Joe Biden

Pool Reports of December 11, 2023

December 11, 2023

Pool Reports by John T. Bennett, CQ Roll Call

Sent: Reports:
December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #1 — Gathering

The in-town pool has gathered by the Palm Room doors for President Biden's departure to Philadelphia. He is scheduled to depart at 10:40 a.m.

More TK.

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #2 - POTUS departs (no questions)

President Biden exited the residence at 10:38 a.m. and walked directly to an awaiting Marine One. He did not answer shouted questions, including one about Ukraine aid.

Marine One was wheels up from the South Lawn at 10:43 a.m. Handing off to the travel pool.

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #2a — travelers

The White House passed along the following:

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Vinay Reddy, Assistant to the President & Director of Speechwriting

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #3 — AF1 gaggle starts

The Air Force One gaggle has started. You can follow along at the below link.

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #4 — Gathering

The in-town pool has gathered at the Palm Room doors for President Biden's arrival. More TK.

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #5 — arrival (no questions)

Marine One appeared and banked toward the South Lawn at 3:58 p.m. following the two decoy birds. Marine One was wheels down on the South lawn at 4:02 p.m., showering the pool with a frigid blast of December air.

POTUS exited the helicopter at 4:04 p.m., saluting the Marine. He ignored shouted questions about his planned Tuesday meeting with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and walked into the residence swearing a dark overcoat and sunglasses.

December 11, 2023

in-town pool report #6 — dinner lid

The White House called a dinner lid until 6:30 p.m.

December 11, 2023

in-town pool report #7 - gathering for Hanukkah reception

The in-town pool is gathering again, this time for the Hanukkah reception in the East Room.

"Guests were invited from across the Jewish community, including Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, state and local officials, entertainers, and leaders from across the Jewish religious denominations," the White House said in an earlier statement, adding: "The President is expected to discuss how Hanukkah is a timeless story of miracles, and that even in dark times we can find the light."

More TK. Your pooler will send highlights of President Biden's remarks. The event is being live-streamed at the link below:

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #8 — POTUS enters

The in-town pool was escorted into the East Room at 6:50 p.m. POTUS entered at 7:19 p.m., joined by the Second Gentleman. They are on stage. FYI: POTUS will deliver remarks soon.

Speech highlights TK. The event is being live-streamed at the link in the previous report.

Festive music was playing and invited guests mingled in and around the East Room. Some held glasses and others plates with various treats. There were high top and regular tables along the (from our vantage point) right and left walls, with blue tablecloths. A buffet was set up in the center of the room. The East Room was fully decked out for the holiday season.

Attorney General Merrick Garland entered via a rear door (opposite lectern), with a smile, at 7:06 p.m.

Special treat: The pool was led in via the Truman Balcony. (Your pooler snapped a pic on the move, but it was too blurry to share. Will try again, depending on exit path.)

From the White House:

In Attendance:
The Second Gentleman
Secretary Antony Blinken, Department of State
Attorney General Merrick Garland
Senator Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY)
Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
Senator John Ossoff (GA)
Senator Jacky Rosen (NV)
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY-12)
Rep. Jake Auchincloss (MA-04)
Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01)
Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Rep. Lois Frankel (FL-22)
Rep. Daniel Goldman (NY-10)
Rep. Joshua Gotthiemer (NJ-05)
Rep. Kim Schrier (WA-08)
Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-51)
Rep. Greg Landsman (OH-01)
Rep. Kathy Manning (NC-06)
Rep. Jared Moskowitz (FL-23)
Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-08)
Rep. Bradley Sherman (CA-32)
Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-30)
Rep. Bradley Schneider (IL-10)
Rep. Elissa Slotkin (MI-7)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (FL-25)
Rep. Susan Wild (PA-07)
Evan Ryan, Assistant to the President & White House Cabinet Secretary
Pennsylvania Majority Caucus Chair Michael Schlossberg (PA- District 132)
Idaho Minority Leader Ilana Rubel (ID- District 18)
State Representative Tana Senn (WA- District 41), Co-President of the National Association of Jewish Legislators
Assemblyman David Weprin (NY- District 24), Co-President of the National Association of Jewish Legislators
Members and leaders of the Jewish community
Holocaust Survivors

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #9 - POTUS wraps

The Second Gentlemen began the menorah-lighting at 7:22 p.m., as invited guests sang. POTUS looked on from the podium, flashing regular smiles.

POTUS began his remarks at 7:24 p.m. The menorah that was used tonight "was from a beam in the White House," Biden said before giving a shout out to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

Biden repeated his line that he "is a Zionist," saying one does not have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.

"Unshakeable" is how the president described his will to defend and support Israel.

POTUS said Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has a photograph on his desk from when Biden was a 32-year-old senator. He said he wrote this on the photo: "BiBi, I love you but I don't agree with a damn thing you have to say." Their relationship is "pretty much" the same today, Biden said.

About hostages held by Hamas: "We're not gonna stop until we get all of them home."

He vowed to continue getting humanitarian aid to Palestinians inside Gaza.

"There is no place for hate in America," Biden said of anti-semitism.

President Biden wrapped his remarks at 7:33 p.m. and the pool was led out one minute later. POTUS was still on stage. Fuller quotes TK.

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #10 — lid

The White House called a travel/photo lid at 7:41 p.m.

December 11, 2023

In-town pool report #11 — POTUS highlights

Highlights from POTUS remarks at White House Hanukkah reception:

"Silence is complicity."

"As I said after the [Oct. 7] attack, my commitment to the safety of the Jewish people is ... unshakable."

POTUS said Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has a photograph on his desk from when Biden was a 32-year-old senator. He said he wrote this on the photo: "BiBi, I love you but I don't agree with a damn thing you have to say. And it's about the same today."

"We're working relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. ... I personally spend countless hours in a week [inaudible]." (Please check this against video and/or transcript.)

Of the remaining hostages held by Hamas: "And I'm not going to stop until we get every one of them home."

POTUS also said he is working to get more "humanitarian assistance to innocent Palestinian civilians." (Please check this against video and/or transcript. Applause drowned out Biden at the start of this quote.)

"There's a surge of anti-semetism in America and around the world. Sickening."

"There is no place for hate in America."

Pool Reports below by Alex Gangitano, The Hill

Sent: Reports:
December 11, 2023

Travel pool #1- POTUS arrival at JBA

Good morning from JBA, I'll be your travel pooler for the president's trip to Philadelphia.

Marine One landed at 10:52am. President Biden did not take any questions and boarded Air Force One.

We should be wheels up shortly.

Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates and NSC coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby are expected to gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Philadelphia. You can listen in the usual place-

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #2- wheels down

Air Force One was wheels up at 11:06am and wheels down at 11:37am.

Kirby and Bates gaggled for just over 15 minutes.

Passing along-

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to Philadelphia International Airport:

Rep. Madeleine Dean (PA-4)
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Vinay Reddy, Assistant to the President & Director of Speechwriting
Ryan Montoya, Assistant to the President & Director of Scheduling & Advance
John McCarthy, Deputy Assistant to the President & Political Advisor
John Kirby, Deputy Assistant to the President & NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications
Caitlin Durkovich, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Homeland Security Advisor for Resilience and Response
Marc Gustafson, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Director for the White House Situation Room
Andrew Bates, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Press Secretary & Senior Communications Advisor for Strategic Response

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #3- arrival/ rolling

President Biden deplaned at 11:50am. He approached Gov Shapiro and the other greeters, shaking hands with them. He hugged former Rep Brady. He then spoke a little longer with Shapiro, his wife and Mayor Kenney.

Biden got in the car at 11:53 and we are rolling as of 11:55am.

Passing along from the WH--

Greeting the President upon arrival to Philadelphia International Airport:

Governor Josh Shapiro (PA)
First Lady of Pennsylvania Lori Shapiro
Rep. Madeleine Dean (PA-4)
Mayor Jim Kenney, Philadelphia, PA
Former Congressman Bob Brady (PA)

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #4- traveling with

Passing along--

Traveling with the President via motorcade en route to Engine 13 Firehouse, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

Governor Josh Shapiro (PA)
Mayor Jim Kenney, Philadelphia, PA
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Vinay Reddy, Assistant to the President & Director of Speechwriting
Ryan Montoya, Assistant to the President & Director of Scheduling & Advance
John McCarthy, Deputy Assistant to the President & Political Advisor
John Kirby, Deputy Assistant to the President & NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications
Caitlin Durkovich, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Homeland Security Advisor for Resilience and Response
Marc Gustafson, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Director for the White House Situation Room
Andrew Bates, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Press Secretary & Senior Communications Advisor for Strategic Response

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #5- firehouse

Motorcade arrived at Engine 13 Firehouse in Philadelphia at 12:15pm. We did not see Biden enter the building.

The president's remarks can be viewed in the usual spot.

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #6- program begins

The president walked out to a podium with the others, including Gov Shapiro and Mayor Kenney, and the program began at 12:24pm.

Will send list of speakers and the order when I get it.

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #7- remarks

Biden began his remarks at 12:37pm. He spoke for 8 minutes.

He then read information about the grant and handed it off. He walked up to attendees and asked one firefighter, "are you part of Ladder 1?" "Yes sir," the man said and he walked up to the president. They spoke for a couple seconds, inaudible to the press.

Biden then took photographs with the group of speakers from the program.

Pool exited the building and is holding.

Some highlights from the president's remarks-

"You're all crazy, I love you for it," Biden said to the firefighters, attendees laughed.

He said all his friends growing up either became firefighters, cops or priests "and here I am." The group laughed.

Biden said he told officials he would do anything he could to get Ladder 1 back into service. "I kept my promise and got the job done," he said.

He said that "almost anything else is less consequential" than running into a fire.

"The only thing that protects firefighters is more firefighters," he said.

During Commissioner Thiel's remarks, a group of firefighters lifted a ladder onto a firetruck to symbolize Ladder 1 officially returning to service. The attendees in the room applauded.

Passing along--

In attendance for the president's remarks at the announcement event for the city of Philadelphia receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award that will fund firefighters' salary and benefits and enable the Philadelphia Fire Department to reopen three fire companies – Engine 6, Ladder 1, and Ladder 11, and more:

Engine 13 crew members, uniformed team members, executive leadership, and union officials.

Run of Show
Edward Kelly, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell, U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) – SAFER Award Presentation
Philadelphia Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel
Mayor Jim Kenney of Philadelphia, PA
Governor Josh Shapiro (PA)
Derek Bowmer, Executive Chief of Philadelphia Fire Department
The President

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #8- rolling

Motorcade is rolling as of 1:02pm.

Next stop is a campaign reception, which is slated for 2:30pm.

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #9- Hilton arrival

Motorcade arrived at 1:10pm at the Hilton Philadelphia at Penn's Landing. We did not see the president go in.

Pool is holding in a meeting room.

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #10- reception

The pool entered the reception at 1:55pm. 12 round tables of 10 were set up around the room for what appears to be a luncheon.

Gov. Shapiro is currently introducing the president. Present at the reception: Sen. Chris Coons, Rep. Madeleine Dean, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, former Rep. Conor Lamb, and former Govs. Ed Rendall and Tom Wolf, among others.

Biden remarks TK.

Passing along--

On behalf of the Biden-Harris campaign:

The President is attending a campaign reception in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Speaking Program
Governor Josh Shapiro (PA)
The President

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #11- Biden remarks

Biden began speaking at 2:11pm. He ended his remarks at 2:26pm.

Motorcade is rolling as of 2:36pm.

Biden remarks--

"It's good to be almost home. The truth of the matter is, you guys in Philadelphia have been the backbone of my campaign since I started."

He congratulated Mayor-elect Parker, noting she is the first black woman elected mayor of Philadelphia.

"Let me start today by thanking you, because everything we've done, you've made possible these victories."

"In 2020, you were the reason I got 81 million votes… you're the reason why Donald Trump is not only the former president, he's the defeated former president."

"Trump and the MAGA Republicans want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. This will be their 51st attempt."

"The future of American democracy has been at stake, literally at stake. Let me be clear, Donald Trump poses many threats in this country, from the right to choose, to civil rights, to voting rights, America's standing in the world."

"The greatest threat he poses is for our democracy because if we lose that, we lose everything."

"He didn't show up at my inauguration, can't say I was disappointed. I guess he won't show up for the second inauguration either."

"He says he's not running to serve the people of America, he says he's running to get quote revenge and retribution."

"The other day he said he wants to be a dictator only on one day, wipe out the civil servants and a whole range of other things."

"He embraces political violence instead of rejecting it. We can't get that happen.

Said that Trump spoke at his inauguration about "American carnage" while he spoke about "American possibilities" at his inauguration.

"In three years, we'll celebrate the 250 anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in this incredible town. It will be a moment, not only about our past and celebrating all we've done, but also will be about the future and what we could be."

"I don't believe and I will not believe that after all this nation has been through… I don't believe that on our 250th anniversary, this nation will turn to Donald Trump. Folks, imagine, imagine that moment and ask, what do we want to be?"

"If we do our job in 2024, we will have done something few generations have been able to say they've done. We will able to say literally, we saved democracy."

"So much is changing but I promise you, I know I've done foreign policy my whole life… the rest of the world is looking at us. Not to fight their fights but to help them generate the kind of chance they want."

Said that at world events, leaders come up to him and say, "you can't let him win."

"We're going to win this election, not only we, the United States, but the world's going to be better off because of it."

The room applauded him and he waved and walked away from the podium.

Shapiro, in introducing the president, said that former President Trump has "absolutely no moral core."

"We have a choice between that goodness, that moral clarity, and someone who will bring chaos back to this nation," he said.

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #12- airport

Motorcade arrived at the airport at 2:50pm to head back to Washington.

When we were leaving the Hilton, hundreds of protestors were outside yelling cease fire and shame. Some protestors held up a big sign that said "genocide Joe & Netan-Nazi"

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #13- boarded

President Biden boarded Air Force One at 2:51pm. He did not stop or take any questions.

We should be wheels up shortly.

Passing along-

Traveling with the President aboard Air Force One en route to Joint Base Andrews:

Rep. Madeleine Dean (PA-4)
Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Vinay Reddy, Assistant to the President & Director of Speechwriting
Ryan Montoya, Assistant to the President & Director of Scheduling & Advance
John McCarthy, Deputy Assistant to the President & Political Advisor
John Kirby, Deputy Assistant to the President & NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications
Caitlin Durkovich, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy Homeland Security Advisor for Resilience and Response
Marc Gustafson, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Director for the White House Situation Room
Andrew Bates, Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Press Secretary & Senior Communications Advisor for Strategic Response

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #14- wheels down

We were wheels at 3:02pm and wheels down at 3:33pm. It was a short and uneventful flight.

Pool also spotted Sen. Coons board the flight before take off.

December 11, 2023

Travel pool #15- no questions

President Biden walked off Air Force One at 3:44pm and did not stop and take questions from the pool. He boarded Marine One a minute later. It was wheels up at 3:51pm.

Handing off to in town pool.

Passing along—

Traveling with the President aboard Marine One en route to The White House Press Office:

Steve Ricchetti, Assistant to the President & Counselor to the President
Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations
Vinay Reddy, Assistant to the President & Director of Speechwriting
Ryan Montoya, Assistant to the President & Director of Scheduling & Advance

Joseph R. Biden, Pool Reports of December 11, 2023 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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