Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Pool Reports by Meridith McGraw, POLITICO

Sent: Reports:
April 17, 2020

WH Pool Report #1 - Good morning and schedule

Good morning from a quiet White House. The president does not have any public events on his schedule today, but has a 2 p.m. intel briefing and 4 p.m. call with faith leaders on the economy. The coronavirus task force briefing begins at 5 p.m. I'll keep you posted on any changes. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

2:00PM         THE PRESIDENT receives his intelligence briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press

4:00PM        THE PRESIDENT hosts a phone call with faith leaders on the great American economic revival
Oval Office
Closed Press

Briefing Schedule
5:00PM        Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing
James S. Brady Briefing Room
On Camera

April 17, 2020

WH Pool Report #2 - Lunch lid until 2:30

Lunch called lid until 2:30 p.m.

April 17, 2020

WH Pool Report #3 - Briefing now at 6pm

According to President Trump's Twitter account and an official change to the White House schedule, the coronavirus task force briefing will begin at 6 p.m. --

@realDonaldTrump: White House news conference today at 6:00 P.M. Eastern. Thank you!

April 17, 2020

WH Pool Report #4 - Briefing begins

President Trump entered the briefing room at 6:21pm followed by Vice President Pence.

Also here in the briefing room are Ag Sec. Perdue, CMS Administrator Verma, Adm. Giroir, CDC's Dr. Redfield, Dr. Birx, and Dr. Fauci.

As always, a livestream is available online and I'll send out any color from the room that might not be in eyeshot.

On the two TV screens behind the podium are slides that read “3,780,000+ Tests Completed as of April 16, 2020.”

Thank you to those who sent questions. I'll try my best!

April 17, 2020

WH Pool Report #5 - Lid and readout of faith leaders call

Have a good Friday night (safe and socially distanced at home of course).

Readout of the President's Call with Faith Leaders

Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with leaders from multiple faiths and expressed his eagerness to get churches, synagogues, mosques and all houses of worship back open as soon possible. The President spent more than an hour speaking with them and the conversation included comments about the many ways President Trump has delivered on his promise to fight for the freedoms and values of religious Americans. The Faith leaders explained the innovative ways they have continued worshiping, ministering, and caring for their fellow Americans while also practicing social distancing, and they discussed their plans for the future as they follow the new guidelines announced yesterday. The President mentioned his memories as a young child attending Billy Graham's service at Yankee Stadium, and acknowledged that while he has enjoyed watching services online from the White House, he told the faith leaders it is important for people to soon be able to once again come together, pray, and worship.

The following faith leaders were expected to join the call:

Pastor Paula White, Senior Advisor, White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative
Pastor Ronnie Floyd, President, Southern Baptist Convention
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York
Eric Fingerhut, President and CEO, Jewish Federations of North American
Anwar Khan, President, Islamic Relief USA
Archbishop Jose Gomez, President, US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, King Jesus International Ministry, FL
Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, GA
Dr. Doug Clay, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God
Pastor John Jenkins, First Baptist Church, MD
Edgar Sandoval, President, World Vision
Cissie Graham Lynch, Samaritan's Purse, NC
Pastor Jack Graham, Prestonwood Baptist Church, TX
Pastor Randy Barton, Anchor Baptist Church, NC
John Pinna, Muslim Co-Chair for International Religious Freedom Roundtable and Former Director of the American Islamic Congress
Reverend Sammy Rodriguez, President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
Pastor Bill Winston, Living Word Christian Church, IL
Pastor Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands and ARC
Reverend Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council, DC
Pastor Greg Laurie, Harvest Church, CA
Pastor Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Church, TX
Pastor Ralph Sexton, Senior Pastor at Trinity Baptist Church, NC
Pastor Pasqual Urrabazo, International Church of Las Vegas, NV
Bishop Harry Jackson, Hope Christian Church, MD
Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus
Dr. Tim Clinton, American Association of Christian Counselors
Elder Jack Gerard, General Authority Seventy, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Rabbi Marvin Hier, CEO and President, Simon Wiesenthal Center
Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel of America, NY
Chaplain (COL) Dawud Agbere, Senior Chaplain for MCOE at Fort Benning, GA
Pastor Jim Dykes, Brookstone Church, NC

Donald J. Trump, Pool Reports of April 17, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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