Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Subject: Federal Employee Literacy Training Program
I am pleased to announce that our Federal Employee Literacy Training Program (FELT), which I established as a part of the Adult Literacy Initiative on September 7, 1983, is beginning to make an impact nationwide. Thanks to your efforts, there are now 1700 Federal employees who have volunteered to tutor Americans who have trouble reading and understanding what they read.
I am asking each Executive department and agency, including regional and field offices, to cooperate with existing adult literacy programs by encouraging Federal employees to volunteer to serve in these programs. Volunteer services may range from tutoring to support activities such as providing clerical assistance or transportation. Participation by individual employees in this program is entirely voluntary, but I urge you to use appropriate volunteer recognition programs in your agencies to recognize outstanding literacy volunteers.
Please extend my personal thanks to those Federal employees who are already participating in FELT. I understand many of them find it one of the most rewarding things they have ever done.
Ronald Reagan, Memorandum on the Federal Employee Literacy Training Program Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project