DES MOINES, Iowa — Beto got a standing ovation from the 12,000 Iowans at the state's Steak Fry today when he reiterated his pledge to institute a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons. While some have questioned whether Beto's proposal is 'too extreme,' Iowans made clear that now is the time for action. In his remarks, Beto outlined that when it comes to guns and inaction on so many of the other crises facing our country — now is not the time for Democrats to be afraid — it is time for Democrats to lead:
"People will ask us, 'Hey Beto, aren't you afraid you've gone too far — that you've really pissed off the NRA this time?' I'm not afraid of that. No, I'm not afraid of that. I would be afraid if I was a school teacher in a kindergarten classroom and those kids — for whom I had already sacrificed so much — were up against a gunman with an AR-15 because we didn't have the courage to stop them while we still had time.
"I would be afraid if I were the son of an immigrant who went to work early this morning and never came back — detained and deported back to a country he had not seen for 20 years. I would be afraid if I was one of those farmers here in Iowa who had those markets closed to me — unable to get out of debt before I pass that farm on to my daughter or my son. I would be afraid if I was a trans woman of color — who could be killed with complete impunity in this county right now, with no follow up or investigation. I would be afraid if I had to drive 300 miles to make my own decisions about my own body — to get a safe, legal abortion or a cervical cancer screening or family planning help because we closed down the family planning clinics in my state. I would be afraid if my sons were black — and stopped by the police — in a country that has refused to ensure their accountability for abuse of power and death of young black men who are not armed and who pose no threat to this country. Then I would be afraid."
"For all of those who live in fear — we as Democrats must decide that we will not be afraid."
Beto O'Rourke, O'Rourke Campaign Press Release - Beto at Steak Fry: Now is Not the Time to Be Afraid Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project