Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of August 10, 2020

August 10, 2020

Pool Reports by David Smith, The Guardian

Sent: Reports:
August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #1/ Checking in

Greetings from the White House on a hot and sunny day.

POTUS has no public events scheduled but has tweeted about the coronavirus relief negotiations on Capitol Hill, Senator Ben Sasse and Portland.

Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany will hold a briefing at 1pm.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #2/ Lunch lid

A lunch lid has been called until 1pm.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #3/ Two minute warning

We have a two minute warning for the briefing with White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Livestream here:

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #4/ Briefing starts

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany began the briefing at 1.19pm. Livestream here:

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #5/ POTUS briefing at 5.30pm today

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, whose briefing is in progress, said POTUS will hold a briefing at around 5.30pm today.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #6/ Briefing ends

The briefing by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany finished at 1.42pm.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #7/ POTUS briefing confirmed

The White House's daily guidance has been updated to include a news conference with POTUS at 5.30pm.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #8/ Two minute warning for POTUS

We have a two minute warning for POTUS's briefing. Livestream here:

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #9/ POTUS starts briefing

POTUS entered the briefing room at 5.48pm. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is sitting on one of the seats to his right side.

Livestream here:

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #10/ Security alert

As POTUS was speaking at the podium, a security guard interrupted him and asked him to step away and into lower press. Police can be seen outside the briefing room. Will send more details when I have them.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #11/ POTUS returns and says suspect was shot outside White House

POTUS returned to the briefing room at 6pm. He said: "It was a shooting outside of the White House... I'd like to thank the Secret Service for doing their always quick and very effective work... Somebody's been taken to the hospital."

POTUS said he doesn't know the person's condition and it seems the person was shot by the Secret Service. "It was outside of the White House. Somebody was taken to the hospital. It was the suspect who was shot."

POTUS was asked if he was taken to the White House bunker. He said no, he was taken to the Oval Office.

He added: "You were surprised. I was surprised also. I think it's pretty unusual."

He said he understands the suspect was armed. "It might not have had anything to do with me."

Asked about the location, POTUS said: "It was outside of the premises."

Briefing is ongoing.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #12/ More detail about incident

During the briefing, POTUS spotted John Roberts of Fox News and noted he was outside when the incident occurred. Roberts replied: "I heard two shots in rapid succession just after you took the podium."

Briefing is ongoing.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #13/ Secret Service tweet

A tweet from the Secret Service:

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #14/ Briefing ends

POTUS finished the briefing and left the room at 6.51pm.

August 10, 2020

WH in-town pool report #15/ Lid

A travel/ photo lid was called at 7.08pm.

Donald J. Trump, Pool Reports of August 10, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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