My dear Miss Roche:
I deeply appreciate your invitation, and that of Surgeon General Parran, to address the opening session of the national conference on venereal disease control, and I wish it were possible for me to do so. Since I cannot attend in person, I am glad to convey to you, and through you to those in attendance at the meeting, this expression of my very deep interest in the success of your efforts.
The recent increase in public interest in the problem before the conference is extremely gratifying. With the assistance now being given by the Public Health Service through Social Security funds, it should be possible for State and local health authorities to develop needed facilities for the treatment and control of these diseases. It is my understanding that out of your deliberations there will come a statement of principles and methods which should be useful to every community in the country in applying most effectively the scientific knowledge which we have to minimize these serious hazards to the public health.
The Federal Government is deeply interested in conserving the resources of the country by all appropriate methods. The attainment of your objectives would do much to conserve our human resources and would reduce considerably the present large costs for the community care of the disastrous results of the venereal diseases. You have my best wishes for success.
Very sincerely yours,
Honorable Josephine Roche,
Assistant Secretary in Charge of Public Health,
Department of the Treasury,
Washington, D.C.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Letter to the National Conference on Venereal Disease Control. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project