The following list does not include promotions of members of the Uniformed Services, nominations to the Service Academies, or nominations of Foreign Service officers.
Submitted February 27, 1978
JAMES C. CISSELL, of Ohio, to be United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio for the term of 4 years, vice William W. Milligan, resigned.
Submitted March 1, 1978
ALICE STONE ILCHMAN, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Secretary of State, vice Joseph D. Duffey.
ALICE STONE ILCHMAN, Of Massachusetts, to be an Associate Director of the International Communication Agency (new position).
JOAN F. KESSLER, of Wisconsin, to be United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin for the term of 4 years, vice William J. Mulligan.
Submitted March 2, 1978
MILTON DAVID STEWART, of New York, to be Chief Counsel for Advocacy, Small Business Administration (new position).
Submitted March 3, 1978
ALFRED L. ATHERTON, JR., of Florida, a Foreign Service officer of the Class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador at Large. HAROLD H. SAUNDERS, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State.
P. R. SMITH, of Georgia, to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice Robert Haldeman Meyer, resigned.
Jimmy Carter, Nominations Submitted to the Senate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project