in Texas, greeted a group of 100 or so supporters off the tarmac, many of whom yelled "thank you, thank you" and wearing red hats before getting into a helicopter to head for the border. We are wheels up now.

January 12, 2021
13:40 CST

travel pool report 4, arrival at McAllen airport

Hello from McAllen International Airport in Texas, where POTUS arrived after a 10-15 minute helicopter flight from Valley International Airport, where Air Force One landed. We are loaded in vans and awaiting POTUS. It's gray and about 50 degrees.

POTUS arrived by helicopter a little after 130pm and got into motorcade. Pool did not see POTUS.

The street just outside the airport was lined with hundreds of enthusiastic Trump supporters, waving banners and yelling in support of POTUS.

We arrived here at 1:24 local time earlier by Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft after a 12-15 minute ride. POTUS is expected to make a speech at the wall after the short motorcade ride. No other details yet available.

January 12, 2021
14:05 CST

travel pool report 5 arrival at the wall

POTUS arrived at the wall at 1:53 pm local after a 15-minute motorcade ride through a largely rural, industrial area to the border. Supporters lined the road In the businesses and gas stations in the streets closed off for the motorcade.

At the wall, a giant American flag is hoisted up on a crane over the area where POTUS will speak, on the south side of the wall between the wall and the Rio Grande. A slew of smaller American flags line the base of the wall where ATV vehicles and a helicopter are staged. Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean" amd Elton Kohn's "Saturday Night's Alright" are ear-burstingly blasting.

POTUS, in a dark suit and bright red tie, is speaking with local CPB officials before touring the base of the wall. He signed a "Donald Trump" plaque mounted at the bottom of the wall. He is expected to begin making remarks shortly.


January 12, 2021
14:17 CST

pool report 5, Trump speaking at the wall

Trump is speaking at the wall, briefly addressed the events of last week in Washington.

Pls check tape, but some remarks:

"We believe in respecting America's history and traditions, not tearing them down," he said. "We believe in the rule of law, not … rioting." And: "Now is the time for our nation to heal... We are a nation of law ("law" is CQ to pooler's ear)."

January 12, 2021
14:39 CST

travel pool report 7

**please note there were two pool reports numbered as "5". This is the seventh note:

POTUS finished his brief remarks after about 15-20 minutes. He praised his border wall effort, other initiatives, and how Latinos support him. Pressed incoming Biden administration not to try to take down the wall.

Trying to get an Otter out. We are loaded up and rolling back to Marine One and the Ospreys. More Trump supporters in a field as we left the area.

January 12, 2021
15:03 CST

travel pool report 8

POTUS is on Marien One and we are loaded up on Ospreys and just lifted off at 3:01 local from McAllen airport to Valley International Airport to get on Air Force One to return to DC.

January 12, 2021
15:27 CST

travel report 9 - arrival at Texas airport, departure for DC

POTUS touched down at Valley International Airport on Marine One at 3:19pm local.

POTUS stepped out of Marine One and walked slowly to the stairs of AF1. He waved at but did not speak to press.

Supporters who were here before left or were removed. POTUS waved at two people who were standing there, and they waved back. Otherwise an unremarkable departure.

We are loaded up on AF1 and headed to DC. We are wheels up shortly for DC.

Also passing this along from the White House:

Today, President Donald J. Trump will deliver remarks to commemorate the completion of the 450th mile of the Border Wall and other landmark reforms that have advanced the safety and prosperity of all Americans.

The following individuals are expected to attend:
The White House
President Donald J. Trump
Trump Administration
Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan, United States Customs and Border Protection
External Participants
Senator Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina
Chief Brian Hastings, Chief Patrol Agent, United States Border Patrol
Thomas Homan, Former Acting Director of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement

January 12, 2021
19:10 EST

travel pool report 10 - DC arrival

AF1 touched down at JBA Andrews at 7:09pm. POTUS did not come back to the cabin. Spokesman Judd Deere visited briefly with the press off the record.

January 12, 2021
19:24 EST

travel pool report 11

POTUS descended their stairs of AF1 and walked directly to Marine One.

Wheels up at 7:23 bound for the White House.

And that's scene. It's been a pleasure being your travel pooler today, was my first time. Handing off to your in-town pooler. Good evening.

Donald J. Trump, Pool Reports of January 12, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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