Letter to the Speaker of the House Transmitting a Supplemental Estimate of Appropriation for the Veterans' Administration.
I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of Congress a supplemental estimate for the Veterans' Administration, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, in the nature of a proposed amendment of Public Resolution No. 35, entitled "Joint Resolution making an appropriation to provide transportation to their homes for veterans of the World War temporarily quartered in the District of Columbia," approved July 8, 1932.
Further details regarding this estimate and the necessity therefor, are set forth in the letters of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget and the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs transmitted herewith.
The White House,
July 13, 1932.
[The Speaker of the House of Representatives ]
Note: Legislation implementing the recommendation and extending the time limit for transportation loans from July 14 to July 24, 1932, was approved on July 15 (Public Res. 39, 47 Stat. 701).
Texts of the letters of the Director of the Budget and the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, dated July 12, 1932, follow:
I have the honor to submit herewith for your consideration a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Veterans' Administration in the nature of a proposed amendment of Public Resolution No. 35, entitled "Joint resolution making an appropriation to provide transportation to their homes for veterans of the World War temporarily quartered in the District of Columbia," approved July 8, 1932, which would make that resolution read as follows:
That to enable the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs upon the request of any honorably discharged veteran of the World War temporarily quartered in the District of Columbia who is desirous of returning to his home, to provide such veteran with transportation thereto prior to July 25, 1932, by railroad or such other means of transportation as the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs may approve, including allowance in advance for gas and oil for travel in privately owned automobile, together with travel subsistence at the rate of 75 cents per day, there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of $100,000 and in the event such amount is insufficient there is hereby appropriated out of the general post fund authorized by the act of July 1, 1902, and the act of June 25, 1910 (U.S.C., title 24, secs. 139 and 136), such amount as the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs may determine to be necessary: Provided, That where transportation is authorized by other than railroad the amount allowed for same shall not exceed the cost of railroad transportation: Provided further, That all amounts expended under this appropriation in behalf of any veteran shall constitute a loan without interest which if not repaid to the United States shall be deducted from any amount payable to such veteran on his adjusted-service certificate.
This proposed amendment is recommended by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs and his reasons therefor are set forth in his letter of July 12, 1932, which is transmitted herewith.
I recommend that this supplemental estimate be submitted to Congress.
Very respectfully,
Director of the Bureau of the Budget
[The President]
My Dear Colonel Roop:
I am attaching a proposed joint resolution which is to be considered by the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives to-morrow morning, looking to an extension of 10 days in the terms of Public Resolution No. 35, approved July 8, 1932, permitting the use of money appropriated and otherwise made available for granting allowance in advance for gas and oil for travel in privately owned automobile to the extent that travel would cost by railroad and making available over and above the $100,000 originally appropriated, to the extent necessary, funds in the general post fund authorized by the act of July 1, 1902, and the act of June 25, 1910.
The purpose of this joint resolution is to give greater effectiveness to the original resolution approved through extending the time of its operation and vesting certain discretion in its administration. The Veterans' Administration estimates that there are between 7,500 and 8,000 veterans temporarily residing in the District of Columbia and environs in connection with legislation relative to the cash payment of adjusted-service certificates. It is estimated on the basis of the present experience that the $100,000 originally appropriated would permit the transportation by railroad and the furnishing of necessary travel subsistence to approximately 6,500 men. Experience to 2 p.m., July 12, 1932, shows that 1,185 railroad transportation requests had been issued, that 1,031 veterans had actually departed by train, and that 42 veterans had actually departed by automobile. Over and above this, 12 women and 13 children have been sent with the veterans through the cooperation of the American Red Cross.
At the present rate of progress it is probable that by the expiration date of the present legislation, namely, midnight, July 14, 1932, a considerable number of veterans will continue to be temporarily in Washington. It is felt that with an extension of time for this resolution to operate, and having in mind the probable adjournment of Congress in the interim, a very considerable number of veterans will take advantage of the opportunity offered for transportation home. It is believed that the extension recommended is in the interest of the Government and will go far in solving the problem presented to the District of Columbia in the congregation of veterans in the several encampments.
So far as the post fund is concerned which it is proposed to authorize me as Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to utilize, you are advised that as of the present time this fund amounts to approximately $1,200,000, and if the estimates of the Veterans' Administration are reasonably correct, the money contemplated to be appropriated from the post fund will not run in excess of $25,000.
Very truly yours,
[Hon. J. Clawson Roop, Director of the Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D.C.]
Herbert Hoover, Letter to the Speaker of the House Transmitting a Supplemental Estimate of Appropriation for the Veterans' Administration. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/207187