Memorandum on the Need for Improving Procedures for Clearing Incoming Travelers at Ports of Entry
Memorandum for Secretary Cohen, Secretary Freeman, Secretary Fowler, Attorney General Clark
SUBJECT: Ports of Entry Study
The recently completed Ports of Entry Study recommends significant improvements in the clearing of incoming travelers by the Customs, Public Health, Immigration, and Agriculture inspection agencies. I commend you and your associates who had a part in accomplishing this study.
Last year over 200 million persons entered the United States through 400 ports of entry. The 3,000 inspectors of your inspection agencies provide a very valuable service to their country.
To avoid unnecessary congestion and delay for incoming travelers, we must continually be on the outlook for ways of cutting the red tape involved in clearing travelers. The one-stop inspection system holds promise of allowing travelers to pass through the inspection process in record time while maintaining the existing level of overall security. This is a splendid example of interagency cooperative effort from which we all benefit.
This report is, therefore, very timely and gives support to our objectives of increasing the number of foreign visitors to the United States. It is my desire that the recommendations of this report be pursued actively and all that are found to be practical be implemented as quickly as possible. It is also important that effective representation be made to carriers and port authorities to assure that they fulfill their responsibilities to facilitate these programs.
Released July 15, 1968. Dated July 1, 1968.
Lyndon B. Johnson, Memorandum on the Need for Improving Procedures for Clearing Incoming Travelers at Ports of Entry Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/238024