It is with great pleasure that I join the people of Mexico and all those of Mexican heritage in the United States in celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
The historic victory at the Battle of Puebla clearly showed the unbeatable determination of a people struggling for independence. Though badly outnumbered by the French, the Mexican people fought bravely for the freedom of their country. With the beacon of democracy giving them hope and inspiration, their cause could not be denied.
Every American immediately identifies with that cause and shares in the pride and happiness Mexicans feel on this day. Our country is proud of the long-standing friendship that has existed between the United States and Mexico and prouder still of the wonderful contributions Mexican Americans have made to our Nation.
On this special day, I send congratulations and good wishes to the people of Mexico and to our citizens of Mexican descent. May we remember in gratitude and admiration the sacrifices your ancestors made for liberty, and may their brave legacy be a reminder to us all of the eternal vigilance that freedom demands.
God bless you.
George Bush
George Bush, Message on the Observance of Cinco de Mayo, 1989 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project