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Letter to the Secretary of Defense on Benefits for Members of the Armed Forces

May 23, 1980

To Secretary Harold Brown

As you know from our previous discussions, I am committed to the principle that a career in the military should be at least as rewarding as a career elsewhere in our society. The Warner/Nunn amendment, which incorporates a number of the initiatives first proposed in our January budget, should be supported with the modifications you have indicated. We should also continue to seek enactment of the other legislative proposals we have submitted to the Congress.

In order to offset the many challenges and hardships of military duty, I would also like to make further improvements in the present health care program. For example, your suggestion of providing dental care for dependents seems to me a desirable step.

Finally, we should continue to press for Civil Service pay reform to allow us to reflect the differences between military and civilian government service in future pay decisions.



Note: The text of the letter was released at Norfolk, Va., on May 26.

Jimmy Carter, Letter to the Secretary of Defense on Benefits for Members of the Armed Forces Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/251395

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