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Pence Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: On Anniversary of Dobbs, Mike Pence Leads GOP Field on Life

June 26, 2023

On the one-year anniversary of the landmark Dobbs decision, Vice President Mike Pence was the only candidate to speak at a tele-town hall to Iowa voters hosted by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, and the only candidate to speak at the Students for Life National Celebrate Life Rally. Below are highlights from this morning's events and other events and headlines this week.

At the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Iowa Tele Town Hall, Pence stated: 
"The American people know our country is on the wrong track and I think they're looking for men and women in leadership at every level to take us back to those time honored conservative principles."

"We'll continue to stand for the right to life without apology. We'll continue to take our case to our friends in Iowa and all over the country;"

"Whatever it looks like in the media, whatever it looks like in the polls, this is a nation that cherishes the inalienable right to life."

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America stated:

"In fact, you were the tip of the spear, in many ways, for what happened with many of the most important decisions that led to this overturn." The full tele-town hall can be seen HERE

At the inaugural National Celebrate Life Day, hosted by Students for Life, Pence stated: 
"I believe that the cause of Life is the calling of our time. We can never bring back those 62 million American lives whose voices were never heard in this world but are heard in the next, those we lost these last 50 years-but with your renewed compassion, with your renewed devotion we can someday and someday soon give all the American people, born and unborn, a new beginning for Life."

Key Headlines & Quotes

"Pence Lays Down the Gauntlet on Abortion, Challenges 2024 Field to Support National Restrictions"- National Review 

Pence has also explicitly criticized his former running mate for calling the heartbeat bill passed in Florida "too harsh."

For Pence, a 15-week limit is "a good starting point" Republicans can deliver for pro-life Americans
"I knew that the cause of life would have to be my cause…and we've never wavered. I believe it's the calling of our times."- Mike Pence

"Pence calls for his 2024 rivals to back a 15-week federal abortion ban on eve of Dobbs anniversary"- Associated Press

Former Vice President Mike Pence used a Friday gathering of some of the nation's leading Christian conservatives to urge his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination to support a 15-week federal abortion ban at minimum.

"Every Republican candidate for president should support a ban on abortion before 15 weeks as a minimum nationwide standard."- Mike Pence

"Mike Pence's plan to go further on abortion"- Politico

"I would expect that pro-life voters around the country would…be looking for men and women willing to stand unambiguously for advancing the cause of the right to life at every level — at the state and federal level."- Mike Pence 

"More than any other Republican candidate, the former VP has staked his pitch to voters on his unabashed restrictionist stance."

The GOP, Pence said, faces a choice, "whether or not we're going to continue to be a party grounded in the conservative principles that have won not only the White House, but won majorities over the last 50 years again and again — or whether our party is going to shy away from those core traditional principles."

"For me, for our campaign, we're going to stand where we've always stood, and that is stand without apology for the right to life."- Mike Pence

"I would expect that pro-life voters around the country would … be looking for men and women willing to stand unambiguously for advancing the cause of the right to life at every level — at the state and federal level." – Mike Pence

"Dobbs anniversary: Pence confident he can rally voters behind 15-week abortion limit"- Washington Examiner

While Pence sees promise in the laws passed in some red states across the country, he is adamant that "we haven't come to the end of this cause."- Mike Pence

"We've just come to the end of the beginning," he explained. "And now, it's incumbent on us to continue to advance, not only protections for the unborn, but support for women facing crisis pregnancies." – Mike Pence

"The Trump-Pence administration was the most pro-life administration in American history. We not only appointed three Supreme Court justices, but we advanced the cause of the unborn at home and abroad, like no administration in history."- Mike Pence

"To see my former running mate now blaming the pro-life movement for election losses in the midterms and saying that certain state legislation is too harsh I think is a departure from the commitment to the right to life that was at the center of our administration."- Mike Pence

"There are also a number of candidates, my former running mate and others, who have suggested that the Supreme Court only returned the question of abortion to the states and it should not be dealt with at the federal level," he said. "I take a strongly different view, and as I said today at the Faith and Freedom Coalition, I think every candidate for president should support a ban on abortions after 15 weeks as a minimum nationwide standard."

"I consistently supported the Hyde Amendment, which prohibited taxpayer funding going to abortion with the exception of rape, incest, and life of the mother. So, I have a long history of supporting those exceptions and would give them every consideration in national legislation in the future."- Mike Pence

"Pence says next front in anti-abortion fight is to be 'pro-adoption'"- Washington Examiner

"As we celebrate this great new anniversary, let us here resolve that we will work and we will pray as never before to advance the cause of life and the laws of the land in every state in America. That we will support women in crisis pregnancies with resources and support for their care, for the unborn, and for the newborn as never before."- Mike Pence 

"That we will advance the cause of adoption in America, for to be pro-life you must be pro-adoption. And we will work every day to elect leaders at every level who will stand without apology for the sanctity of human life."- Mike Pence

"Mike Pence calls for 2024 litmus test on abortion"- Washington Examiner

"Pence has called for a minimum 15-week abortion ban at the federal level, a policy that goes further than some of the other 2024 candidates running for president, including his onetime boss, former President Donald Trump, who has refused to say he would support a federal abortion ban."

Mike Pence, Pence Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: On Anniversary of Dobbs, Mike Pence Leads GOP Field on Life Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364133

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